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Maybe some hope for next season


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Despite numerous injuries, Bengals still have hope for defense

As bad as things are in Cincinnati, Zimmer doesn't think there needs to be many radical changes, at least defensively. If players like Rivers and Joseph come back healthy next season and a few spots are upgraded, the Bengals may have a defense that could be mentioned with some of their AFC North counterparts.

"Just a few more pieces," Zimmer said. "If we can stay healthy and keep the same attitude we have now, we should be able to get this together pretty quickly."

Zimmer, being Zimmer, was dead serious when he said that.

I know this season was almost shot before it even started, but maybe a glimmer of optimism for next year.

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I here that, but what really sucks is they are going to have to spend alot more money on offense so that leaves the defense out. They need more playermakers on that side of the ball especially on the D-Line but i dont see much coming next season, with how bad the offense is, and how much they need on that side of the ball. Its a shame the defense took this long to play pretty good, to bad the offense sucks and has the defense go back on the field so quick.

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do you not realize that there is no hope unless things change in the front office? it all starts at the top.

Unless Mike Brown, Katie and Troy Blackburn, Pete Brown all get together for a fun family massive stroke party, there will be no change. <_<

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I don't see any way they can turn over that o-line in one offeason, to even get back to the mediocrity zone.

They need 3 new o-lineman, starters. They can "get by" with Williams and Whit, but desperately need upgrades at T, G and C. And they need a new offensive coaching staff top to bottom. I don't know how they do all that and upgrade the defense in one off-season...I don't know that they are competent enough to do that.

The Bengals' under Marvin have relied on day 2 draft picks much too heavily. I suppose that's a result of piss poor personnel management and scouting.

They are stuck with bad contract's like Peko's and Odom. I don't see the talent on this defense, not at safety (no cover safety on this team - White is a nice 3rd option on most teams) not at DT, no stud DE, a weak LB corps top to bottom outside of Rivers, under-achieving 1st CB's, no nickel CB to speak of, etc...,

Hall and JJ will be fine, they just don't have any protection behind them or in front of them, but the CB depth is terrible on this team, a Mike Brown trait (pay one guy and rely on scraps for depth). They need 2 LB's, a big DT, an upgrade at DE to rotate with Odom/Geathers, a cover safety, and another talented CB before they are playoff capable consistently.

This team, despite the injuries of late, are 1-11-1 for a reason - no talent. One of the worst, if not thee worst, Bengal's teams ever. And that's saying something.


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I don't see any way they can turn over that o-line in one offeason, to even get back to the mediocrity zone.

They need 3 new o-lineman, starters. They can "get by" with Williams and Whit, but desperately need upgrades at T, G and C. And they need a new offensive coaching staff top to bottom. I don't know how they do all that and upgrade the defense in one off-season...I don't know that they are competent enough to do that.

The Bengals' under Marvin have relied on day 2 draft picks much too heavily. I suppose that's a result of piss poor personnel management and scouting.

They are stuck with bad contract's like Peko's and Odom. I don't see the talent on this defense, not at safety (no cover safety on this team - White is a nice 3rd option on most teams) not at DT, no stud DE, a weak LB corps top to bottom outside of Rivers, under-achieving 1st CB's, no nickel CB to speak of, etc...,

Hall and JJ will be fine, they just don't have any protection behind them or in front of them, but the CB depth is terrible on this team, a Mike Brown trait (pay one guy and rely on scraps for depth). They need 2 LB's, a big DT, an upgrade at DE to rotate with Odom/Geathers, a cover safety, and another talented CB before they are playoff capable consistently.

This team, despite the injuries of late, are 1-11-1 for a reason - no talent. One of the worst, if not thee worst, Bengal's teams ever. And that's saying something.


Zimmer I respect, the only coach on that team worth it. They do need help on the Dline. They need a mike that can hit, kind of like Odell. Secondary is pathetic especially Jonathan "Glass" Joesph. Besides the fact he's a lazy CB, he can't stay on the field.

Marvin has relied on 2ed day picks for one obvious reason: his first day picks don't play/ Injury, lack of talent, don't re-sign. Whatever. Draft day 1 has been a disaster for the Bengals and is a big reason they suck this year. Ask one thing. Since Marvin Lewis arrived how many of his picks go to the Pro Bowl? Carson Palmer and who else?

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What does it say about Jerome Simpson that he can't sniff the field as a second round draft pick? I think at least Shirley got some playing time...In fact I think Sims and Shirley were both in at the same time at one point. Yes, the Bengals are doomed...and don't call me Shirley!


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do you not realize that there is no hope unless things change in the front office? it all starts at the top.

Unless Mike Brown, Katie and Troy Blackburn, Pete Brown all get together for a fun family massive stroke party, there will be no change. <_<

Meteor strike on their family gathering at Christmas?

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If the O-line is not addresed properly we are going to be in the same boat, maybe a bit more competitive with CPalmer in there not making some of the RFitzpatrick mistakes and maybe with an improving D who still gets no pass rush, maybe we win 3-4 games next year...I think that there are too many holes on this team to be fixed in 1 offseason...I don't see us being one of those worst to first stories next year...

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do you not realize that there is no hope unless things change in the front office? it all starts at the top.

Unless Mike Brown, Katie and Troy Blackburn, Pete Brown all get together for a fun family massive stroke party, there will be no change. <_<

Meteor strike on their family gathering at Christmas?

One problem with that...Scrooge doesn't celebrate Christmas.

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