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Awful playcalling in certain situtions - gruden/marvin

Daltons awful choice of throws - Dalton

Solution = Marvin needs to go as well as gruden and as far as I am concerned dalton shows good play in the season but come the playoffs he looks like a rabbit in headlights so dalton has no future in cincinnati.

This is a good year for QB's in the draft I say we clean out the HC and offensive coaches and get a new guy to control the offence.

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Thing is we can sit here and bi*tch all we want, but it's going to be the same next year. It's just tough to swallow anymore, they just you so much hope only to let you down. It will just be really hard for me to trust this team again as long as Marvin is in charge and Andy is qb

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Marvin has to say that. I'm not sure it is true. I can see them trying to get another QB via draft or free agency.

I just can't see Marvin saying anything but, "Andy is the guy." What if they can't find someone else? They may be stuck with him. We'll see if they extend him before next season. My feeling is they won't.

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Sigh... just when I thought this team had finally turned the corner. This loss is on more than just Dalton (not that he didn't wet the bed), but on the entire coaching staff as well. Once again, Marvin and Co are completely outdone, by a rookie head coach nonetheless. This is probably the most talented team they have had in the last 30 years, and they couldn't do a damn thing with it.

I was doing really well not getting my hopes up, but this morning I started to feel good about the game. I guess I should have known better.

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Marvin has to say that. I'm not sure it is true. I can see them trying to get another QB via draft or free agency.

I just can't see Marvin saying anything but, "Andy is the guy." What if they can't find someone else? They may be stuck with him. We'll see if they extend him before next season. My feeling is they won't.

I try to compare situations to other teams in the league Central, and I can't help but look at the Falcons.

It took Mike Smith and Matt Ryan 4 tries to win a playoff game, both being 1-4, and go 4-12 this year.

Haven't heard anything on whether either Smith's or Ryan's jobs are in jeopardy!

Please don't misunderstand that I think the Bengals should do what the Falcons are doing, but the journey is the most similar one I can think of to compare.

Had the Bengals played their normal home game, game, and then laid a turd at New England, do you think it would have made a difference?

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Agree with Hokie in thinking the Bengals would have lost next week regardless, but it is what it is.

They needed to win today.

Can you see Matt Ryan with this roster of offensive talent ??

Dare to dream my friends, dare to dream.

He does have an impeccable roster when they are all healthy.

Do you realize that the 4 years the Falcons made the playoffs that they had the best combined season record in the NFL?

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I think it was very important to win today. I also think they would have laid a turd at NE. I see what you are saying though.

I disagree from a perception standpoint. Winning the SB is really all that matters.

Here's what people remember and what teams are known for:

Vikings and Bills - losing 4 SBs.

(NOT for making 4 SBs)

Bengals - losing 2 SBS and 3 straight playoff games

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This game was very important. Now nothing the Bengals do in 2014 will matter. Dalton could throw 60 tds and they could be #1 seed, 16-0. All we'll hear, is "can they win in the playoffs?". It's going to be a loooooooooooooong year. Full of doubt. We'll fall next year to around 5-11. The window was this year. Next year The Pats will have more weapons and Luck will be even better. The Bengals will lose players, and coordinators. The debate in my mind is whats worse? Being a horrific joke team (pre-Marv) or 1st round out every year? (with Marv). I truly believe he is the reason for the improvement, but it does feel Jim Mora like.

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This game was very important. Now nothing the Bengals do in 2014 will matter. Dalton could throw 60 tds and they could be #1 seed, 16-0. All we'll hear, is "can they win in the playoffs?". It's going to be a loooooooooooooong year. Full of doubt. We'll fall next year to around 5-11. The window was this year. Next year The Pats will have more weapons and Luck will be even better. The Bengals will lose players, and coordinators. The debate in my mind is whats worse? Being a horrific joke team (pre-Marv) or 1st round out every year? (with Marv). I truly believe he is the reason for the improvement, but it does feel Jim Mora like.

Or Wayne Fonts like. That dude wasted so many good teams in Detroit, it drove Barry Sanders right out of football.

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Why was the window this year....who do we have leaving next year, Collins? MJ? that is going to be the difference between 11-5 and division champs and 5-11? This is a VERY young team still and will continue to get better next year we should have Atkins back and another year of seasoning for iLoka, Kirkpatrick, Bernard, Hunt. Getting Lamur back as well as Porter and Geathers, this will be fine they will be a better team next year and we will let the chips fall where they may in the playoffs.

If an 11-5 team is enough to make you not want to be a Bengals fan anymore then don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

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It's just frustration with falling short yet again.

I don't share the thought the team will fall apart next season either.

While I may have apprehensions about what they can do in the playoffs, this team can win against solid competition.

They also don't need much in the draft, so I anticipate another better than average season.

I have said it before though in that I think 2014 should be the ultimate decision maker for both Marvin and Dalton.

Yes, I really do think Gruden should be fired as soon as possible. Like yesterday.

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Wraith is right, we can get better but the cupboard is far from bare. Gino would make a huge difference in yesterday's pass rush. Still, we were up 10-7 at halftime, our QB had 3 turnovers in the second half leading to our loss. Nothing all our good players could do can overcome that.

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