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Chad vs ESPN


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I think its a losing battle Chad HappyWave.gif


had Ochocinco blasted an ESPN host on Tuesday, writing, "its not my fault your girl is cheating on you, its your fault." [sic]

It turns out that the Bengals receiver was not done. According to the Sporting News, Ochocinco's latest flurry of activity was prompted by a "SportsCenter" tease asking whether the Pro Bowlers two offseason TV shows are a "recipe for disaster." On Twitter, Ochocinco responded by warning that "which ever Espn analyst dogs me for my off~season projects at 6 o'clock its going to be WAR!!"

The naked jogger proceeded to write that "it's on" and cautioned that "I am digging up all ESPN analyst history!" Then he turned to specific ESPN personalities. He wrote about NFL reporter John Clayton, "how dare you, your face is wearing thin on TV, looking like that character from HANINBAL that had those pigs, STFU.

Ochocinco even referenced a sexual harassment allegation at ESPN, tweeting about one personality at the network in particular. "I heard about your radio show negativity, why don't you worry about your sexual harrassment cases when at work!" Scroll down to see the tweets.

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I mentioned this is one of the other Chad threads...(we seem to get a new one every day or so)....how his rants are becoming more and more mean spirited. I mentioned this specifically because that's the one quality Chad pimps always claim he never is.

Not true.

Think about just a few of the recent Chadwickian offerings. Interview after interview featuring s s**tstorm of FU's, STFU's, and the thinly disguised FU that is Child Please. Lots of talking about his dick. Photo spreads showing the new tatoos he's gotten. Running bare ass naked through the woods...showing the world his tiny pixels, then explaining it all by reminding the reader how he's never cared about anything. Then, more talk about his dick. More FU's and STFU's. And now we've got him talking about other peoples dicks...and the crimes they may have done.

Granted, during this exact time period Chad has also made headlines announcing some bit of fluffy puffery he'll soon be involved in. Dancing with other people who aren't really stars. Doing a fresh update of the Bachelor, a tired and stale reality show. Appearing in a video with a has been singer. It all sounds so lame, but ultimately harmless. So there's that. And the man can be funny...even when he's mean.

Which he increasingly is.

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Chad wants to be a celebrity. He wants a media job after football. He spends most of his time and effort on setting himself up for the future.

Try to picture where Chad might work post-football. Any reasonable analysis would put ESPN in the top 2 potential employers for Chad.

It's just funny to me that he sabatoges his own chance to obtain what he so desperately wants.

In the end, above all else, Chad just isn't very smart.

Also, I love John Clayton. And the last guy, Sean Salisbury, that publicly criticized him, calling him McFly and the Cryptkeeper, got unceremoniously dumped by ESPN.

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It's just funny to me that he sabatoges his own chance to obtain what he so desperately wants.

Two questions.

First, how can he sabatoge what amounts to little more than a stab at mediocrity?

Next, what's below the D-List? Because whatever it is...that's where he's aiming.

In the end, above all else, Chad just isn't very smart.

I'm not so sure about that. Chad's got some Kardashian in him.

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I mentioned this is one of the other Chad threads...(we seem to get a new one every day or so)....how his rants are becoming more and more mean spirited. I mentioned this specifically because that's the one quality Chad pimps always claim he never is.

Not true.

Think about just a few of the recent Chadwickian offerings. Interview after interview featuring s s**tstorm of FU's, STFU's, and the thinly disguised FU that is Child Please. Lots of talking about his dick. Photo spreads showing the new tatoos he's gotten. Running bare ass naked through the woods...showing the world his tiny pixels, then explaining it all by reminding the reader how he's never cared about anything. Then, more talk about his dick. More FU's and STFU's. And now we've got him talking about other peoples dicks...and the crimes they may have done.

Granted, during this exact time period Chad has also made headlines announcing some bit of fluffy puffery he'll soon be involved in. Dancing with other people who aren't really stars. Doing a fresh update of the Bachelor, a tired and stale reality show. Appearing in a video with a has been singer. It all sounds so lame, but ultimately harmless. So there's that. And the man can be funny...even when he's mean.

Which he increasingly is.

Here we go...

jk - Chad I think is starting to lose it again. Ive read about these instances and the stupid tv shows he is doing.

It just seems he is going down a slippery slope trying to be popular but all along making a mockery of himself.

You are right, He is starting to attack people that are questioning him. He cant handle criticism and I hope. I HOPE, he can handle Bryant taking attention off of him.

Just starting to see a trend, and am not liking it too much.

Running naked in the park? wtf Chad?

Saying Clayton looks like the deformed face pig guy in Hannibal... Well he does have a point. Is Clayton sick? He just looks ill. I used to work with a lady that looks exactly like him. It was uncanny.

Check yourself Chad. You are joining(voluntarily) into the world of Flava Flav, Brett Michaels, Corey Haim, Teela Taquila, Different Strokes Kids.


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He's not sabotaging anything

Yeah, the lack of participation in camps getting his timing down and reps in wont hurt at all, I'm sure.

Not at all

and of course team chemistry wont be hurt when fellow teammates who work twice as hard and twice as long while getting paid a hundredth of what Chad does notice he's doing his Homey The Clown act on TV while they work to improve the team


Its clearly all good.

He's a real swell fella.

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The Chad hate never gets old ehh.

Nope, never gets old to me.

However, it does wear thin to see blind, semi-literate apologists continue to defend the 'waste-of-skins' of the world like OchoDoucho. Face it, in the grand scheme of life, if he wasn't able to catch footballs, he'd be nothing more than a piece of chewed gum on the bottom of someone's foot. Man has no character, no maturity. And if that's the guy someone like you wants to idolize, you go right ahead. Ten years from now when he nothing more than a footnote in football history, I'm sure you'll have latched on to yet another NFL knucklehead and then, you can change your name.

And for the record, I ditto Army.

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The Chad hate never gets old ehh. Let the man live he does it all in a joking manner. He's not sabotaging anything if Shannon Sharpe and Michael Irvin can get analysts jobs after their careers Chad definitely will be able to.

Glad we could help and please continue to come back for more. Don't worry, we will be sure to respond to every Chad thread in the same manner. Joking or not, Chad is an immature little kid, who thinks and cares more of himself than anyone else. Honestly, I use to be one of the ones that defended Chad to no end, saying things like, "He's nothing like T.O., because he's just having fun" and crap like you just spewed. At the end of the day, he's no better than T.O. in my opinion.

As far as what he does when he's done with football, maybe he can join Corey Dillon in flipping burgers. Anyway, around I'm not concerned.


The Bengals should have traded his ass when they had the chance...

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The Bengals would not have won the division last year without Chad

Yep, I will agree with that and it was the same way in '06. Sadly something else that was the same is that Chad couldn't do anything to get them by the first game of the playoffs. If he is expected to be able to carry them to a Division crown, then is it really to much to ask for him to be able to manage a half way decent game once the playoffs start ?? Not saying you are defending that Wal, just saying is all...

EDIT: And for the record, Chad was WAAAAY focused heading into last season. Kept his mouth shut and trained. His focus paid off and he had a decent season. With all this other stuff going on, Dancing, Dating, Prancing around naked, Twitter wars with analysts, where's the time for the focus ?? Once again, as I've said now for a couple years, if Chad can find a way to help this team win, great. I'll even be happy when he scores TD's. Bottomline is, I think Chad is an immature kid who has some mental issues and I don't care for him.

Oh yeah, that started when he said he didn't care about the fans a couple offseasons ago and then wanted us to "understand" him.

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The Bengals would not have won the division last year without Chad

Yep, I will agree with that and it was the same way in '06. Sadly something else that was the same is that Chad couldn't do anything to get them by the first game of the playoffs. If he is expected to be able to carry them to a Division crown, then is it really to much to ask for him to be able to manage a half way decent game once the playoffs start ?? Not saying you are defending that Wal, just saying is all...

EDIT: And for the record, Chad was WAAAAY focused heading into last season. Kept his mouth shut and trained. His focus paid off and he had a decent season. With all this other stuff going on, Dancing, Dating, Prancing around naked, Twitter wars with analysts, where's the time for the focus ?? Once again, as I've said now for a couple years, if Chad can find a way to help this team win, great. I'll even be happy when he scores TD's. Bottomline is, I think Chad is an immature kid who has some mental issues and I don't care for him.

Oh yeah, that started when he said he didn't care about the fans a couple offseasons ago and then wanted us to "understand" him.

I'm glad I don't get criticized for trying to live a life outside of my main occupation.

He's the best receiver the Bengals have ever had. I won't crucify a guy for trying to have fun.

BTW, Carson without Chad last year = garbage. Also, he knows that he plays on a run-first team, and he's the first to say that he's ok with that.

Change the record guys, the Chad-bashing is getting old.

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Change the record guys, the Chad-bashing is getting old.

Just as old as people defending him for "just having fun." Sure, he plays a game for a living, but he makes a lot of money doing it and he's not taking it very seriously right now. Last year he was focused and ready to play. This year I don't see it. He's more concerned with Dancing with the Stars and his "reality" show.

f**k all that. If his ultimate goal is to earn a Superbowl ring (like he says it is) then football should be his only focus. All this other s**t can wait til he retires.

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The Bengals would not have won the division last year without Chad

Yep, I will agree with that and it was the same way in '06. Sadly something else that was the same is that Chad couldn't do anything to get them by the first game of the playoffs. If he is expected to be able to carry them to a Division crown, then is it really to much to ask for him to be able to manage a half way decent game once the playoffs start ?? Not saying you are defending that Wal, just saying is all...

EDIT: And for the record, Chad was WAAAAY focused heading into last season. Kept his mouth shut and trained. His focus paid off and he had a decent season. With all this other stuff going on, Dancing, Dating, Prancing around naked, Twitter wars with analysts, where's the time for the focus ?? Once again, as I've said now for a couple years, if Chad can find a way to help this team win, great. I'll even be happy when he scores TD's. Bottomline is, I think Chad is an immature kid who has some mental issues and I don't care for him.

Oh yeah, that started when he said he didn't care about the fans a couple offseasons ago and then wanted us to "understand" him.

I'm glad I don't get criticized for trying to live a life outside of my main occupation.

He's the best receiver the Bengals have ever had. I won't crucify a guy for trying to have fun.

BTW, Carson without Chad last year = garbage. Also, he knows that he plays on a run-first team, and he's the first to say that he's ok with that.

Change the record guys, the Chad-bashing is getting old.

You are wrong on two points.

1) I'd put Isaac Curtis over Fredo any day of the week. I got to see him play the last six years of his career and Isaac was the prototype for the Jerry Rices and Tim Browns to follow.

2) I'd not only get criticized but fired if I was spending so much time on reality shows and getting into public pissing matches with the media that it was detracting from my job, and I'm not a star receiver. Fredo has gotten off lucky from HIS employer so if the rest of us want to piss and moan about it, what's it to you?

You sycophant Fredo worshippers are merely the 'B' side to this old record.

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He's the best receiver the Bengals have ever had.

By some measures, sure.

By other measures, not even close.

And you're talking about the past. He's no longer the receiver he was. Professional wideouts work harder to overcome the effects of aging and the wear and year of the game. Chad? Not so much

I won't crucify a guy for trying to have fun.

Let me know how you feel about said crucifixion later in the season, when his ypc average is down, his drops are up, and hes still out of shape....all of which could have been better had he focused on team and not on prancing princess Chadita

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