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Assessment thus far.


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Here is my assessment so far:

# 25 looks really good and could end up being our starting RB!

Sanu is back and will be a force!

Def of line looks great, our weakness is still the DB’s.

I was not a big support of Tate but have to say, he has really turned it around!

Here’s the deal, as bad as our backups looked against the Cowboys, we only lost by 6 points. If we would have challenged that TD, it would have been a tied game!!

We haven’t played a game yet with all of our started in at the same time (on off). If we can eliminate the mistakes, keep players healthy, we’re going to be really good! Got to protect the ball, can’t have penalties from our linemen before the ball is snapped or at all for that matter.

Conditioning seems to be a concern for some players; they were struggling out there towards the end of the game.

Big cut down coming this week! Who’ll be looking for another team?

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It's been a positive preseason. The good things have clearly outweighed the bad things in my opinion, and the team appears to be reasonably healthy (so long as Whitworth's issue doesn't linger into the regular season and Andre's ding last night isn't worse than anticipated).

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It has been a very positive preseason. Very few injuries and pretty good play on the field, last night notwithstanding. I think last night's turd will be a positive in that it'll be a good teaching point and will keep them from believing their Press clippings. In particular, Dre K can be reminded of this game everytime he thinks he's a stud. I'd love to have Whit but Collins has held his own over there

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Very optimistic.

Don't worry too much about the secondary. In a regular season game, you are NOT going to see Kirkpatrick going against Dez Bryant 1 on 1. If anything, Hall would get that assignment, but more likely is that he's being double teamed.

My biggest concern is the # of penalties on the o-line. Hopefully they get that cleaned up.

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The penalties are certainly a concern from the o-line.

Nothing kills a drive more than that and it's so irritating to watch.

The secondary doesn't concern me either, but I still can't fathom why Kerry Rhodes wouldn't have been a better option than what we've seen from the SS spot to this point in time. I'm not going to bash away, but they need to get more from the likes of what they have as no one has stood out in the least.

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The penalties are certainly a concern from the o-line.

Nothing kills a drive more than that and it's so irritating to watch.

The secondary doesn't concern me either, but I still can't fathom why Kerry Rhodes wouldn't have been a better option than what we've seen from the SS spot to this point in time. I'm not going to bash away, but they need to get more from the likes of what they have as no one has stood out in the least.

Considering nobody else has signed Rhodes, I'd guess there's a reason.

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I'm sure there's a reason why Rhodes hasn't been part of any conversation, but since i'm not privy to it, I can only go by what I watch during the games. What i've watched during the games tells me they are probably keeping Crocker's number within arms reach. Is Iloka still hurt ?? Williams hasn't really impressed me, but who knows ?? Mays ?? Holy sh*t is he ridiculously bad at what he does. Who would have thought giving up that late round pick for him would have been such a bad deal ??

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I'm sure there's a reason why Rhodes hasn't been part of any conversation, but since i'm not privy to it, I can only go by what I watch during the games. What i've watched during the games tells me they are probably keeping Crocker's number within arms reach. Is Iloka still hurt ?? Williams hasn't really impressed me, but who knows ?? Mays ?? Holy sh*t is he ridiculously bad at what he does. Who would have thought giving up that late round pick for him would have been such a bad deal ??

Mays is staggeringly bad. wow.

Will they keep him to be on ST? He does have speed and is effective on ST...

I can't imagine Crocker is really an option, another year on....

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I was just joking about Crocker. At least I hope so.

In regards to Mays value on ST, I say they have his replacement in Shaffer and to top that off, he actually has value at his real position of LB.

Mays is next to useless to me. Then again, i'm not making cuts...

Eifert didn't play in the last game due to injury and Porter got dinged as well from my understanding.

I can't say keeping Nugent should surprise anyone, but Sharp really did look good.

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Really disappointed that Sharp was cut.

He has kicked off better than Nugent and made every fg and extra point, as far as I know.

Very surprised that we have not seen more of Eifert.

Has the 4th round pick - Porter? - seen the field yet?

To be fair, Nugent has been kicking them deeper this preseason.

Eifert was hurt (wrist) and didn't play against the Cowboys. It's supposed to be minor and I would guess that his role will increase sooner rather than later.

Porter is also injured (shoulder). He seems likely headed for IR.

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For years, I've written substantially the same post before each season: the Bengals will succeed this year IF...

And every year, there has been a laundry list of "ifs." IF this draft pick lives up to the hype, or IF someone emerges at that position or IF players X, Y and Z can stay healthy, and on and on.

This year, I can't write that post. Oh, there are still some ifs, but they are normal ifs, ifs that every team has.

This year, all the excuses are gone. All the holes are filled. We don't **need** any potential to become reality. It would be nice if Eifert had a big year, for example, but not necessary. All he has to do is contribute and I'm confident of that. Ditto for Gio and even Kirkpatrick, despite his bad day Saturday.

This year, it's time to win.

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If you felt you could write some "ifs" about this season, it would be interesting to go back at the end of the season and see how concerning they were.

I really don't think there are many either. My largest concern is still the SS position. I simply don't feel they have done enough to this point.

Sure there are guys out there and will probably be more, but they will be starting fresh with the system and need time to learn the sets.

I'm all about being proactive instead of reactive and while my thoughts could certainly be off, I don't like our SS's right now.

Don't get me wrong, there are other concerns, but as mentioned I think they have most of those in hand.

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SS certainly bears watching but I think if you asked fans of every other club, they would all be able to point to a similar position on their team where they could wish for better personnel. To put what I was saying another way, this year's Bengals team does not feel like a game of "Mousetrap": a Rube Goldberg agglomeration of parts, all of which have to work perfectly or the whole thing collapses. For once, we aren't wishing/hoping/praying that half a dozen unlikely events occur. That's a welcome feeling to me, one I haven't had about the Bengals in a long, long time.

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Mays just takes bad angles and misses tackles as a result. I'm not a fan and will be good with Iloka and Williams.

Andy has thrown 4 passes of more than 15 yards, and no completions on those 4 passes. It's not something we didn't know about him, I just keep hoping he will get better. I am confident our OC can perfect the dink and dunk thing, and get the most out of Andy.

Re Dalton. When old timey dudes with sideburns demanded Lincoln replace McLellan as general of the Union Army, Lincoln's response was, "got a name?" That is the fix we're in. Until we pick in the top 5 or so, we're probably not going to get a chance at a big arm. So as I guess MEM would probably say, bengals new tshirt slogan should be, "Embrace Dilfer 2.0, or GTFO."

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Of Course the Old Timey Dudes were not wrong about McClellen and eventually he was replaced...twice...but I don't think that is the situation we are in with Dalton, last season they completed more 40+ passing plays than anyone in the league (14) except Tampa Bay (and yes some of those were catch and run affairs but that is the case with every team).

Except for the INT (and even that was partly due to Ware hitting him as he threw, though Sanu looked like he was blanketed regardless) I thought Dalton played a hell of a good game on Saturday he kept the offense in rhythm and made excellent adjustments in the flow of the game. People keep attacking him about the playoff games but last years' game he was the victim of 6 drops in the first half (mostly by Gresham who played the worst half of football I have ever seen from a TE), if some of those balls were caught (as they should have been) we win that game. Likewise, the first playoff game against the Texans short of that incredible INT by Watt...he even played reasonably well and we had a chance to win that game as well. If you look at his statistics last year with Sanu in the game he was pretty damn good and this year not only should we have Sanu but Bernard and Eifert as well to take the load off....I think Andy's critics are missing the larger point that he is having a pretty damn good start to his career.

Would you rather have had Ponder? Gabbert? Locker? Even Newton? I for one wouldn't. Ponder looks scared to death and his footwork sucks, Gabbert is a bust mentally, Locker was my favorite QB in that draft but hasn't shown anything in the pros, and Newton isn't half the leader that Dalton is. If he (Dalton) flames out this year and regresses maybe it is time to start raising the alarm but for now....I still think they look like a division champion ball club.

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...last season they completed more 40+ passing plays than anyone in the league (14) except Tampa Bay (and yes some of those were catch and run affairs but that is the case with every team).

This. I don't care if it's 40 yards in the air or 40 yards on a catch and run. The yards are the same. They've been getting good chunks this preseason and I'm good with it.

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Of Course the Old Timey Dudes were not wrong about McClellen and eventually he was replaced...twice...but I don't think that is the situation we are in with Dalton, last season they completed more 40+ passing plays than anyone in the league (14) except Tampa Bay (and yes some of those were catch and run affairs but that is the case with every team).

Except for the INT (and even that was partly due to Ware hitting him as he threw, though Sanu looked like he was blanketed regardless) I thought Dalton played a hell of a good game on Saturday he kept the offense in rhythm and made excellent adjustments in the flow of the game. People keep attacking him about the playoff games but last years' game he was the victim of 6 drops in the first half (mostly by Gresham who played the worst half of football I have ever seen from a TE), if some of those balls were caught (as they should have been) we win that game. Likewise, the first playoff game against the Texans short of that incredible INT by Watt...he even played reasonably well and we had a chance to win that game as well. If you look at his statistics last year with Sanu in the game he was pretty damn good and this year not only should we have Sanu but Bernard and Eifert as well to take the load off....I think Andy's critics are missing the larger point that he is having a pretty damn good start to his career.

Would you rather have had Ponder? Gabbert? Locker? Even Newton? I for one wouldn't. Ponder looks scared to death and his footwork sucks, Gabbert is a bust mentally, Locker was my favorite QB in that draft but hasn't shown anything in the pros, and Newton isn't half the leader that Dalton is. If he (Dalton) flames out this year and regresses maybe it is time to start raising the alarm but for now....I still think they look like a division champion ball club.

Hate to admit it now, but I wanted Geno Smith. Other than that, I can't think of anyone. We'll get our Ulysses Grant someday.

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I'm happy with our QB. Every QB throws int's so that doesn't concern me that he throws one every now and then. Dalton is an improvement over what Palmer did for us his last season in Cincy. It drove me nuts watching him throw into double and triple coverage. I'm also happy with our back up - he moves the chains for us!! As far as kickers, Sharp was doing a better job but Nugent has tenure with us and the coaches like him. Sharp will be picked up by another team! I agree with the yards comment too. Doesn't matter how long the ball is in the air as long as we move the chains and score TD's. Who Dey..

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