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Andre Smith's (on-field) fate decided

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It may not be permanent they could be putting him on the right as leverage if he does hold out...hopefully it sticks though I'd prefer to see him stay on the right where he'll get most use out of his run blocking skills.

We need to keep Smith at LT. The guy was chosen because he was one of the best if not the best LT in the draft, and you switch him to RT. I just don't see it. Like trying to switch a DE (Orakpo, Pollack) to a OLB. A 4-3 end would be a decent 3-4 OLB, but i could never understand why they think a 4-3 DE can play a 4-3 OLB position. If he was good at it he would have played it in college is all i'm saying.

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We need to keep Smith at LT. The guy was chosen because he was one of the best if not the best LT in the draft, and you switch him to RT. I just don't see it.

LT is a very tough position to play, since you are usually lined up against the league's best pass-rushers, and usually are expected to block them one-on-one. As big and strong as Smith is, I can definately see him having problems with the faster DE's. As a rookie, and at RT he could get some help from a TE, if needed, and more importantly, we wouldnt leave a rookie with zero NFL experience to protect Carson's Blind-Side. I think the best thing to do, would be to get Smith immediate playing time at RT, then ease him into the LT position. Basically, what the Bengals are doing now.

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Moving a star player from his proven position doesn't play well with the odds of success. Keep him where he does best.

It's not like he's going from Defensive End to linebacker he's moving from blindside to the right..

We need to keep Smith at LT. The guy was chosen because he was one of the best if not the best LT in the draft,

He was considered the best tackle in the draft not really the best left which could be argued the other tackles were overall better pass protectors, but he was by far the most dominate run blocker hence why his talents match up well for the right side.

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Why is the line of thought that moving Collins from LT to RT is just to difficult of a process, but moving Smith from LT to RT is going to go over with little thought ?? While I believe Smith is a far superior player to Collins and the learning curve should be less, it's still a new position for both players. Why not just leave well enough alone and leave Whit at guard, the superior player in Smith at LT, and the lesser of the two in Collins at RT ??

Now we are going to have a new LT, LG, Center, and RT. Aren't we suppose to be building continuity ?? Then again, that just seems logical, so I must be wrong...

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Moving a star player from his proven position doesn't play well with the odds of success. Keep him where he does best.

It's not like he's going from Defensive End to linebacker he's moving from blindside to the right..

So you're okay with moving a man who has spent years protecting his QB's blindside, to the other side of the line where he won't. This move isn't as simple as you make it seem Kaz. There are major implications involved. Mostly the one where Carson ends up bloodied/battered/injured again because nobody adequately has his back.

Between you and me bro, I want the baddest motherf**ker available doing this job, and anyone less than Andre ain't it. I want to see Carson walking off the field in a clean jersey with a smile on his face.

I've seen what not protecting him brings. 200808232010726258241-pf.hmedium.jpg

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Moving a star player from his proven position doesn't play well with the odds of success. Keep him where he does best.

It's not like he's going from Defensive End to linebacker he's moving from blindside to the right..

So you're okay with moving a man who has spent years protecting his QB's blindside, to the other side of the line where he won't. This move isn't as simple as you make it seem Kaz. There are major implications involved. Mostly the one where Carson ends up bloodied/battered/injured again because nobody adequately has his back.

Between you and me bro, I want the baddest motherf**ker available doing this job, and anyone less than Andre ain't it. I want to see Carson walking off the field in a clean jersey with a smile on his face.

I've seen what not protecting him brings. 200808232010726258241-pf.hmedium.jpg

Agreed, he was proven at protecting the back door. Don't expect him to protect the front just as good just cause its a door.

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Moving a star player from his proven position doesn't play well with the odds of success. Keep him where he does best.

It's not like he's going from Defensive End to linebacker he's moving from blindside to the right..

So you're okay with moving a man who has spent years protecting his QB's blindside, to the other side of the line where he won't. This move isn't as simple as you make it seem Kaz. There are major implications involved. Mostly the one where Carson ends up bloodied/battered/injured again because nobody adequately has his back.

Between you and me bro, I want the baddest motherf**ker available doing this job, and anyone less than Andre ain't it. I want to see Carson walking off the field in a clean jersey with a smile on his face.

I've seen what not protecting him brings. 200808232010726258241-pf.hmedium.jpg

Well it seems that they feel Whitworth & Andre are the best tackles on this team and in effort of protecting him going to play them at those positions,Whit has never played Right Andre has never played right someone who has never played right so a player more then likely who has never played RT will be this year. "shrug"

PS,If Andre Smith is leaps and bounds better at passprotecting then whit by all means put him at LT,Aslong as hes being used best way possible may it be on the right helping the run game or protecting carsons blind side I'm good.

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I agree with Marvin on this one.. I don't like moving players from the position they've played in college but this is O-Line, it's not DE to LB like someone else mentioned..

Whit and Andre are the best two tackles we have. I love Whitworth at LT, he's proven. He's a stud. I'm not so sure Andre is the better tackle. It really doesn't come down to who is better than the other, they are both very talented.. This will be a lock for two very important positions for a loooong time.

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Between you and me bro, I want the baddest motherf**ker available doing this job, and anyone less than Andre ain't it. I want to see Carson walking off the field in a clean jersey with a smile on his face.

Agreed - and for that exact reason, I want Smith on the right, at least for this year. Why? Because with him picking Keels as his agent (it seems), he'll probably miss a whole bunch of camp. I really don't want a rookie who misses camp opening as Carson's blind side protector, because that means Bad Things.

It just seems suspicious to me that he gets reps at RT right when rumors abound that he's picked Keels. This could mean that Marvin's resigned to not having the guy for much of camp, and not being comfortable with him at LT in that situation.

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Between you and me bro, I want the baddest motherf**ker available doing this job, and anyone less than Andre ain't it. I want to see Carson walking off the field in a clean jersey with a smile on his face.

Agreed - and for that exact reason, I want Smith on the right, at least for this year. Why? Because with him picking Keels as his agent (it seems), he'll probably miss a whole bunch of camp. I really don't want a rookie who misses camp opening as Carson's blind side protector, because that means Bad Things.

It just seems suspicious to me that he gets reps at RT right when rumors abound that he's picked Keels. This could mean that Marvin's resigned to not having the guy for much of camp, and not being comfortable with him at LT in that situation.

I'm on that train of thought, too. One has to wonder, and we'll never know, if this decision would have been made this early if Smith stayed with Priority Sports.

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I'm not even that concerned with which tackle plays where. Injuries could land either one at either spot. I'm just glad to see them make a plan, then take steps to implement that plan.

That's how you succeed at anything. f**king do something, even if it's wrong. Last year during camp it was everyone plays everywhere, try the jurassic thing, try this, try that. Look where that got us.

A little decisiveness from the Bengals, I like it.

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Willie Anderson was a rock for us at RT if Andre can do the same I am all for it.

I'd be willing to say that Andre is even more naturally gifted at run blocking than Willie was. We'll see how he does in pass coverage... but I'll just about guarantee that the running game improves this season.

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Willie Anderson was a rock for us at RT if Andre can do the same I am all for it.

I'd be willing to say that Andre is even more naturally gifted at run blocking than Willie was. We'll see how he does in pass coverage... but I'll just about guarantee that the running game improves this season.

Ya really like how Oline is looking when comes to run blocking ^_^.

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Willie Anderson was a rock for us at RT if Andre can do the same I am all for it.

I'd be willing to say that Andre is even more naturally gifted at run blocking than Willie was. We'll see how he does in pass coverage... but I'll just about guarantee that the running game improves this season.

I would really hate to see Andre in pass coverage.

I mean REALLY.

This isn't another "move Tab Perry to strong safety" kinda thread, is it?

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Willie Anderson was a rock for us at RT if Andre can do the same I am all for it.

I'd be willing to say that Andre is even more naturally gifted at run blocking than Willie was. We'll see how he does in pass coverage... but I'll just about guarantee that the running game improves this season.

I would really hate to see Andre in pass coverage.

I mean REALLY.

This isn't another "move Tab Perry to strong safety" kinda thread, is it?

Yeah, yeah. You got me.

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I don't understand the concern. I've always viewed Andre Smith as a RT and it seems Marvin agrees. So yeah, make the move in May and be done with the question for YEARS....if not a decade or more. Besides, any other option taken would have resulted in a player being forced to switch from the left side to the right, Whitworth or Collins most likely, thereby negating the rant about how tough the transition might be.

Simply put, my biggest concern in regards to drafting Andre Smith was based upon the team focusing upon his draft position and the size of his paycheck to determine where he plays. That won't happen now. Instead, the Bengals will immediately fill their biggest hole with a better ORT prospect than Willie Anderson ever was.

That's a freaking no-brainer.

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I don't understand the concern. I've always viewed Andre Smith as a RT and it seems Marvin agrees. So yeah, make the move in May and be done with the question for YEARS....if not a decade or more. Besides, any other option taken would have resulted in a player being forced to switch from the left side to the right, Whitworth or Collins most likely, thereby negating the rant about how tough the transition might be.

Simply put, my biggest concern in regards to drafting Andre Smith was based upon the team focusing upon his draft position and the size of his paycheck to determine where he plays. That won't happen now. Instead, the Bengals will immediately fill their biggest hole with a better ORT prospect than Willie Anderson ever was.

That's a freaking no-brainer.

Yeah. But if they had announced immediately that they planned to use him as a RT, the fans would have erupted about the prospect of using a #6 overall pick on a RT.

Frankly, I'm surprised Marvin has said as much as he has... suggesting that Andre may be a RT for his entire stay here under Marvin. I'm fine with it. Others aren't. What else is new?

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Yeah. But if they had announced immediately that they planned to use him as a RT, the fans would have erupted about the prospect of using a #6 overall pick on a RT.

Let 'em erupt. It's an outdated argument that no longer means nearly as much as it once did. ORT's get franchise tagged now, OG's can and frequently do command OT money, and even the lowly OC position now commands huge dollars on the FA market. So play the guy wherever you think he fits best from day one and let the media hacks and hand wringing fans yammer on about whether Smith at ORT is a possible sign of something troubling....because all I see is a huge hole filled better than anyone could have imagined prior to the combine.

Frankly, I'm surprised Marvin has said as much as he has... suggesting that Andre may be a RT for his entire stay here under Marvin.

I'd say he did more than suggesting what's to come. He laid it out plain.

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And I would not have understood the eruption over "you-can't-take-a-RT" there. The conventional wisdom that has slotted LT as the be all end all on the line is one I reject. You need both tackles to protect. You need both tackles to run block. Smith, with his size and road grader blocking, removes RT from being a worry for at least 12 years.

I also think it a no-brainer. And am gad they are committing to it early.

ETA: damn. what HoF said. 100%.

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Whit at LT is fine with me. The reshuffling of the line means he'll get help from the LG if needed. I hope so anyway, I mean this is assuming that whoever lines up at C isn't as flat out s**t as Guy-check and therefore won't need the guards to try and help him out every snap.

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I will agree with the thought of doing whatever it is they plan on doing NOW and not later on. It's nice to see the team make a decision about this early on and start practicing that way from the start to get everyone comfortable with their assignments and the play calling. Overall, I guess I'm really not worried in general, it's just all the movement on the o-line that creates the concern. Stability is just more comforting for fans and maybe next year this won't be the conversation it is this year.

Then again, I can now see Guard as a draft need for next year.

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