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Can we put this in e-mail format & flood the Bungles front office personnel????

While we're at it, how about the Hamilton County Commissioners? Mayor Mallory?

Roger Good-all and all the clowns at the NFL headquarters??? :beatdeadhorse:

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I agree someone in the front office needs to see this, and know this is what the fans have been dealing with for so long...man i guess thats why so many fans leave or wanna leave. How pathetic of an organization is, and like i said before this team has way to much drama players and not enough players that have the heart to play this game.

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Can we put this in e-mail format & flood the Bungles front office personnel????

While we're at it, how about the Hamilton County Commissioners? Mayor Mallory?

Roger Good-all and all the clowns at the NFL headquarters??? :beatdeadhorse:

Great idea! :sure:

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Alright, boys and girls. Let's get those emails flowing. Based on the format, anyone want to email Mike.Brown@bengals.nfl.net? I'll give it a go and let you know if it comes back bad. How about Marvin.Lewis@bengals.nfl.net?

Mikey's and Marvin's haven't come back bad, so fire away!!

Happy hunting. Anyone have any other good emails, like Roger Goodell, someone at S.I., whatever, let's hear it.

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Im in. I'll send them and email here shortly.

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Good luck with the emails guys. Not sure Marvin needs to see them. He knows his place in the Franchise and has obviously accepted it. As for Mikey, only when he dies will the reigns be handed over. Who gets them then? Katie. Big f**king LOL on that one then.

Hey ho, maybe we'll have another perfect storm in ten yrs time and we'll make the playoffs.

At least, for now, he isn't trying to move the Bengals. Something that Bills fans would appreciate.

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what city would want brown, anyway? memphis? call 'em the mudheads. squishy between the toes... just ask anyone who's ever ran over one of 'em. or send 'em to salt lake city... gotta be some good jokes there with salty balls, no?

did i miss it, or did they not mention jeff blake? he was in from, what, '95-'99? true 'nuff, the bengals suck, but in all fairness you should mention the bright spots, because that only makes it even worse. with pickens and scott (?), that was a great combination. problem wasn't they couldn't get to the red zone, it was getting the TD with those guys. plus, blake was a prima donna, imo, who would rather run the ball for the glory rather than score by any other means. you just *knew* blake was gonna run it in himself inside the five. in '97, they had corey dillon (till '02?), and they *still* sucked.

basically, the bengals can have amazingly prolific passing and rushing talent and still lose. and you can ask yourself how the HELL does that happen? through all the coaches and players, they've always found a way to lose, and that philosophy can only be instilled by MB. so my question is, how can MB instill the will to lose like he does? i don't get it. how does one go about accomplishing that?

great video, by the way.

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