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Matt Flynn available


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CINCINNATI (AP) October 14, 2013 -- Calls for the Cincinnati Bengals to replace quarterback Andy Dalton grew louder after yesterday's 44-13 victory over the Buffalo Bills. Dalton, who threw for 480 yards and five touchdowns, was blasted by fans on local sports talk radio and internet forums after the game. Critics argued that his success in Buffalo was due only to the talent around him and pointed to his two imcompletions (Dalton was 28/30 overall) as proof that he is simply not an NFL-caliber QB.

"Look, the bottom line is that a real QB is 50 for 50 yesterday for 1,000 yards and 15 TDs, that's how bad the Bills were," said one irate fan. "If Dalton can't set an all-time passing record Sunday he's never going anywhere in this league."

Dalton "had a good game," conceded another fan, "but accidents happen. He'll be crap again next week. They should bring Pat White in for a workout."

In addition to railing against Dalton in the media, fans are taking action to encourage the Bengals to move on at QB. One example was the Web site "Timcinnati.com" launched last night by a group dedicated to bringing QB Tim Tebow to the Queen City. There are also unconfirmed reports that a group of well-heeled Bengals season ticket holders have launched a behind-the-scenes effort to facilitate a trade with the Arizona Cardinals that would bring former QB Carson Palmer back to Cincinnati.

Reached at Paul Brown Stadium this morning, Bengals head coach Marvin Lewis dissolved into a fit of uncontrollable giggles when informed of these fan-led efforts. "Really?" he managed between gasps for air and bouts of laughter. After several moments Bengals media personnel apologized and told reporters to call back later once the coach had caught his breath.

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"Look, the bottom line is that a real QB is 50 for 50 yesterday for 1,000 yards and 15 TDs, that's how bad the Bills were," said one irate fan.

There is no way you can know if I'm actually going to say that.

Ok, I am actually going to say that.

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But again - I personally am not looking at this signing to replace Dalton

I am looking at it as a replacement for Josh Johnson

Let's say we are 9-4 in the last weeks of the season and just need a win or two to secure a playoff spot, and Dalton goes out hurt. Do you feel more comfortable with Josh Johnson or with Matt Flynn at the QB spot in the hopes of picking up those 1-2 more wins?

(for the record, I have no interest in Tebow or White)

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But again - I personally am not looking at this signing to replace Dalton

Oh, I know. It's just been a bemusing day. Aside from the dumb pick Dalton had a solid day, the Bengals ran the crap out of the ball like we all wanted, the D played up to its princely salary and - oh yeah - the Bengals won. Yet reading twitter and CJ and the .com boards and forums in general it's like Sunday didn't happen. It's all about drafting a QB and signing FA QBs and Dalton sucks and fire Jay Gruden.

I'm just blowing off steam.

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I said the same thing. Minus the bad pick, it was a great day for Dalton.

People need to make up their minds. If you truly want Dalton to improve, then acknowledge when he does what you are asking.

If you truly want him gone, then don't say you want to see the man improve.

I can't see anyone really feeling that way, so it's confusing.

AGAIN, Dalton has things to improve upon, but I won't bemoan the fact he had a good game and make him out to suck.

Improving the backup spot ?? Yeah, that's why Josh Freeman wouldn't have bothered me in the least.

I can't honestly say that Matt Flynn is that much of an upgrade (if at all) to Josh Johnson truth be told though.

Even if he does, I still say the organization isn't interested at this point in time.

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Um, yeah because the Raiders are just loaded at the QB Position. Matt Flynn had ridden one flukish game to a large payday in Seattle but one year flame outs in both Seattle and Oakland give you a pretty good indication that Matt Flynn is not an NFL caliber QB.

Matt Flynn is not > Josh Johnson, IMHO Matt Flynn is not > John Skelton even.

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The real question is not if Flynn > Dalton

and I'm not asking it :-)

The real question is: is Flynn > Josh Johnson?

Part B of this same question: Would having Flynn signed for 2+ years provide some insurance when trying to re-sign Dalton at the end of this year?

I'm gonna go with YES and YES

Matt Flynn < Matt McGloin.

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My gutters are a constant source of frustration for me. We have huge old white pines on two sides of our house, and the needles are constantly getting in and clogging our gutters. There is micro-screen technology out there that supposedly works, but is very very expensive. I've used 3 different types of screening type things but pine needle problems are the Rasputin of gutter difficulties.

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When I was deep into the gutter thing, I remember researching it on Youtube. I found some guy on there that did like a 5 year study on various types of gutter guards on his house. He was really really way too into gutter guards. But his mental imbalance is our gain! He did this long study, and basically said the only thing worth a crap is the ultra expensive micro mesh stuff that would keep the stuff out of the gutters and would also make me taste my own blood after my ball and chain saw how much I spent on gutter guards. Micro mesh gutter guards are the best, but if your wife's a vicious killer like mine, just forget it.

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