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Chad: 'Hurtful year'


December 26, 2007

"I'm coming Home to Exhale."

Chad Johnson calls this a "very hurtful year," for himself, but his first game in Miami since the 1996 Miami Beach High finale could be where he ends his celebration ban if he gets into the end zone.

But he wouldn't give the Miami media any more hints in Wednesday's conference call.

"I wish our situation was better and we were in the playoffs. But it's not," Johnson said. "So why not come home and entertain the home (folks)?...When you exhale, you let it all out."

And Johnson let some of it all out for his hometown media. He didn't say he wants out of Bengaldom, which is the opinion of some media people in Cincinnati, but he allowed he's "fed up,' with the same results.

"Every year I sit back and say, 'Maybe next year,' but as time continues to tick on and as I get older, I don't always have that next year. I need to win now," Johnson said. "I've broken a lot of records here. I've got the yards. I've been to the Pro Bowl. And I'm kind of fed up. It's the same thing every year. I want to go to the playoffs. I want to see how it feels to win consistently. It's something I've been yearning for."

Johnson, who hasn't talked to the local media in 65 days, says the passion he plays with has been turned back on him as criticism because the Bengals are losing.

"Now I'm the bad guy because I want to win so badly," Johnson said. "So I'm the reason why we're losing. It's been a very hurtful year for me because all I want to do is win. People have taken the way I play the game and approach the game as a negative and try to twist while we're not being successful."

Johnson pointed to last week's clash of Chargers between LaDainian Tomlinson and Philip Rivers.

"They say, Those are two players trying to correct the play.' Then when Carson (Palmer) and I do it, we're fussing at each other," Johnson said. "What makes those two any different than us? It's the same situation. But because we're losing, they turn it into a negative."

Even though he's got a contract through 2011, Johnson was asked what the future holds for next year and beyond and if he could ever see himself playing for the Dolphins.

"Hey, that would be cool. Where's (Bill) Parcells at?" Johnson joked. "I'm not sure what the future holds."


Are you kidding me? How about you make the crucial catch when your team needs you to Chad? How about not throw hissy fits on the sideline when you don't get the pass you wanted?

I hate to say it, but this sounds a lot like another guy we all used to know by the name of Leon.


Can you imagine how draining it must be dealing with a primadonna like Chad every day of the week?

Random thoughts...

One thing is becoming more and more clear. Chad apparently thinks there wouldn't be as much criticism directed his way, or any at all, if he and Palmer hadn't exchanged words on the sideline of the Patriot game. Personally, I think that flareup was much ado about nothing, and almost never mention it when directing broadsides at Chadwick. I mean c'mon, why bother? There's been too many other things to criticize about his play that are far more important.

Then again, I'm sure Chad would rather talk about common sideline disagreements than dropped passes, blown scoring opportunities, and endless pouting.

I find it interesting how Marvin Lewis has repeatedly refused to say that criticism of Chad was unfounded. Instead, he limits his responses to..."that's all in the past."

No, it isn't. In fact, with the offseason rapidly approaching I'd say it's about to find a second wind.

Also of interest were Carson Palmer's admission that Chad doesn't run routes as well as once believed. To be fair, Palmer was quick to deliver a backhanded compliment about how much he loves Chads speed.

Apparently nobody can run to the wrong spot faster than Chad, right Carson?

Finally, I'm not sure how to respond to Chad's claim that he's "fed up". I still have hope that after the season ends he'll review his play, take responsibility for his poor play & lack of maturity, and then do everything possible to correct his now glaring shortcomings.

But predictably, that hardly seems likely considering his latest remarks.

Can you imagine how draining it must be dealing with a primadonna like Chad every day of the week?

Random thoughts...

One thing is becoming more and more clear. Chad apparently thinks there wouldn't be as much criticism directed his way, or any at all, if he and Palmer hadn't exchanged words on the sideline of the Patriot game. Personally, I think that flareup was much ado about nothing, and almost never mention it when directing broadsides at Chadwick. I mean c'mon, why bother? There's been too many other things to criticize about his play that are far more important.

Then again, I'm sure Chad would rather talk about common sideline disagreements than dropped passes, blown scoring opportunities, and endless pouting.

I find it interesting how Marvin Lewis has repeatedly refused to say that criticism of Chad was unfounded. Instead, he limits his responses to..."that's all in the past."

No, it isn't. In fact, with the offseason rapidly approaching I'd say it's about to find a second wind.

Also of interest were Carson Palmer's admission that Chad doesn't run routes as well as once believed. To be fair, Palmer was quick to deliver a backhanded compliment about how much he loves Chads speed.

Apparently nobody can run to the wrong spot faster than Chad, right Carson?

Finally, I'm not sure how to respond to Chad's claim that he's "fed up". I still have hope that after the season ends he'll review his play, take responsibility for his poor play & lack of maturity, and then do everything possible to correct his now glaring shortcomings.

But predictably, that hardly seems likely considering his latest remarks.

Don't rule out retirement.


*chuckle* Playing for the Phins. What about

I don't always have that next year. I need to win now

I dunno. Something for the meeja to print for a few weeks I guess. ZZzz


His comments about wanting to win consistently are fine with me. More players need to speak up and say things like that (TJ's the only other one man enough to apparently). But yeah his only example of "people twisting the way he plays the game into negatives" as the spat with Carson on MNF, is ridiculous. That was probably the least of people's problems with him.


You can all thank Drew Rosenhaus for Chad v.07. Every since he got hooked up with this guy it seems like something has changed in Chad. Yeah the numbers are there but something is just not the same.

I think the hit he took against Cleveland early in 2006 last year changed his outlook on things too.

I do hope they keep Chad. I would call him Leon Light for right now because I think he's a cut above Dillon or Pickens (take your pick) by a hundred miles. But another year of this crap and he might move up the list.

On a personal note, our seats are in the north endzone and before the kickoff many of the players run from one end of the field down to our endzone. Chad is usually the last one there (on purpose) and tries to get the fans riled up. However, during the last three or four games, Chad has come down and showed very little emotion, almost staring down the fans. I guess we have turned on him. I hope he remembers where his paychecks come from.

"Hey, that would be cool. Where's (Bill) Parcells at?" Johnson joked. "

Chad, you want to know where Bill Parcells is at? He's filling the Dolphins roster with players who are wholly and completely unlike you, brother.

If our prom queen wants out badly enough, maybe she'll agree to renegotiate her contract to make trading her financially possible. Hoosier posted a description of the brutal financial hit we'd take if we traded Chad. And if he won't agree to such a renegotiation, let him know he won't see the field next year. Chad's child-like desire for attention will take control of this situation just like it controls every other facet of his life. He'll agree to the renegotiation to assure he can get in front of a camera in an NFL city somewhere.

Finally, good luck Sunday Chad. I hope you have a great game for the Bengals, er..., I mean, I hope you succeed at entertaining the Miami fans, since that is actually your honest and specifically stated goal. Incredible.

You can all thank Drew Rosenhaus for Chad v.07. Every since he got hooked up with this guy it seems like something has changed in Chad. Yeah the numbers are there but something is just not the same.

I think the hit he took against Cleveland early in 2006 last year changed his outlook on things too.

I think this has more to do with it:

"Every year I sit back and say, 'Maybe next year,' but as time continues to tick on and as I get older, I don't always have that next year. I need to win now," Johnson said. "I've broken a lot of records here. I've got the yards. I've been to the Pro Bowl. And I'm kind of fed up. It's the same thing every year. I want to go to the playoffs. I want to see how it feels to win consistently. It's something I've been yearning for."

Actually that quote could've been from any one of this franchise's greats over the years...Dillon, Pickens, Spikes, now Chad. Dillon got bent over with tags until he re-signed here, same with Pickens, and Spikes caught his flight at the right time and convinced Marvin to let him go.

I wish the paying fans were as tired of hearing the excuses spewed by Brown and Marvin and Co. as the players mentioned above were. Winning fixes those bad personalities - teams like the Bengals' aren't a good fit for them at all. Yet they draft them over and over and over.

The owner here simply does not want to win badly enough. Pure and simple. Never has, and is not willing to put forth the effort required. I wouldn't want to work for someone like that either. These guys are forced to.


I can argue both sides of this debate... In one breath, I can say Chad will still be a force for this team and his presence on the field helps the likes of TJ and Henry. I also think the hit we take in trading him is enough for anyone knowing the name, Mike Brown, to know he will be here for the foreseeable future. In another breath, I can say I wouldn't mind seeing him traded one bit and if he could bring an improvement to our defense by his leaving, then I'm all for it !!! I can also say, I'm getting sick of his attitude and no, it won't change just because we start winning.

So, I will finish up by saying that whatever happens with Chad, I'm good with, but think he's not going anywhere so this is what we have to deal with. I guess we will just wait to see....



Chad, we all want to win. I feel you, man. Nothing wrong with stating that.

You can't complain about getting the negative attention when all you want is constant attention. The good comes with the bad, once you make the camera follow you, it's always going to follow you. Chad's a hell of a talent but has the maturity of a 14 year old. Let's hope next year is better for everyone because Chad isn't going anywhere.


Actually, after thinking about this for a few minutes, Chad making these comments may be a very GOOD thing.

Here's why. What Chad said was not a shock. We know he's selfish. We also know Mike Brown loves Chad. Chad makes him money. Chad is going to be a Bengal this year whether we like it or not. (personally I think we should trade him).

Maybe.....just maybe, Mikey takes these public comments to heart a bit and tries a little harder to please one of his money makers. Who knows. Certainly his comments didn't hurt. All the fans know what kind of person Chad is. All the players especially know who Chad is.


I wish more players and coaches as well took losing as bad as Chad does. Sometimes I get the feeling many are just playing (or in the case of Chris Perry not playing) to collect a check. It means more than a check to #85, and that's all I need to know. He'll be here for years to come, and for that I'm glad.


Am I the only one who doesn't want to see some goofyass endzone celebration from Chad this week ?? I just don't see the need. You want to celebrate Chad, be a consistent f*cking wide receiver and stop dropping passes !!! Don't get me wrong, I'll take the celebration if it means the Bengals win the game, but it just seems like there is little point to it outside of self interest...


I wish more players and coaches as well took losing as bad as Chad does. Sometimes I get the feeling many are just playing (or in the case of Chris Perry not playing) to collect a check. It means more than a check to #85, and that's all I need to know. He'll be here for years to come, and for that I'm glad.

Agreed, all I have to say is that Cincinnati may get their wish... If Chad doesn't leave (If he leaves it will be by his own power) it will be because of the respect he has for Carson. Chad's fate with the Bengals, I believe, is in Carson's hands.

Here we have a tandem in TJ and Chad that is BETTER than Wayne and Harrison (at this point) and the Cincinnati fans want him gone??? Mind blowing :wacko:

Am I the only one who doesn't want to see some goofyass endzone celebration from Chad this week ?? I just don't see the need. You want to celebrate Chad, be a consistent f*cking wide receiver and stop dropping passes !!! Don't get me wrong, I'll take the celebration if it means the Bengals win the game, but it just seems like there is little point to it outside of self interest...


If Chad simply hands the ball to the ref after a TD and leaves the field with a simple wave or some other understated acknowledgement of his friends and family, it would mean a lot more than something flashy, played for laughs and personal attention. It would be a HUGE statement and credit to him and his sincere desire to win if, in front of his "home" crowd, he honors his promise not to "celebrate" until the TEAM is winning.

I wish more players and coaches as well took losing as bad as Chad does. Sometimes I get the feeling many are just playing (or in the case of Chris Perry not playing) to collect a check. It means more than a check to #85, and that's all I need to know. He'll be here for years to come, and for that I'm glad.

Agreed, all I have to say is that Cincinnati may get their wish... If Chad doesn't leave (If he leaves it will be by his own power) it will be because of the respect he has for Carson. Chad's fate with the Bengals, I believe, is in Carson's hands.

Here we have a tandem in TJ and Chad that is BETTER than Wayne and Harrison (at this point) and the Cincinnati fans want him gone??? Mind blowing :wacko:

agreed. i certainly don't ever want to watch a bengals game where we have to defend him. hang in there chad. itta be otay.

Here we have a tandem in TJ and Chad that is BETTER than Wayne and Harrison (at this point) and the Cincinnati fans want him gone??? Mind blowing :wacko:

I'm not sure if people want Chad gone -- they might, I don't really know -- but the point that if Chad can bring a return then why not see what you can get for him. It's not like he's helping us win playoff games, is it?

But I would say that for each player on this team.

Whole thing sure does get old, and we're just fans. Can't imagine how old it is in the locker-room...

Aye. The lockerroom was the one that leaked that players are tired of Chad and T.J. trying to run the team and constantly shouting at CP like a dog.


If any one player is irreplaceable, then things need to be relooked. Outside of Carson, anything should at least be a consideration. To NOT leave doors open to possibility, they are shooting themselves in the foot...


Are you kidding me? How about you make the crucial catch when your team needs you to Chad? How about not throw hissy fits on the sideline when you don't get the pass you wanted?

Amen, exactly what I think - I think it is addition by subtraction by getting rid of this 12-year-old personality...

Amen, exactly what I think - I think it is addition by subtraction by getting rid of this 12-year-old personality...

Totally agree. Getting rid of Chad will be a net gain for this team. Marvin has made remarks this year about getting rid of players who think they're better than they are. During the Clevleand game Dierdorf said he talked to Marvin and that Marvin said he needs to bring in some natural locker room leaders. You can't reform the mental makeup of this team as long as Chad's here. It just won't work. And that's what Marvin is aiming to do. He's made a lot of statements this year, cryptic though they were, that make me think he's looking much more strongly at the mental and emotional nature of this team than he is at the physical side. The selfish, immature, disruptive dynamic that Chad brings IN FORCE into this locker room cannot coexist with the type of team atmosphere Marvin wants to create.


i can see where chad is coming from, why be on a team that's top priority is profit and not a superbowl. how many of you ever heard SOP say that he wants to win a superbowl? NEVER all i have ever heard from SOP is we want to be competitive , and we'll go with what we have MIKEY boys famous words!

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