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This game will tell it all


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I think this is an important game due to the division aspects and want to see them come out and handle a team they should beat.

The "tell all" games never seem to stop however. If they win this game, people will simply say, "well, they played the Browns".

Next week against the Patriots, people will say, "if this team is real, they need to beat teams like the Patriots".

If they lose, there will be comments about how it's the same old Bengals. If they win, it will be because Brady had the worst game of his career.

And it continues on down the schedule with some other stupid comments from analysts about how one game is so much more important than the next.

I just want them to focus on the team they have to face each week and go kick their ass.

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No game in the NFL ever "tells all".

Baltimore took some TERRIBLE losses last year that had people saying they were done. The Giants have been notorious for seasons where you weren't even sure they'd make the playoffs and then they go to win it all.

Clearly it's an important game and we all want to see them do well. If they lose? Just don't jump to any major conclusions. That's a dangerous thing in the NFL.

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I'd be pretty [pleasantly] surprised if the Bengals kick their ass soundly like that. It's the perfect scenario for a trap game -- coming off of a huge statement win and immediately preceding another huge statement game. In Cleveland. Against a team that just surprised nearly everyone by putting up 31 without their #3 overall pick running back and with a career backup at QB. I really think this will be a very tough game and the Bengals will lose if they don't take care of the football.

I'd prefer kingwilly's prediction prove accurate over my own, obviously.

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I'm extremely worried about this game. This is a team, despite all of its talent, still seems to play to the level of competition. Also, coming off a big win, I expect a letdown. They're going to Cleveland where we historically don't play super well. Cleveland is playing with a chip on their shoulder, coming off a big win. Our TOP 3 DEFENSIVE BACKS ARE OUT. That is HUGE. Josh Gordon and Jordan Cameron are going to be INCREDIBLY tough for us to handle. The Bengals don't handle tight ends well and Cameron may be one of the best. And not to mention, Cleveland's front seven is FOR REAL. I want to say I expect that Bengals to win this, but I don't. Maybe I'm a pessimist, but I see 31-17, 31-20 Cleveland.

But, I'd gladly eat some crow!

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54% completion

4.9 per completion

58.2 QB Rating

1 FumbL, 1 INT

5 TD's and 4 INT's on the year so far.

God knows how many batted-down passes

He is not the future nor the answer to this team's woes

Nope. He's not the answer for sure. Yet he will keep getting the benefit of the doubt simply because people WANT him to succeed...completely turning a blind eye to the reality of what he really is. A backup QB in this league. Inconsistent QB's don't last long in the NFL.

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54% completion

4.9 per completion

58.2 QB Rating

1 FumbL, 1 INT

5 TD's and 4 INT's on the year so far.

God knows how many batted-down passes

He is not the future nor the answer to this team's woes

Nope. He's not the answer for sure. Yet he will keep getting the benefit of the doubt simply because people WANT him to succeed...completely turning a blind eye to the reality of what he really is. A backup QB in this league. Inconsistent QB's don't last long in the NFL.

He'll last longer here, just like Marvin has, who hasn't won a single playoff game for 10 years, coaching the same franchise.

The Brown family standards are pretty low.

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54% completion

4.9 per completion

58.2 QB Rating

1 FumbL, 1 INT

5 TD's and 4 INT's on the year so far.

God knows how many batted-down passes

He is not the future nor the answer to this team's woes

Nope. He's not the answer for sure. Yet he will keep getting the benefit of the doubt simply because people WANT him to succeed...completely turning a blind eye to the reality of what he really is. A backup QB in this league. Inconsistent QB's don't last long in the NFL.

He'll last longer here, just like Marvin has, who hasn't won a single playoff game for 10 years, coaching the same franchise.

The Brown family standards are pretty low.

I forgot to add that salient point. Thanks. Well stated.

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I'm starting to feel this way. Year in and year out, Marvin Lewis has the most inconsitant team.

Dalton should be getting better, he has the weapons to do so, but can't show it consistently. One game he looks great, next game he can't hit a moving target. His deep balls still are off the mark. I was the biggest Dalton supporter, still like the guy, but how far will they go under him playing on and off. Not everything is his fault, but he must get better.

They are a much better team when they can actually run the ball, which they have not all year.

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I will be the first to say how much I have supported Dalton and still do to a degree.

I also don't want to be overreacting to a loss to the Browns.

However, this was the laziest game I have seen Dalton and the rest of the offense play since he was drafted.

AJ Green looks like he's sick and tired of not having Dalton be able to get the ball to him. Even close would be nice.

My patience is wearing thin for a QB who really has no other excuses.

Wearing thin.

Not the end of the season, but i'm not happy.

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I will be the first to say how much I have supported Dalton and still do to a degree.

I also don't want to be overreacting to a loss to the Browns.

However, this was the laziest game I have seen Dalton and the rest of the offense play since he was drafted.

AJ Green looks like he's sick and tired of not having Dalton be able to get the ball to him. Even close would be nice.

My patience is wearing thin for a QB who really has no other excuses.

Wearing thin.

Not the end of the season, but i'm not happy.

Yep so you noticed how AJ and most of the guys would put there heads down walking off the field. All game it was like nobody was into it.

Lap even said, on one of those plays where Dalton missed him, Green took himself out of the game and just sat on the bench, he said he looked so frustrated.

Green is double teamed all the time, so something had to give, Dalton either starts hitting the throws, or he finds other guys, to help open Green. Something has to give!

One more thing, guys like Calvin Johnson and other number1 guys get double teamed all the time, and they are still getting over 100 yards, and TDs I just don't get it.

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I will be the first to say how much I have supported Dalton and still do to a degree.

I also don't want to be overreacting to a loss to the Browns.

However, this was the laziest game I have seen Dalton and the rest of the offense play since he was drafted.

AJ Green looks like he's sick and tired of not having Dalton be able to get the ball to him. Even close would be nice.

My patience is wearing thin for a QB who really has no other excuses.

Wearing thin.

Not the end of the season, but i'm not happy.

I just knew from last year that he had to make improvements.

And I havent seen them, even with all the 'weapons' he has.

Oh, and I thought we had an OC that can call a game.

I can call unsuccessful fades and out of bounds pass plays all day long - not too hard.

SIck of hearinh WHo Dey - We Dey chants form idiot Browns fans.

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