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Season over, there is always next season for us


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OK Guys, I hve to say that that was a hard fought super bowl. Great game!! Just wish we were in it. Year in and year out, we always end up saying there is always next season for us. So, it's next season! What kind of changes do you want to see made? What new FA additions would you like to see come help us get over that hump? Who or what shoold we focus on in the draft? Who do we resign? Do we stick with our style of off and def or do we try to go in a different direction? Good lord, we got seven months to go before we get to see games again!!!

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Skyline said it best in another thread: The Ravens just won the Super Bowl, why not us ??

The Bengals aren't as far off as some might think.

I really don't think there needs to be widespread changes made, only continue building upon what we have.

What I really want to see them do is set an identity for themselves. Are they a West Coast offense or not ??

Are they committed to being a running team or are they a pass first offense ?? Figure out who you are !!!

FA agent additions ??

I look at who is out there at the positions of need and while I think there are players out there capable of helping us, I can't see them spending most of that 55 million in that direction. The free agents I see them bringing in won't be for much and will be filler. That's my thinking.

Who to focus on in the draft ??

They could go many different ways and not be wrong. They need help at LB, RB, Safety, and o-line depth in my book.

I actually have an early Bengals only mock draft that covers those exact spots through our first 4 picks.

After that CB, DE, and maybe a QB to develop as well.

Who do we resign ??

Michael Johnson and he's why I don't see them going DE earlier in the draft.

Andre Smith. I just can't them letting him go. Franchise if you need to.

There are others as well, but i'd also like to see them use the money this year to extend Atkins.

Him, Green, Dunlap, and Dalton will all be up next year so get one extended this off season.

I don't think we see anything different from Zimmers defense and won't complain about it.

I just want to see Gruden get more creative, work with Dalton more, and have an identity with what they do.

7 months until games ??

No problem. The combine is this month, then there is free agency, then the draft, OTA's, camps, and then preseason.


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The Ravens have just shot their wad and won the Superbowl. Congratulations to a deserving team. Also good news for Bengals fans.

The Ravens get to come into 2013 with a SB hangover and no Ray Lewis, no Matt Birk. Probably no Anquan Boldin and Ed Reed. Probably no Paul Kruger.

And if they do have a case of the 2002 Reds and sign Ed Reed (ala Larkin) they'll be in continued salary cap disaster.

It's a win-win.

The door is opening for the Bengals. Whether they take advantage is another question.

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One way to look at it is to look at who is under contract (as opposed to looking at, who is a FA). I like this because it comes at the issue of what’s next from the perspective of, OK, what do we have to work with and where so we go from here. Note that the year after the name is the last year of their contract, not the year they are a FA (that would be the following year). An * means that player started many or all games in 2012.


Leon Hall (2015) *

Reggie Nelson (2015) *

Dre Kirkpatrick (2015)

Jason Allen (2013)

Taylor Mays (2013)

Shaun Prater (2015)

Robert Sands (2014)

George Iloka (2015)

Brandon “IR” Ghee (2013)

Tony Dye (2014)

Chris Lewis-Harris (2014)

At DB there are plenty of names but most are junk or unknowns. Just two proven starters. Possibly they spend a high pick here, but with so much youth to work with already my bet is they try to re-sign a couple of the following: Newman, Pacman, Crocker and/or Clements (listed in the order I think they would pursue them). Chance of a “name” FA here: 0%


Domata Peko (2014) *

Jamaal Anderson (2013)

Devon Still (2015)

Carlos Dunlap (2013) *

Brandon Thompson (2015)

Geno Atkins (2013) *

DeQuin Evans (2014)

They need to get some extensions done on the DL, not bring in new blood. I would not be surprised to see them re-sign Gilberry and Geathers if they can be had in reasonable deals. Sims moves on (unfortunately). Chance of name FA here: 0%


Dontay Moch (2014)

Emmanuel Lamur (2014)

Vontaze Burfict (2014) *

J.K. Schaffer (2014)

Aaron Maybin (2013)

Bleah. Arguably the weakest unit on the team. Expect a first- or second-round pick to be used on a LB. Thomas Howard will be re-signed if it looks like he’s healing up OK. Chance of a name FA here: 10%


Andrew Whitworth (2015) *

Kyle Cook (2015)

Travelle Wharton (2014)

Kevin Zeitler (2015) *

Clint Boling (2014) *

Anthony Collins (2013)

Trevor Robinson (2014)

Dan Knapp (2014)

If they re-sign Moobs, you can add his name here and you’ve got your 9 OL for 2013. If they don’t expect a high pick or FA splash on an OT. Chance of name FA signing: 0% if Moobs returns, 50% otherwise. (And I think he will be back.)


A.J. Green (2014) *

Mo Sanu (2015)

Marvin Jones (2015)

Ryan Whalen (2014)

Taevon Rogers (2014)

Dane Sanzenbacher (2013)

Justin Hilton (2014)

Lavasier Tuinei (2014)

Well, at least Brandon Tate and Armon Binns aren’t on the list. I expect them to sit tight with the trio of Green, Sanu and Jones, though the latter two still need to prove they can stay healthy a whole season. A WR in the first three rounds is possible (these are the Bengals, a WR early is always possible!). Chance of a name FA: 20%


Jermaine Gresham (2014) *

Orson Charles (2015)

Bryce Davis (TE/LS) (2014)

Worth noting here that Davis is the only special teams specialist they have under contract. Both our 2012 kickers as well as Huber and LS Clark Harris are FAs. They may bring in a veteran plugger but that’s about it. Chance of a name FA: 0%


Andy Dalton (2014) *

Zac Robinson (2014)

Assuming Robinson has PS eligibility left, I expect they will re-sign Gradkowski, move Robinson to the taxi squad at the end of preseason, and Dalton will start. Chance of a name FA: to start, less than zero. In place of Gradkowski, 25%.


BJGE (2014) *

Dan Herron (2015)

Chris Pressley (2013) *

John Connor (2013)

Jourdan Brooks (2014)

Green-Ellis and Pressley stick. The other two RBs are probably not on the roster, though Herron could surprise me. High pick likely here. Chance of a name FA: 33%

So, to summarize, my guess as to the offseason:

Re-signed: Newman, Pacman, Gilberry, Geathers, Huber, Brown, Moobs, Howard, Harris

Most likely to be selected early in April (no particular order): DB, LB, WR, RB

Mostly likely positions for a FA splash (in order): OL if Moobs leaves; RB; QB (backup only); WR; LB

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Either an MLB or OLB must be the top priority, depending only on what is done with Maualuga and Burfict. I want the former gone and the latter moved inside, but even still I wouldn't object to another MLB being drafted somewhat high. I don't trust Burfict (as a player on the field I mean) quite enough yet to feel good about him as the long-term MLB solution, even if I'd certainly rather they go that route than Rey.

After that, the big three priorities, IMO, are running back (specifically a west coast style back that can complement BJGE), strong safety (because Crocker and Mays aren't good enough), and center (I don't like Robinson OR Cook).

Whether these are addressed through FA or the draft or both isn't terribly important to me. There is so much cap space that they can do whatever the hell they want, even if they'll likely spin the story a bit in the public eye.

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There is so much cap space that they can do whatever the hell they want, even if they'll likely spin the story a bit in the public eye.

Its going to be interesting to watch this year. My bet is that they won't deviate from their normal conservative approach to FA, but when you look at total cap space around the league,the numbers are pretty lopsided. By my count there is about $311 million in net cap space around the team. With $55 million, the Bengals alone control nearly a fifth of that. Combined with the No. 2 team, Cleveland, about a third of the space is gone, and if you add in the No. 3 team, Indy, half is accounted for.

A bunch of team are way over the cap and will have to get under the bar, so that net number will go up by $80-90 million, but even then the Bengals will still have in excess of a tenth of the league's total cap space. And getting under the cap will put a lot of talent on the street. Bottom line, the bargain bin could have a lot better selection that usual.

Still, I figure the team will still play it safe because of the cost of keeping Green, Atkins and Dalton. Would be nice to see an Atkins deal get done.

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A bunch of team are way over the cap and will have to get under the bar, so that net number will go up by $80-90 million, but even then the Bengals will still have in excess of a tenth of the league's total cap space. And getting under the cap will put a lot of talent on the street. Bottom line, the bargain bin could have a lot better selection that usual.

Would be nice to see an Atkins deal get done.


I've been saying that as well. There's no reason not to get at least one of them extended THIS offseason.

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If we do sign a Free Agent I just hope it's not someone from a losing team like the Raiders!

Free agents that I’d be interested in:


Danny Woodhead NE (he's a good back)

Steven Jackson STL (Yea, I know, not a chace)


Hawkins CIN Resign him please!

Mohamed Massaquoi CLE

Terrell Owens – FA I’m kidding!!

Chad Johnson – FA Still kidding!!


Robert Geathers – CIN

Michael Johnson – CIN


Pacman Jones – CIN

Terence Newman – CIN


Kevin Huber CIN Resign him please!

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It's still early on with cuts and free agency sure to change the thought process however:

I think they bring back Michael Johnson at DE and Dre Smith at RT. Those are the big two in my opinion.

I also think the other free agents the team wants back will be back with little thought. Huber for example.

The Bengals have:

1 Firsts

2 Seconds (Thank you Carson)

1 Third

1 Fourth

1 Fifth

2 Sixths (Thank you Chad)

0 Seventh (Who would have thought Mays wouldn't be worth this pick?)

With the first 4 picks I wouldn't mind something like:

Jones, OC, Alabama (Legitimate starter at any o-line position)

Bernard, RB, UNC

Green, OLB, Rutgers

Rambo, Safety, Georgia

That's assuming a move to MLB for Burfict as well.

You could go a little further and look CB in the 4th with a guy like Hawthorne, Illinois.

I also like the DE from Illinois as well, Buchanon.

The 6th round ?? Can't call it.

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It's still early on with cuts and free agency sure to change the thought process however:

I think they bring back Michael Johnson at DE and Dre Smith at RT. Those are the big two in my opinion.

I also think the other free agents the team wants back will be back with little thought. Huber for example.

The Bengals have:

1 Firsts

2 Seconds (Thank you Carson)

1 Third

1 Fourth

1 Fifth

2 Sixths (Thank you Chad)

0 Seventh (Who would have thought Mays wouldn't be worth this pick?)

With the first 4 picks I wouldn't mind something like:

Jones, OC, Alabama (Legitimate starter at any o-line position)

Bernard, RB, UNC

Green, OLB, Rutgers

Rambo, Safety, Georgia

That's assuming a move to MLB for Burfict as well.

You could go a little further and look CB in the 4th with a guy like Hawthorne, Illinois.

I also like the DE from Illinois as well, Buchanon.

The 6th round ?? Can't call it.

Cant say as I know much about some of the players you name here, but I like the positions and the order they are taken in. Hopefully they go out and get a stop gap vet MLB and give Burfict at least 1 more year to learn at OLB, along with a solid rookie starting on the other side the LB's should be alot better.

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I think that whichever way we go with two positions will derermine what offence we will focus on if its a RB then we will run more if its a WR look for us to continue to be pass happy.

I really don't think they go WR in the draft or at least not until late.

However, I think the RB they take will be a pass catching guy with speed, so it may not be so clear cut.

I know many mocks have us taking Bernard with our first pick in the 2nd and that is really how I hope it plays out.

He's VERY capable of catching the ball out of the backfield and will not get caught from behind if he hits the open field.

If not Bernard, Gillislee out of Florida would be the next back that fits that role and could be had in the 3rd.

Either way around, I can't say for sure the taking of either position would dictate what they will do more on offense.

I will say however, that I want to see a backfield with BJGE and Bernard or Gillislee.

I think that would be fun to watch if Gruden makes use of their strengths.

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It's still early on with cuts and free agency sure to change the thought process however:

I think they bring back Michael Johnson at DE and Dre Smith at RT. Those are the big two in my opinion.

I also think the other free agents the team wants back will be back with little thought. Huber for example.

The Bengals have:

1 Firsts

2 Seconds (Thank you Carson)

1 Third

1 Fourth

1 Fifth

2 Sixths (Thank you Chad)

0 Seventh (Who would have thought Mays wouldn't be worth this pick?)

With the first 4 picks I wouldn't mind something like:

Jones, OC, Alabama (Legitimate starter at any o-line position)

Bernard, RB, UNC

Green, OLB, Rutgers

Rambo, Safety, Georgia

That's assuming a move to MLB for Burfict as well.

You could go a little further and look CB in the 4th with a guy like Hawthorne, Illinois.

I also like the DE from Illinois as well, Buchanon.

The 6th round ?? Can't call it.

Cant say as I know much about some of the players you name here, but I like the positions and the order they are taken in. Hopefully they go out and get a stop gap vet MLB and give Burfict at least 1 more year to learn at OLB, along with a solid rookie starting on the other side the LB's should be alot better.

Many may scoff at the taking of another o-lineman with our first round pick, but i've given many reasons why Barrett Jones should be considered, as he's capable of starting at any of the three spots on the o-line. That and I am not as high on any of our depth along the o-line either.

Cook or Robinson ?? Yeah, either could be upgraded.

Collins, Roland ?? I like Collins as depth and Roland is whatever.

Wharton, Hudson ?? Wharton never graded out highly and Hudson has been nonexistant.

The question is would anyone be comfortable seeing any of those guys start should an injury occur ??

Jones would give us an upgrade immediately at Center, leaving a capable backup with starting time along with providing the ability to slide him over to another position in case of injury.

That being said, I don't expect it to happen.

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You know how I feel about having the best possible lines on both sides of the ball

They need an upgrade at LG and at C, so I would be quite happy (and I may well be alone in this regard, but thats ok by me) if 2 of their first 3 picks were to upgrade those two positions (taking as assumed here as always that the positions are not adequately addressed in FA)

Whitworth is good but declining, pro bowl nod or no, so I would not mind a developmental OLT as well - raw guy with high motor and athleticism taken in r6

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