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Everything posted by AMPHAR

  1. Should have let Liz and Kay Adams do it.
  2. Yeah it could work in our favor. Prior to the Hamlin injury this team was playing with a chip on its shoulder. Wanting to prove you are true Division Champs and then getting screwed the next round hopefully restores that pre Hamlin mojo.
  3. Yeah, but I doubt Katie would have as gun-ho about "rules are rules" IF they would have forced them to play the game with in the stated rules....that's my point. Every fucking media outlet would have cried about that too. There is no perfect outcome here and everyone knew that in short order almost immediately after the game being stopped. The Baltimore/Bengals scenario is fair. The potential Bengals/Bills/Chiefs meet up prior to the AFC Champ Game is not. Its hilarious how Goodell lawyers himself into these pickles constantly. Can never let common sense take over. Should have completed Week 18. Then when results are in; evaluate the effect of not playing Bills/Bengals and move forward. There's still chances that the Bengals/Bills/Chiefs don't even meet in the playoffs. Just amazing.
  4. What's his point? Should they have played when everyone in that stadium and watching on TV thought a player died or was going to die? Should they have played the game this week, while everyone was monitoring a player in critical condition? Should they squeeze it in after Week 18 making Bengals/Bills play 3 games in 11 days? Should they move back the schedule? Any of the above was plausible. The coin flip with the Ravens IF THE BENGALS LOSE is the best remedy, IMO. Just stupid to keep harping on the Baltimore scenario.
  5. I'm not totally on board with Katie's stance. There are rules in place governing resuming stopped games and it can be argued they did not follow those rules. I think rules state two days or something AND the league did get every game in during the COVID year and there were quite a few crazy adjustments during that season. It can be done. Whether or not it should be done when a player was fighting for his life is a different a story. They got it right, IMO. So saying rules are rules doesn't fly, IMO. I don't really want to see them try to squeeze that game in. They just need to add the extra step to cover the divisional round. I don't know why they didn't wait til after week 18 were they could address the actual scenario with direct logic.
  6. They do have a bunch to play for, but I could do without the sensationalism. There have been a bunch of division winners stuck with the first place schedule that lost in the Wild Card round. The slight difference would be having to play on the road, but quite frankly.... if you lose to Baltimore and that back up QB, then lose a coin flip, then I guess everyone should have been on board with playing Monday Night despite thinking a player just died. WTF? Sorry, I'm not on board screwing Baltimore completely. Beat them like they should and be done. Tough situation but MNF was handled correctly, and making up the game is a hassle, so a coin flip if they lose seems fair to me. The only thing to be pissed about is if Bills/Bengals meet in the divisional round and also if KC loses and they meet.
  7. lol, NCAA cheating sanctions. NCAA did not have enough balls to take North Carolina, Kansas or Louisville basketball with major sanctions. They aren't going to take on any football powerhouse.
  8. Yep. But I think these owners get to reading twitter and think they have to address something. Should have just let it sit. Tell teams to prepare as if the game is going to be made up. Reassess the impact of that game afterward. Now on top of the emotional tragedy all week, the end of the week they insert this level of confusion. There's going to be only 1 valid scenario that needs to be addressed come Sunday night. I have a high degree of confidence ZT has one clear message to his team - Win and it is the easiest path to normal.
  9. It seems like Goodell and thus an extension of owners manage their policies while reading twitter. It just simply isn't very hard to say - Bills/Bengals no make up week 17, prepare for Week 18 as if the game will be made up; once results are know the impact of the canceled game will be assessed and action going forward. That's a pretty fair stance. I don't buy professional football teams should know before hand in order to compete.
  10. I think the Ravens/Bengals situation is fair and I think its better than trying to squeeze in a Bills/Bengals game. The fault in the proposal as far as I can tell is they created a loophole by using 1 logic across the board. Consideration needs to be given to the divisional rounds among the 2/3 seed potential match up. Bengals lost an opportunity to even the records with the Bills and win the first tie breaker. With a KC loss this Saturday the Bengals then also lost an opportunity to match their record. If KC wins as expected then the drama is between the Bills. This is why I'm shocked a proposal was done prior to week 18 results. More than likely they only need to address Bills/Bengals which most fans way before this proposal saw a neutral sight game as the solution. Shouldn't be this hard, IMO.
  11. The Ravens/Bengals scenario is completely fair. With a Bengals win; any potential match with KC or Buffalo puts them on the road without the same consideration that Baltimore got. That is not fair at all. It should be addressed in the same manner.
  12. I'm not in favor of ignoring it. The divisional round should have the same considerations. Do a coin flip, neutral sight or whatever. There's just no way its fair for KC or Buffalo to be awarded a divisional round home match up with the Bengals, IF the Bengals win on Sunday.
  13. I just hope the initial release was focused on AFC Champ game and there are some considerations for Divisional round games to be announced. That round should be treated the same. Doesn't make sense not to.
  14. Loophole. Let's be honest Buffalo got the best (standings wise) out of that MNF game being canceled. It was the right call (humanity wise). However, that decision removed a legit chance for the Bengals to even the records WITH the tie breaker. That can't be ignored. That potential match up should be addressed, IMO. Its the same reasoning why the league can't just award the Ravens a home game with a sweep of the Bengals.
  15. Yeah that's a loop hole. That potential match up should be addressed, IMO.
  16. Potential Buffalo game is the only thing worth bitching about. The other stuff is as fair as it can be. Burrow at Home, favored by 7 against a back up QB. If they don't win and lose a coin toss so fucking be it.
  17. Another stupid point. The home/away games are based on the scheduling formula set way in advance.
  18. Well shouldn't the Bengals just beat the Ravens? At home?
  19. Its keeping the Bengals from the 2 seed if all 3 teams win, I believe.
  20. Teth doesn't make sense. The unbalanced schedule is on a rotation between conferences. The Bengals got the extra home game last and will get it next year. Not sure of the point here. The Ravens loss is not removed either. Not sure of his point because the Bengals are awarded a home game with a win despite having played fewer games. Stating playing Joe Burrow in the Jungle is a 50/50 is the dumbest thing in that whole rant. I think the line is -7.
  21. This. With the Bill/Bengals game canceled AND a Bengals loss the league couldn't fairly award a home game traditionally reserved for the division winner. A coin toss is about as fair a way it could happen. I don't know why a potential Bengals/Bills divisional round game isn't addressed. If the Bengals have to go up there without a coin flip that's the biggest bullshit ever.
  22. Another board reporting Competition Comm voting on how to handle playoff seeding/format, or whatever.
  23. Tremendous news.
  24. Great news IF he's awake. Just fantastic.
  25. Florio suggesting momentum is building for Bills/Bengals cancellation. I still do not expect a firm announcement from the league until week 18 results are known. Bengals need to deliver on their part against the Ravens and make it an easier decision. I don't like the Ravens just like any Bengal fan, but that would be a tough sell. Hey you beat the Bengals twice but still aren't division champs because this game they didn't play we aren't going to finish it and basically count it as a tie. As hard as it is to focus right now and its understandable, the easier path for the Bengals is to win. Still wondering what the Ravens will actually do in the game because they are looking at a possible Cincinnati rematch in Wild Card round.
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