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Everything posted by COB

  1. Probably better to have the chiefs win, takes our division opponent down, also I don’t think going into arrowhead with the chiefs coming off a loss and staring at 0-2 is the preferred configuration.
  2. Bizarre run by Likely there. Starting and stopping, faking guys out in a phone booth.
  3. Ravens just got royally screwed on a holding call. WWNFL strikes again!
  4. I need to see the unaffiliated neurotrauma consultant.
  5. Just in time for a million ads at halftime.
  6. I fell asleep. I’m awake again!
  7. Collinsworth shows up, I turned off my sound so I don’t know what he’s saying. Wait, I actually do know what he’s saying.
  8. Travis Kelce had a rough offseason, looks like he gained 15 lbs and lost 15 IQ points.
  9. I’ll try to watch this game, but I’m somewhat nauseous after watching the pregame which was a bunch of grown men slobbering all over Patrick Mahomes. If Mahomes doesn’t walk on water and cure cancer during this game, he’ll fail to live up to the expectations these announcers created.
  10. Supposedly Chase’s contract is signed and they’ll announce it today. Source - random guy on the internet who’s been right before. We’ll see how he plays. The guy is not Superman. Presumably he needs reps and practice to roll into the vaunted “football shape.”
  11. Chase not playing vs the Patriots.
  12. The sports world is changing. The gambling money, private equity, etc. Mike really never adapted to the state of affairs from which the NFL is now evolving. The Bengals are getting left further in the dust. Mike can cling to that revenue sharing clause all he wants, these other owners are innovating and developing work arounds that are giving their organizations more and more financial advantages. And no one recognizes this quite like agents do.
  13. You must be joking. There is no way Mike will sell part of the team. I think that’s why he voted no, doesn’t want the other owners getting a big cash infusion when he knows he won’t do it.
  14. I’m confident Rent Brown can play well, staying healthy will be the main thing with him. If he gets knocked, hopefully Mims can learn on the job. I’m just excited the season is finally here. If we can get out of the gate quickly for once, imagine what could happen week two in Arrowhead!
  15. I’m holding a serious grudge against our front office for letting Perine go to the Chiefs. I hated it when they did it and now as the days pass it’s only getting worse.
  16. Chase is in the locker room right now trying to eat 50 eggs.
  17. Ok will do. JK. My opinion: Mike looks at it this way. Get Chase this year super cheap, then pay him. Chase’s agent has little leverage other than a lackadaisical Chase lolling around at practice while his teammates extol his virtues to the press. He wants top guy money. I get it. But the Bengals are likely saying we need financial concession in exchange for, just out of the goodness of our hearts, quintupling your salary this year when we really don’t have to do anything. Chase’s agent is likely saying my guy is equal to this other guy, pay him like other guy just got paid. But Mike and Katie likely saying yes player is equal, but the contract situation other guy was in versus Chase’s contract situation, that part of the equation is very different. Presumably they then take their opinion of the value of just giving Chase an extra year of vet deal money and bake that into the offer. Chase’s agent presumably is very good at both denying reality and conjuring up a self serving interpretation of every situation. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men.
  18. The league owners just voted to allow private equity firms to buy into teams, up to 10% stake with no influence on decisions. The vote was nearly unanimous. The lone no vote? Our iconoclastic owner. Mike truly is one of a kind.
  19. My feelings exactly. It’s stale.
  20. Chase showed up late today for practice and in street clothes. Hopefully it means they’re about to sign something and his agent doesn’t want him to risk anything. If it’s just further hold out stuff it’s bullshit and I don’t like it. You’re either on the bus or you’re off the bus.
  21. Trey Hill gone. Matt Lee must be our backup center.
  22. Thank you for that information, Army. That’ll have a big influence on who we pursue.
  23. This is straight up bullshit - Nick Chubb is out for the first four weeks, but we don’t play the Browns until week 7. I’m pissed.
  24. I forgot that Housh vouched for this guy. Best to just disregard former players’ recommendations. Big Willie was fully boosting Jackson Carman.
  25. Seems like it might be garden variety diva entitlement behavior. He’s hugely talented so this may be the first time he’s been checked. How he reacts will tell the story.
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