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This win is the worst thing to happen for Bengals


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This Bengals winning in convincing fashion Sunday is not as good as it seems.

Now that they have one convincing win-in 11 attempts- Bengals ownership and management has enough reason to "stay the course".

Folks the Bengals we saw Sunday are an aboration. The real Bengals are the ones we have seen the majority of the year. As much as I enjoy going to the games and catching the Bengals playing well in all three facets of the game, heres hoping they lose convincingly the next 5 games. The season is over. We need a high draft pick, not another meaningless 8-8 season. And we need change. We need new coaches. We need Darren McFadden.

Oh, and how is Ricky Williams- 4 time league substance abuser- starting tonite for the Dolphins, while Odell Thurman, 2 time league substance abuser, is in Georgia working construction? Thats just screwed up. Dude is a 4 time abuser of a narcotic, yet Odell drinks a few beers and gets a worse sentence? Are you f'in serious?

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Oh, and how is Ricky Williams- 4 time league substance abuser- starting tonite for the Dolphins, while Odell Thurman, 2 time league substance abuser, is in Georgia working construction? Thats just screwed up. Dude is a 4 time abuser of a narcotic, yet Odell drinks a few beers and gets a worse sentence? Are you f'in serious?

I can not argue that. Even if I were an Odell detractor.

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Now that they have one convincing win-in 11 attempts- Bengals ownership and management has enough reason to "stay the course".

Folks the Bengals we saw Sunday are an aboration. The real Bengals are the ones we have seen the majority of the year. As much as I enjoy going to the games and catching the Bengals playing well in all three facets of the game, heres hoping they lose convincingly the next 5 games. The season is over. We need a high draft pick, not another meaningless 8-8 season. And we need change. We need new coaches. We need Darren McFadden.

I could never hope for the Bengals to lose. But yeah, I can see them winning their way into the worst of all possible offseason worlds: a say, 7-9 finish that takes them out of range of a real blue chipper in April, and which encourages that stay-the-course strategy in March's FA period.

Such is life as a Bengals fan.

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Thank you for starting this thread, this is exactly the same way I feel too. I get tired of being called a pessimist for believing that this team needs wholesale changes to be competitive next season.

It's been fear all along that the kitties will win just enough games to give SoP and Marvin the excuse, and "excuse" is exactly what it would be, to NOT change things. I can hear them now...

"Once we started getting our players back, I thought we played pretty well."-Marvin Lewis

"We don't want to do anything rash here, change for changes sake has never been a good thing I feel." - Mike Brown

Arrrgghhhhhh......... I can't stand it!!! :angry:

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Thank you for starting this thread, this is exactly the same way I feel too. I get tired of being called a pessimist for believing that this team needs wholesale changes to be competitive next season.

It's been fear all along that the kitties will win just enough games to give SoP and Marvin the excuse, and "excuse" is exactly what it would be, to NOT change things. I can hear them now...

"Once we started getting our players back, I thought we played pretty well."-Marvin Lewis

"We don't want to do anything rash here, change for changes sake has never been a good thing I feel." - Mike Brown

Arrrgghhhhhh......... I can't stand it!!! :angry:

I find it funny to be called a pessimest, when i have the overall success of the franchise as my concern. I want to see the Bengals in a Super Bowl in the worst of ways, and I dont see the current situation leading to that outcome.

Every team has injuries. And lets face it, linebackers are the least important position on either side of the ball. The Begals remaining schedule:

-@ Steelers- L

- Rams- W

- @ 49ers- W

- Browns- L

-@ Dolphins- W

The Bengals finish 7-9. They stay the course. They get a somewhat meaningless #14 draft pick they will use for another 'top' linebacker. They resign all their own free agents. And in 2008 we improve to 8-8. And just about everyone on this message board will call Marvin a genious.

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And lets face it, linebackers are the least important position on either side of the ball.

Yeah, thank God the linebackers and their unimportant position haven't been a concern for our team this season !!!


They are not as important as Lineman or the secondary. They are easily replaceable as witnessed by this years events. And most importantly they are not an excuse for the teams losses this year. I would probably but more of the blame on a young secondary and the off-year M Williams and D Jackson are having.

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This Bengals winning in convincing fashion Sunday is not as good as it seems.

Now that they have one convincing win-in 11 attempts- Bengals ownership and management has enough reason to "stay the course".

Folks the Bengals we saw Sunday are an aboration. The real Bengals are the ones we have seen the majority of the year. As much as I enjoy going to the games and catching the Bengals playing well in all three facets of the game, heres hoping they lose convincingly the next 5 games. The season is over. We need a high draft pick, not another meaningless 8-8 season. And we need change. We need new coaches. We need Darren McFadden.

Oh, and how is Ricky Williams- 4 time league substance abuser- starting tonite for the Dolphins, while Odell Thurman, 2 time league substance abuser, is in Georgia working construction? Thats just screwed up. Dude is a 4 time abuser of a narcotic, yet Odell drinks a few beers and gets a worse sentence? Are you f'in serious?

You are seriously f___ked up. Otherwise, how could yesterday's great win be construed as bad for the team. Oh wait, you have a long-term strategy for success, which apparently includes losing home games. Fantastic. Maybe you are a true footbal genius. You definitely shouldn't waste your time playing fantasy football and Madden '08.

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Actually this is closer to what I expected out of this team this year. When somewhat healthy they have the ability to beat up on inferior teams. But teams that are more complete will be difficult to beat because we can't run the ball and can't stop the run without completely selling out.

I actually think the LB loss has been devestating to the team this year not only on defense but on special teams as well. Since we don't carry but two tight ends the backers should be the centerpiece of strong special teams and we haven't had any consistancy there.

With the no. 14 pick I see the Bengals taking either the top DLineman or OLineman available. Just my 2 cents.

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You are seriously f___ked up. Otherwise, how could yesterday's great win be construed as bad for the team. Oh wait, you have a long-term strategy for success, which apparently includes losing home games. Fantastic. Maybe you are a true footbal genius. You definitely shouldn't waste your time playing fantasy football and Madden '08.

Not to defend the cretin, but in 2002 I was hoping the Bengals would lose as many games as possible, to accomplish two things: 1) Get Palmer, and 2) Get a coach from outside the organization. Both happened, and I think the results speak for themselves. But we're not back at the 2002 level, so I think that's currently uncalled for.

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I don't comprehend this attitude that promotes losing as a way to get better. A one or two win year can send a team's confidence into a downward spiral that can last not just a few games but a few seasons. That kind of year damages the attitude and morale of the players and the coaches. Marvin is doing a good job, and there is an infrastructure there that can produce good seasons in the future. Here's to our down years being 6,7, or 8 win seasons, not 1, 2, or 3 win seasons. There is a huge difference. The Bengals are winners, not losers. Keep winning Bengals!

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I don't comprehend this attitude that promotes losing as a way to get better.

It has to do with the nature of the organization. Anyone who has followed this team for a while knows that it seems to go out of its way to avoid making substantial changes. The FO is very conservative when it comes to change. The one and only time we have seen the Mike Brown regime radically shift gears was after the Crash of '02. So if you're an advocate of substantial change, there's some logic in hoping for a Crash of '07.

While I'm in the "substantial change" camp, I can't bring myself to root for losses. For me, any benefits from losses fall into the category of "silver linings." And I agree with DC that the team isn't in 2002 shape. But I do understand the attitude.

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It has to do with the nature of the organization. Anyone who has followed this team for a while knows that it seems to go out of its way to avoid making substantial changes.

Exactly. From 1992-2002, the team had 0 winning seasons, yet had promoted a coach who comes from the Bengals' organization not once, not twice, but THREE (!!!!) times. Imagine this were a fortune 500 company that was losing tons of cash every year. Fire the CEO, promote the CFO. Fire him, promote the CTO. Fire him, promote the CIO. Who does business that way? Certainly no company that plans to stay in business. I mean, the Shula hire alone - the WR coach? A guy who has never been a head coach at ANY LEVEL??? A guy who was demoted from his position as offensive coordinator with the Cowboys? You gotta be kidding me. And Coslet - good God, that guy made Norv Turner look like John Wayne. No spine at all. Dick LeBeau I think was just wrong place, wrong time. But still, by that time the organization needed a big overhaul, and an old Bengals guy wasn't the way to go.

So by 2002, I had definitely decided that, sort of like an addict, Mikey needed to hit rock bottom to get some dose of reality. And to an extent, it worked. Though I am getting the feeling that based on the recent success (by our standards), Mikey has decided he knows what he's doing again. I hope Marvin can talk him out of that.

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What's an "aboration"? Sounds unpleasant.

I believe he meant "aberration". A deviation, an anomaly, a peculiarity, something that happens only every now & then, not the norm.

In other words, anything to do with the Cincinnati Bengals. ;)

Yeah, I got that Bengals1. I was going for funny. I will try harder next time...

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We didn't have a shot at Glenn,Mcfadden or top DE so were probably better off picking with a mid round pick who still could be a DT,DE,LB or Safety.

at first part of me wanted to see us lose out since our playoffs were nil to none but after I thought about it if we lose every game till our last I'd still be rooting for us to win last one.You play to win not lose.

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I think this thread says less about the Bengals themselves and more about the loser mentality of many Bengals fans.

Frankly, it's become painfully obvious that far too many Bengal fans are self-loathing douchebags who lack the guts needed to quit something they very clearly hate. Worse, this team would be well served if it could cast off half of it's fanbase as if it were so much dead skin.

As for me, I want to see this team right itself, win as many games as possible, and as they did against the Titans....play spoiler to as many teams as possible.

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Yeah, I can't see rooting for a loss either. Now "IF" they were to happen to lose the remainder of their games and we got a top 5 pick, I wouldn't be disappointed in getting the pick, but the way they would get it would obviously NOT make me happy. I want to see them come out each and every week for the remainder of the season and do to the teams left on the schedule what they did to the Titans....

Hell, I told myself numerous times this season that I needed to pick the opposing team in my pick'em league, but in the end, I still took the Bengals. It's a loyalty thing !!!


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