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Huh... someone who wants to be a team leader. How un-Carson like can you get?

RB Benson at Bengals’ workout, wants to stay

By JOE KAY, AP Sports Writer

CINCINNATI (AP)—By carrying the ball in the rain with his former Bengals teammates, running back Cedric Benson(notes) sent the front office another reminder that he wants to be the centerpiece of Cincinnati’s all-new offense.

The free agent joined his former teammates for a voluntary workout Wednesday at the University of Cincinnati, acting much more like someone who’s ready to lead rather than leave. Benson has topped the team in rushing each of the last three seasons, but didn’t get a contract extension.

During the NFL’s lockout, free agents can’t negotiate or sign with teams. The 28-year-old running back from Texas not only wants to stay, but is ready to become one of the leaders in an offense undergoing dramatic change.

“I’ve been very passive the past three years, maybe just because I had to,” said Benson, who revived his career in Cincinnati after tough times in Chicago. “I’m not saying I’m a totally different person or that I’d be crazy vocal or nothing like that, but I’d be a little more expressive on work ethic and passion for the game just because that’s how I am.”

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Im actully amazed by how many people are stepping up this season so far, and becoming leaders! Im mean even guys that arnt under contract are there working there butts off getting ready. This to me shows the guys on this team want to win, and want to work toghter to achieve winning. Im really liking what im seeing so far, im not saying they are going to be a great team, or even a winning season, but its great to see guys step up.

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Tough room. I'm a huge Cedric fan, and I hope the Bengals sign him, extend him, whatever his contract status allows. He's the type of blue collar guy the Bengals need, and his attitude has lined up with my offensive philosophy, power running game first and foremost.

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I really haven't had much of an issue with Benson, but last season did give reason to not want to pay the guy the way he states he should be paid.

I think the lack of any other real options and little to no time to get things going will almost necessitate him coming back and i;m not sold on that being a bad thing. This team is talking about starting a rookie QB and having a ton of young talent around him. Green, Shipley, and Gresham aren't exactly veteran leadership.

I think last season, even though Benson still got the carries, was really an oddity in how the offense changed so dramatically. Many of us here made mention of the fact they went away from the smashmouth style of running, somthing the o-line excelled in and attempted an improved passing attack, something the o-line sucked at.

If Gruden truly wants to work a run first oriented west coast offense and gets the o-line working to their strength, Benson could again be a better than average RB for us. I suppose that FA could still bear some fruit in this area, but there are still a ton of uncertainties involved.

Benson at the right price.

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Tough room. I'm a huge Cedric fan, and I hope the Bengals sign him, extend him, whatever his contract status allows. He's the type of blue collar guy the Bengals need, and his attitude has lined up with my offensive philosophy, power running game first and foremost.

His attitude is precisely what I don't like. The minute the offense wasn't about him, him, and him last year, he started pouting and complaining and -- IMHO not coincidentally -- fumbling. If we want to see the players quit their clock-punching ways, step one is to find guys who don't start looking for their time card the minute they aren't the star of the show.

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Tough room. I'm a huge Cedric fan, and I hope the Bengals sign him, extend him, whatever his contract status allows. He's the type of blue collar guy the Bengals need, and his attitude has lined up with my offensive philosophy, power running game first and foremost.

His attitude is precisely what I don't like. The minute the offense wasn't about him, him, and him last year, he started pouting and complaining and -- IMHO not coincidentally -- fumbling. If we want to see the players quit their clock-punching ways, step one is to find guys who don't start looking for their time card the minute they aren't the star of the show.

I'm not sure about the pouting. Yes, he spoke up... but can you deny that he was right?

The Bengals abandoned what got them to the playoffs in '09. Marvin eventually admitted the philosophy change was a mistake. Benson merely spoke up about it.

This isn't a guy who was complaining about the number of carries. He was complaining about the change in philosophy. He didn't pout... He spoke up. And he was right.

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Tough room. I'm a huge Cedric fan, and I hope the Bengals sign him, extend him, whatever his contract status allows. He's the type of blue collar guy the Bengals need, and his attitude has lined up with my offensive philosophy, power running game first and foremost.

His attitude is precisely what I don't like. The minute the offense wasn't about him, him, and him last year, he started pouting and complaining and -- IMHO not coincidentally -- fumbling. If we want to see the players quit their clock-punching ways, step one is to find guys who don't start looking for their time card the minute they aren't the star of the show.

What Derek said sums up my feelings as well. Benson saw something going down the drain and voiced his displeasure. If we want good soldiers who let their teammates do anything they want, who stay quiet when coaches start doing stupid things, well, in my opinion we had one in Carson Palmer. And that personality is a classic follower, not a leader. Every team needs plenty of those, but you can't have them all that way, and you certainly can't have your starting quarterback that way.

Benson is not going to quietly waste his considerable talent on a crappy team and take it laying down. Barry Sanders did it, and what did it get him? Meanwhile good teams like the Colts are open to input from players. I doubt their quarterback just keeps him mouth shut when things start going wrong. Remember the philisophical discussion he and Jeff Saturday had on the sideline a few years ago? They were exploring the same issue this team is facing, do we run the ball or do we throw the ball. Openly questioning the offensive philosophy hasn't hurt that team at all. So in summation, Cedric Benson = Peyton Manning.

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Im actully amazed by how many people are stepping up this season so far, and becoming leaders! Im mean even guys that arnt under contract are there working there butts off getting ready. This to me shows the guys on this team want to win, and want to work toghter to achieve winning. Im really liking what im seeing so far, im not saying they are going to be a great team, or even a winning season, but its great to see guys step up.

Let's face it, as miserable as this teams leadership has been recently, for better or worse, the most important leadership role, starting QB, has been vacated and probably won't be filled by a comparable reputation or paycheck. Thus, multiple players will attempt to step into a role that had been filled by only one player.

As for the willingness to speak up by players who aren't under contract? Well, let's just say I'm more inpressed by Dhani Jones remarks about Jordan Palmer than I am by Jordan Palmer's willingness to organize player workouts. Nutshelled, one player is simply doing what he needs to do to prolong his career while the other is an aging player who may or may not be asked back who is willing to openly criticize how this team is currently built.

Last, I love Cedric Benson's newly discovered willingness to be a leader. That said, I don't have to be reminded that the type of role Benson is begging for is exactly what he needs to accomplish his statistical and FINANCIAL goals...so I'm not suprised by his willingness to step up.

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Yes, he spoke up... but can you deny that he was right?

Aren't they always? Dillon wasn't wrong about Mike Brown being a crappy owner. Pickens wasn't wrong about Coslet being a crappy head coach. TO wasn't wrong about Bratkowski being a crappy OC.

Benson could have focused on the role he had last year. Instead, he focused on the one he didn't. Haven't we had enough of that?

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Yes, he spoke up... but can you deny that he was right?

Aren't they always? Dillon wasn't wrong about Mike Brown being a crappy owner. Pickens wasn't wrong about Coslet being a crappy head coach. TO wasn't wrong about Bratkowski being a crappy OC.

Benson could have focused on the role he had last year. Instead, he focused on the one he didn't. Haven't we had enough of that?

You're way off. Benson isn't in the same category as Dillon and Pickens... who were openly attempting to talk their way out of Cincy. Benson is in fact, attempting to stay in Cincy... and wants Cincy to be be a winner.

Let's review the comments that Benson made:

"With all those players and names you brought up they’re all, except for one, directly involved in the passing game, so, I mean, if I had to guess, it seems that that’s kind of the route that we’re trying to go, which can be a bit frustrating because we were successful running the football last year and being a power team. Being that type of team got us where we ultimately wanted to be, which was in the playoffs. I don’t know what would be the reason the team would want to change their identity, unless in the past season it didn’t work. But that’s not the case here. And, I mean, I don’t know. I guess whoever’s making those shots, or calling those shots, you got to kind of roll with the punches.”

Is that being a malcontent? He made his opinion known, that he didn't agree with the philosophical change... but unlike T.O., he didn't throw teammates or coaches under the bus. In fact... he did the opposite saying he would "roll with the punches."

No pouting. Just honesty when he was asked a direct question.

And the idea the fumbles were on purpose has got to be one of the dumbest opinions you've ever brought to the boards.

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And the idea the fumbles were on purpose has got to be one of the dumbest opinions you've ever brought to the boards.

I didn't say his fumbles were on purpose. His fumbles were because his head wasn't in the game, because the game wasn't all about him.

You're way off. Benson isn't in the same category as Dillon and Pickens... who were openly attempting to talk their way out of Cincy. Benson is in fact, attempting to stay in Cincy... and wants Cincy to be be a winner.

And Pickens and Dillon didn't? Why do you think they were discontented? (Hint: it wasn't because Cincy was winning.) I've heard the same things, even said them myself, time and again.

But he's right! X is wrong with Cincy!

He just wants to play for a winner!

Not any more.

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And the idea the fumbles were on purpose has got to be one of the dumbest opinions you've ever brought to the boards.

I didn't say his fumbles were on purpose. His fumbles were because his head wasn't in the game, because the game wasn't all about him.

You're way off. Benson isn't in the same category as Dillon and Pickens... who were openly attempting to talk their way out of Cincy. Benson is in fact, attempting to stay in Cincy... and wants Cincy to be be a winner.

And Pickens and Dillon didn't? Why do you think they were discontented? (Hint: it wasn't because Cincy was winning.) I've heard the same things, even said them myself, time and again.

But he's right! X is wrong with Cincy!

He just wants to play for a winner!

Not any more.

Whatever. Benson's attitude is nothing like the players you previously mentioned... because unlike the others, he isn't asking to escape. He's not looking for an easy way out so he can win elsewhere. He's trying to be part of the solution.

Palmer never spoke a word against management... but he has a lot more in common with Dillon and Pickens than Benson does. Ced isn't an ingrate or a locker room problem. Plain and simple.

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  • 1 month later...


Cincinnati Bengals running back Cedric Benson was arrested and charged with assault causing bodily injury to a family member early Sunday morning in Central Texas.

No other details were available from the Travis County sheriff's office regarding the Class A misdemeanor charge. Benson will be a free agent once a new collective-bargaining agreement is in place.

Benson's latest legal trouble comes a little more than a year after an arrest involving an alleged bar fight in Texas, which didn't result in a discipline from the NFL.

Commissioner Roger Goodell said then that he was satisfied Benson understood his responsibilities as an NFL player and a public figure after Benson met with Goodell and other league officials.

Goodell has stated players will still be subject to review and discipline under the personal-conduct policy for potential violations during the lockout.

The Chicago Bears, who selected Benson fourth overall in 2005, released him in 2008 after a pair of alcohol-related arrests in Texas. The cases were dropped when grand juries declined to indict.

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Uh....when will these football players realize they cant get away with anything!! How stupid i was really hoping that Benson would step up and be a leader for this team, but after this i dont know anymore if they will resign him.

Any good young RBs out there they can look at??

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Travis County sheriff’s spokesman Roger Wade said Benson was arrested in downtown Austin on a misdemeanor count of assault with bodily injury with family violence. Benson attorney Sam Bassett said in a statement the arrest followed “a conflict” between Benson and a male former roommate.

Wade said Benson posted a $10,000 bond and was released just before 2 p.m.

Bassett considers the “family violence” aspect of the charge erroneous “since the alleged male victim no longer is Mr. Benson’s household member and was not a household member for the past few days.” Conviction of assault with family violence would draw a stiffer penalty than simple assault.

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These guys just dont learn, i mean sometime in life you have to grow up!!! Wells could have a future in front of him, i havnt watched much of him since he came in the NFL, but he dosnt get alot of touches does he?? Does he have a fumbling problem??

Not really. Arizona has an established RB in Tim Hightower, and Wells is relegated into playing backup behind him in Arizona. I'm telling you guys, Cincinnati seriously needs to make a trade with the Cardinals here.

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