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PBS, Bengals fans, and home dominance


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After reading some articles and hearing what the players have to say, it seems that The Jungle has become quite a difficult place for opposing teams to play. This is not just backed up by a 7-0 record, but also by our league-leading record on preventing third and fourth down conversions (22.5%) and our league-leading point differential of 17.5 ppg. The Bengals are also second in scoring offense at home, beaten only by the Broncos.

So, the question is, how much are the fans, traditionally maligned as they are, affecting home games? It seems the players give a lot of credit to the fans, which makes sense given the statistics and the home vs away record. Can Bengals fans finally throw off the assertion that they are sick, lame and lazy? Will yinzers finally cram it where the sun doesn't shine now that their own stadium is full of 'meh'? Is Cincy the next Seattle? Will Andy finally profess his undying love for Whitworth and leave AJ out in the cold? Stay tuned!

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I am seriously considering requesting some [conditional] leave just in case the Bengals host the AFC Championship Game. Not remotely likely I know (we'd probably need Indy or KC to knock off Denver and get through the divisional round on the road), but should it happen I want to be there. Even if costs me something obscene.

But yes, PBS has made me proud this season. I have perhaps been one of this forum's loudest whiners when it comes to the general culture of the Bengals fanbase and their conduct at the stadium, and everyone has done wonderfully to shut me the hell up lately. cheers.gif

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Per Reedy, 10,000+ tix still remaining for the first playoff game.

That's a shame. Hopefully once they get things settled this weekend they will sell a bunch.

With the changing demographics and the video generation growing up, I think attending NFL games in person will become less important in the years to come.

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Per Reedy, 10,000+ tix still remaining for the first playoff game.

That's a shame. Hopefully once they get things settled this weekend they will sell a bunch.

With the changing demographics and the video generation growing up, I think attending NFL games in person will become less important in the years to come.

Or if they would stop Jacking up the prices.

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Per Reedy, 10,000+ tix still remaining for the first playoff game.

That's a shame. Hopefully once they get things settled this weekend they will sell a bunch.

With the changing demographics and the video generation growing up, I think attending NFL games in person will become less important in the years to come.

Or if they would stop Jacking up the prices.

I agree. The NFL needs to reassess their playoff ticket price policies.

No prayer of being able to afford a face value Super Bowl ticket even if you were selected to get them.

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I'll never understand how a player as good as Burfict went unnoticed the way that he did. He is an absolute stud. Watching him snuff out that screen on that last drive...he has amazing instincts, don't know that I've ever seen him miss a tackle, he's a just an awesome, awesome linebacker.

We are lucky to have him and even more lucky to have picked him up the way we did.

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I went to Super Bowl XVI with my Dad when I was 10, but both tickets didn't even cost us $100 total.

That's going back to 1981 mind you, but dang.

With that thought in mind, I would give serious thought to go again and taking my son if the Bengals made it that far.

I'm much older than you Army (was 15 in 1968 when the Bengals came to town), so because the SB is in New York, even if I had money to burn I wouldn't go! Too old to weather the cold like that! If it were in a warm place, whole different ballgame!!

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Didn't see this mentioned, but during one of the pregame shows they mentioned in passing that the Bengals credit their success at home this year to the fact they practice on the field at PBS several times every week, and that this is something very few other teams do. It surprises me that's so. Maybe there's an advantage to not having a separate practice facility after all?

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Just a note on the whole sellout thing, Bengals say they still have more than 10,000 tix left despite brisk sales.

Indy has 7,000+ plus tix remaining. Green Bay has 15,000.

For the record, I am 100% certain that the Bengals will, in the end, buy up whatever number of tickets are necessary to get to a sellout. But they will milk the "OMG Blackout!" storyline for all it's worth to sell as many as possible. I have to credit the FO, they do this all the time and have become total masters at it.

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Just a note on the whole sellout thing, Bengals say they still have more than 10,000 tix left despite brisk sales.

Indy has 7,000+ plus tix remaining. Green Bay has 15,000.

For the record, I am 100% certain that the Bengals will, in the end, buy up whatever number of tickets are necessary to get to a sellout. But they will milk the "OMG Blackout!" storyline for all it's worth to sell as many as possible. I have to credit the FO, they do this all the time and have become total masters at it.

Very strange for Green Bay. Where did you see the report?

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Just picked up my tickets and will be bringing about 10 people along with me. Hope to see some of you local folks there at the game. I've always wondered what you ugly sons-a-bitches look like behind your avatars.

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Just a note on the whole sellout thing, Bengals say they still have more than 10,000 tix left despite brisk sales.

Indy has 7,000+ plus tix remaining. Green Bay has 15,000.

For the record, I am 100% certain that the Bengals will, in the end, buy up whatever number of tickets are necessary to get to a sellout. But they will milk the "OMG Blackout!" storyline for all it's worth to sell as many as possible. I have to credit the FO, they do this all the time and have become total masters at it.

Very strange for Green Bay. Where did you see the report?

Josh tweeted it out a few minutes ago.

Good on ya, Airborne! Enjoy the game.

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