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Green Voices Frustration


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First time, i've ever really heard him speak about it. He's just as frustrated as the fans were and have been.

He also speaks about being excited about getting everyone back to healthy again and looking to next year with him, Sanu, Jones, and Hawkins. They apparently are getting together to throw during the offseason down at Dalton's Dallas home as well. I like the sound of things with these guys and it really does make me wonder if they do anything at all with the WR position in either the draft or FA.

I'll hit parts of the whole article.

"It’s tough in a big game and you're the go-to guy and you don’t get the ball in the first half; it's all frustrating," Green said. "They had a game plan that had a matchup problem with (tight end) Jermaine (Gresham) and they felt like they could go to him. Things happen like that. All games aren't perfect. That's one thing we need to build on. We just need to capitalize. Not only getting me the ball, but just making some of the big plays."

"I was a little upset not getting the ball in the first half of a big game," he said. "If you win, you move on. Lose you go home and not being involved in the first half was frustrating. I'm the go-to guy and I want to be out there trying to make plays."

“It’s more disappointing because we had the team and we could have won that game if we put the plays together," Green said of the memory. "Last year no one expected us to make the playoffs. We knew with that game we played one of our worst games. It’s disappointing."

"I feel like Mo was coming into his own the last couple of games. Just having Marvin come back, and he was battling a knee injury, so he probably wasn't 100 percent," Green said. "But Mo was a key loss. It hurt us a little bit. You put Mo anywhere and he can make plays. But that's the game of football. He'll be ready next year and with Marv coming into his own at the end of the season with (slot receiver Andrew Hawkins) and all us coming back next year, it's going to be exciting."

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Can't disagree and also won't slag him for voicing his concern. I do like his overall attitude about getting better, learning and moving on. Guy is a pro.

I'm finding myself wavering again on Dalton. I have DVR'd a whole bunch of games and have been watching some. His reads are still not so good, missing open guys, and also took WAY to many sacks. No one says he should be RGIII or Kaepernick but it would not hurt to have some mixed formations that throw off the D's. Pistol sets with Sanu/Peerman(or other RB), or maybe bettr use of the bubble screen.

I guess my problem is the limitations of what occurs on the field keeps coming back to Dalton. He's not "terrible" a la Mark Sanchez, but his inconsistency really needs to get sorted. Getting a flash RB will help, as will all WR healthy but his play can't be overlooked.

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No problem here with Green's comments, either. Good to hear he will be working with Andy in the off-off-season too.

Regarding Dalton, 2013 is obviously a make-or-break year for him. What I keep coming back to is that everything people are complaining about is what Dalton was specifically being coached to do.

After 2011, our coaching staff thought he was too quick to run and too quick to throw the ball away if there was pressure. They told him to stay in the pocket and hold onto the ball. Of course his sacks went up and he suddenly looks like a guy with no pocket presence.

Then during the 2012 season they tried to boost the offense by simplifying, which they did by having Dalton basically quit making post snap reads. He is supposed to just run the play called come hell or high water, so of course he is locking on to one guy and missing others.

I wish our coaches would quit this crap and just let the guy play. He looked a lot better in 2011 before they started trying to improve him.

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Absolutely no problem with his comments. He gave them in a professional manner and still was upbeat going forward.

Nice to have a pro on the team capable of stepping into the role of spokesperson without being a bitch about it.

Dalton ?? Yeah, I have my concerns, but agree with the organization just letting him go. His locking onto WR's was ridiculous and made it easy on defenses. Funny how with all that, he still had a good "statisical" season. I really want to see them get Dalton a RB early. Stop waiting and trying to get someone "pretty good" hoping they overachieve. Go get him Bernard at the top of the 2nd and move on.

I looked a little more at the WR corps and with them adding Sanzenbacher and still having Whalen, I can't really see them adding another one THIS year. Green, Jones, Sanu, Hawkins. Only one more active spot open after those guys.

I wouldn't mind they take a risk on a guy like Da'Rick Rogers in the 4th, but I don't think they will.

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Sad. Our offensive coordinator game planned a playoff game around Jermain Gresham. Meanwhile consumate gamer AJ Green runs around as a decoy. Gresham is the opposite of a gamer. He's a combine marvel who doesn't really like to play hard football.

I've probably stated my opinion enough in here, but I'll say it once again. I don't think Andy is good enough. In fact, he's the exact thing you don't want. He's good enough to lull you into complacency, then when you really need him, like in a playoff game, he's just not accurate or strong armed enough. You'd almost rather have a guy who completely sucked, then at least you'd know for sure what to do. Andy is too good, and not good enough, at the same time.

Geno Smith, though he'll probably go before we even pick in the first.

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Yeah he said "coached" things without creating controversy, just echo'd what all the talk shows were saying. Dalton and Gruden should be carrying his luggage.

That Luck-to-AJ pass in the PB almost made me weep for what could be.

And yes I would've rather had Palmer this year, he doesn't miss that pass to AJ in the end zone vs Houston, and would be slightly more productive over-all still.

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Yeah he said "coached" things without creating controversy, just echo'd what all the talk shows were saying. Dalton and Gruden should be carrying his luggage.

That Luck-to-AJ pass in the PB almost made me weep for what could be.

And yes I would've rather had Palmer this year, he doesn't miss that pass to AJ in the end zone vs Houston, and would be slightly more productive over-all still.

Whoa, hold your horses. Palmer was a better QB in 2005 than Dalton is now, but there is no way I would want Mr. pick six back as the starting QB. Dalton has more leadership ability in his pinky toe than Palmer has in total. Dalton has put up two of the top 15 best stat years any Bengals QB has ever had, in his first two seasons. This all occurred with at least 4 different number 2 WR's, this season and with the very inconsitent Simpson last year as #2. Dalton will become a better QB, when the team puts a solid #2 WR and a breakaway style RB on the field with him, along with an improved center/guard position on the line the O is set for a monster year if healthy.

Oh by the way, as Army would say Fu€* Palmer!

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Yeah he said "coached" things without creating controversy, just echo'd what all the talk shows were saying. Dalton and Gruden should be carrying his luggage.

That Luck-to-AJ pass in the PB almost made me weep for what could be.

And yes I would've rather had Palmer this year, he doesn't miss that pass to AJ in the end zone vs Houston, and would be slightly more productive over-all still.

Whoa, hold your horses. Palmer was a better QB in 2005 than Dalton is now, but there is no way I would want Mr. pick six back as the starting QB. Dalton has more leadership ability in his pinky toe than Palmer has in total. Dalton has put up two of the top 15 best stat years any Bengals QB has ever had, in his first two seasons. This all occurred with at least 4 different number 2 WR's, this season and with the very inconsitent Simpson last year as #2. Dalton will become a better QB, when the team puts a solid #2 WR and a breakaway style RB on the field with him, along with an improved center/guard position on the line the O is set for a monster year if healthy.

Oh by the way, as Army would say Fu€* Palmer!

I am not a dalton hater by any stretch, but this post actually tells you the problem with him. Yes he could be a good qb with a probowl wr, a good #2, good slot wr, talented te, top level rb, and an ol that has top 10 players all along it. The fact that this year he had Green(one of the best in the game), Hawkins who most teams would love as a slot, Gresham who though inconsistent put up some numbers, JGE had 1000+ and played strong in the second half, probowl lt, andre smith who graded out as pff best rt and Dalton did not get it done consistently. I do think he still has a little room to grow, but as I said on the day he was drafted. Dalton's ceiling is Chad Pennington and that is why he was there in the second round. You can win with Chad Pennington but you need to heavily invest in those around him.

As for what Green says, as long as this doesn't become pattern I have no problem with him stating the obvious. Still like to keep this in house but if this is our biggest problem with Green it is great.

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People like to mention that Kaepernick was drafted a spot after Dalton and he has his team in the Super Bowl.

While I like Kaepernick and wouldn't mind seeing him win a ring so young, people can't compare what he has to work with what Dalton has to work with and simply come up with the solution of him being a better QB. Mention all you like that we have Green and an underrated Hawkins, but look at the 49er's WR corps. Mention all you like that we have Whit and Big Dre, but look at the 49er's o-line. Mention all you like that we had another 1000 yard rusher in BJGE, but look at the 49er's RB corps. Mention all you like that our defense is one of the better in the league, but you have the 49er's with a strong claim there as well.

Differences ?? Yeah, they are vast.

Not to mention Kaepernick had the benefit of sitting for a year and inheriting a team that made it deep in the playoffs the season before.

Soultion ?? Build around Dalton and see what happens.

Is that so much to ask ??

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First off, it’s not our players’(well most of them), it’s the coaching and their schemes. There were games when we looked great and there were game to where we looked like we didn’t even practice or prepare! In that playoff game, we didn’t throw to AJ or Hawkins at all in the first half. The run game was actually working and getting positive yardage but we went away from it. My wife is just baffled watching me watch a Bengal game because I sit on the couch and call just about every play that’s ran. She’s like, how do you do that? Well, I’m no genius; they run the same crap every game.

I’ve said it a thousand of times and I’ll say it again. I have no idea why Tate was on the team. He couldn’t catch, fumbled on returns and made horrible decision when receiving the kick-offs and punts. That’s a coaching issue!!

The Law Firm sucked at the beginning of the season. He had never fumbled in his career but then started dropping the rock when he played for us! How could that be? He finished the season strong but he is not the answer for our running game.

It’s funny how Chad Johnson was our number 1 WR for years but then goes to an elite Patriot team and can’t even grasp the playbook. That says something about our coaching staff and their preparation and schemes.

Whitworth is a good player but somehow gets at least one penalty a game. Most of the time it hits us at the worst moment which cause us to punt the ball. How is that? Lack of focus, discipline, coaching, etc.?

Time management has been horrible for years. We can have a good lead at the end of the half or game and then we go three and out (basically give up), give the ball to the other team so they can drive down and score on us. Most of the time it was to take the lead away from us or win the game. Coaching scheme and decision on going to prevent.

So I don’t think it’s a player issue, it’s a coaching issue. I remember a game when Benson came off the field and Coach Lewis appeared to go and address his lack of performance. Benson just turned his head and walked away. If I had done that as a Soldier, I wouldn’t be collecting a military retirement today. There is no discipline, no respect, no values, etc. installed by these coaches. I bring this up because it happens year after year.

But then it could be worse, we could have Rex Ryan as our coach!! Or we could have Shannon who leaves his best asset in the game hurt; which ends up having surgery in the off season.

So, here we are, saying to ourselves, there’s always next year, once again!!

I'd like the Bengal organzation to allow a few of us Former military come in and help install some ethics, compassion, heart, discipline, etc to the team. Hell, I'd do it for free.

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I'd like the Bengal organzation to allow a few of us Former military come in and help install some ethics, compassion, heart, discipline, etc to the team. Hell, I'd do it for free.

I don't think the players would go for the whole getting up at 4 AM and running 3 miles thing. I feel you though.

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No QB succeeds without being surrounded by talent. As exhibit A, look at Toothlessberger. Much as I dislike him, I have to admit he's a good, maybe elite, QB. But the Steelers didn't even make the playoffs this year because he was surrounded by crap. We saw that with Palmer, too, after Chad imploded and Housh left. Heck, if you watched any Raiders game last season you saw it with Palmer there. He had no supporting cast at all.

As for the talent around Dalton, it's there in spots (like the tackles) but outside of Green he has little to work with. BJGE is the second coming of Rudi Johnson: a solid plugger but not a back who scares anyone. Gresham drops too many balls. The jury remain out on Sanu and Jones, and Andrew Hawkins may be the most overrated player on the team.

I mean, really. Remember last summer when they were pimping Armon freakin Binns as the No. 2 guy? I think he's in Miami now.

Given the incredible amount of turnover, inexperience and (in some cases) flat-out lack of talent he's been forced to work with, it's frankly astonishing that Dalton has had the kind of success he has.

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Hoosiercat, I have to disagree with you. Hawkins is a kick a$$ player. He catches the ball and gets yardage for us!! That's more than Tate does. That's more than Simpson did for us s well. @ Billy, Those player better than their lucky stars we aren't out there training them! They would hate low crawling or crab walking down the field. Could you imagine a player at Parade Rest on the side side line, receiviing direction from a coach? Huah!!

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Hoosiercat, I have to disagree with you. Hawkins is a kick a$$ player.

Hawkins has some value but he's not a No. 2 or, IMO, a 3. He's the ideal guy to run screens with except that our o-line can't execute a screen to save its life. I would love to see him in a return role. That's where I think he could really excel.

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I like Hawkins, I just think they don't use him but for one play a game and everyone knows when it's coming.

Well, maybe two plays, but I wouldn't go much further than that.

Either way, I hope to see more sets comprising of Green, Sanu, and Jones.

No, I don't think they bring in a vet WR as much as I may want.

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No QB succeeds without being surrounded by talent.

For sure, just ask Joe Flacco ..... is he the best QB around, hello no, has he just won a SB ring ......yes.

If Flacco can can take a team to the big game and win it then believe Dalton can do exactly the same.

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Flacco has all the abilites in the world and while inconsistent at times, has been more than solid.

Hasn't he been to the playoffs every season he's been the QB ??

Dalton has as well and if it takes Dalton 5 years to win a Super Bowl, I don't think anyone would complain.

Again, I have my concerns, but will wait to see what they do around Dalton.

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Flacco's pretty damn good. He makes big throws.

Yup, Flacco definitely stepped up his game this season. He earned ever dime of the mega-deal he's going to get now.

That said, he had a lot of help yesterday from Boldin, Smith and Jacoby Jones, who made some great catches and moves to help make Flacco look awesome.

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