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Final Thoughts on Steelers game?


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The D had an iffy day for sure but played much better after the half, no doubt Zimmer had a couple of salient points to share with them in the interval. They got a couple of good stops just when needed.

The offense. A lot of talent there too, and a good job there is, or there drive by drive attempts at harakiri might be successful more often.

Also, the O-line stepped up when needed too so well done to those guys.

Finally - f**k Brad St. Louis.

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[espn power rankings] Clearly the Steelers are suffering from a Super Bowl hangover, the loss of Troy Polamalu, lots of bad calls from the officials, bad fields, unlucky bounces, poor locker room sanitation, gremlins, whatever, but they will bounce back. Rank: 10.

The Bengals streak of luck continues. We move them from 22 to 21 this week. [/espn power rankings]

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An absolute cocoon over Palmer the entire 4th quarter. And don't forget the blocks that sprung Benson to pull them within 5.

I will have more later, but, for now, am still processing that on a day when the Bengals played pretty damn s**tty for three quarters, they had hte professionalism not to panic and to find a way to win. They f**king OWNED pittsburgh in the 4th quarter. Absolute domination.

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My thoughts are wow!

Putting it more saliently being 13-0 down with zero offense previous marv teams would have folded but this team stuck at it. That was the kind of win that good teams pull out of the hat.

Kudos to the O-line, Palmer, Caldwell and Leornard for the balls shown on the final drive.

Beating two teams that were considered serious contenders can only be good for this teams confidence following that soul destroying loss to Denver.

Lets hope next week we make it a little easier on our old hearts :sure:

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Remember the debate on just about every Bengals forum on whether to go Dede or Leonard?

I kept saying you go Leonard because he will help you convert a lot more third downs with his blocking, catching, and short-yardage running ability.

Yup that was my thoughts too we had our explosive back with Scott so I always thought roster battle was between Dede & Scott myself...Leonard was upgrading the Kenny Watson position...

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The plays by Caldwell and Leonard on that last drive were unreal. Caldwell made a catch on 2nd and 10 when the Bengals were out around the 30 that was unreal. Ball was a bullet and behind him.

And Leonard's professionalism and sense of space to lunge forward and now let his knee touch short of the marker on that 4th and 10 may have been the headiest thing I have seen from this team in about five years.

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impressive game, this team is stepping up and making the plays that count. the line was great in the 4th, palmer caldwell leonard you name them and they made plays. when the games on the line this team start playing at their best and 3 weeks in a row we made the plays (besides the denver fluke) to win the game when we had to. very impressive GO BENGALS!

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I'd just like to point out that Benson average 4.75 yards a carry against a very good Steelers D.

Yaknow, props to Brat for that. Not a great day for him for three quarters, but he did take advantage of a Steelers D that was apparently softned up in the 4th by staying with the running game.

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And Leonard's professionalism and sense of space to lunge forward and now let his knee touch short of the marker on that 4th and 10 may have been the headiest thing I have seen from this team in about five years.

That catch by leonard brought me to my knees seeing him start to fall 2 yards short and lunge for 3-4 more yards and pick up the first down was HUGE!Then Carsons Trust on giving it to Leonard expecting him to get the 1st down even though it was 4th down... God I <3 this team only if we had a real tight end.

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This was the first game I was able to watch live this year, and man oh man, what a game

Many, many things I loved, in no particular order - except maybe I give the first item the edge

I love the heart the Bengals showed. There was no rolling over and giving up to the big bad unbeatable steelers

Love the fake punt, and particularly that the ball went to Chris Crocker, who is the personification of this new defense

Odom. Taking double and triple teams and on at least one occasion, beating them. When was the last time the Steelers had to adjust one one of our defenders?

Love the not losing heart when at the end, Steeler after Steeler committed flagrant but uncalled pass interference and we simply went back and tried again. Did I mention I loved the heart?

Remember when Jonathan Joseph defended passes well but could not intercept a ball if his life depended on it? So much for that little problem.

I love the fact that they did not give up on the run

I love the trade of a DLineman who we would have cut a month or more ago for Brian Leonard.

I love Ray Maulauga coming back in the game. T O U G H N E S S

I love the push of the new D-Line

I love seeing some of the starters playing special teams. It used to be only backups played special teams - starters were "too valuable" to play SR. Now ST success is seen as part of the overall team win. That new attitude is ON THE MONEY

I love the OLine play, which was better than anyone could have expected against a very good pass-rushing team.

I love me some Kyle Cook. You never once heard his name. No more turnstile.

I gotta love Dan Coats. Made a key catch, drew a key pass interference penalty from the Steelers. Didn't fumble, blocked well.

I love that #11 finally earned some of that dump truck full of cash we backed up to his garage

I love that we milked the clock down on the last drive in addition to punching it in. 2 seconds for Big ben? Love it.


and I ab-so-freakin-lootly LOVE beating those freakin Steelers

(there were a few things I hated too - without naming names, a very fat FB and a very old long snapper - but forget that - we freakin beat the freakin Steelers)

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First, I'd simply like to say, it's going to be a good week at work with my Commander and First Sergeant being Steeler fans.

Second, what a great game. THey really showed some heart where other Bengal teams would have basically packed it in after being down 13-0 early.

Lastly, I want to apologize to everyone...

You see, I was out with Mrs. ArmyBengal early in the day and didn't have my jersey on. I came home right at kickoff and was so amped up about the game, I simply sat down without thinking about putting on my jersey. I sat through the whole first half in disgust and jerseyless. At halftime, I realized the error in my ways and retrieved my orange Rey Maualuga jersey. The rest is history.

It won't happen again !!!

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