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Rest the Starters ?


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At game time next Sunday, the Bengals will know if the Patriots have won or lost so, they will know if they still have a chance to get the # 3 seed.

They could end up playing the Jets 2 weeks in a row.

So, its most likely to their (the Bengals)advantage to rest the starters and not show the Jets the offense that they plan to use to beat them with.

Another thing that I find very sweet and tasty,the only way that the Steelers can make it into the play-offs is, if the Bengals win VS. the Jets.

So, making true the adage "sometimes when you loose-you win" , the Bengals may have a chance to "beat the Steelers" a third time in the season by putting them out of the play-offs by loosing to the Jets.

Thus, returning the favor of when the Steelers were out of the play-offs and beat us to put us out of the play-offs the last game of the year a few years ago.

This has the Steelers fans going crazy.

Even after the refs gave them another game today.

I say REST THE STARTERS if it puts the Steelers out of it ! PERIOD! We will know by game time.

The Steelers fans/guys at Pro football talk are loosing it.


Scroll down and read some of the coments for the story.

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I put this in the prime time thread, I will put it here.

Thanks to that stupid f**king decision from the NFL, the earliest the Bengals will be back to Cincy and in their beds is around 4:00 am on Monday morning. Of a playoff week.

That only adds to my inclination that they rest anyone of consequence.

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I agree on resting the starters, plus it will screw the Steelers out of the playoffs. The Jets win and they're in, but if the Jets lose and the Steelers beat the Dolphins, the Steelers make the playoffs.

I don't think that's necessarily true. The Jets can lose, but if Baltimore, Denver, and Houston win their games it would go to different tiebreakers because it's a 4 way tie, and head to head games don't matter. The Steelers would still be the odd team out in many scenarios.

I read somewhere that the Steelers only have a 19% shot at the playoffs. They need plenty of help.

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I've looked some things up and as far as I understand things if two teams out of Houston, New York, and Baltimore win, then the Steelers are gone. If two of those teams lose and Pittsburgh wins, then the Steelers have the tie breaker over the Broncos so they are in.

Houston is ahead of Pittsburgh because of common opponent record according to CBS sports.

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I've looked some things up and as far as I understand things if two teams out of Houston, New York, and Baltimore win, then the Steelers are gone. If two of those teams lose and Pittsburgh wins, then the Steelers have the tie breaker over the Broncos so they are in.

Houston is ahead of Pittsburgh because of common opponent record according to CBS sports.

Yeah, I think that's probably true.

If Baltimore wins and the Jets lose, Baltimore would have the #5 seed. So the #6 seed would be down to Houston, Denver, and Pittsburgh... depending on who wins. If they all win, Pittsburgh is out on 3 team tie-breakers (I think Denver would be in). If Houston loses, Pittsburgh is in over Denver. If Denver loses, Houston is in over Pittsburgh.

So there are a lot more scenarios leaving the Steelers out than in.

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Practically speaking, I say rest the starters. We lost Maualuga yesterday. While we can effectively replace him, it just goes to show anything can happen. Benson still isn't 100 percent, as we saw yesterday. He put up great numbers, but was limping after that first second-half run. There are still questions if Palmer's issues are line-related, receiver-related or elbow-related. Why chance it?

I'm not saying throw the game. I'm saying we have little to gain and much to lose. Is there much difference at this point in third and fourth seed? Is it worth getting a third seed over a fourth seed if someone like Benson or Palmer, or Hall or Joseph go down?

You can debate it both ways all day long, that's just my vote.

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Practically speaking, I say rest the starters. We lost Maualuga yesterday. While we can effectively replace him, it just goes to show anything can happen. Benson still isn't 100 percent, as we saw yesterday. He put up great numbers, but was limping after that first second-half run. There are still questions if Palmer's issues are line-related, receiver-related or elbow-related. Why chance it?

I'm not saying throw the game. I'm saying we have little to gain and much to lose. Is there much difference at this point in third and fourth seed? Is it worth getting a third seed over a fourth seed if someone like Benson or Palmer, or Hall or Joseph go down?

You can debate it both ways all day long, that's just my vote.

I agree. There's really nothing to be gained. I think all the starters should start the game for continuity sake. Just so they stay sharp, but pull them after a quarter or no later than halftime. 3rd or 4th seed still only guarantees us only one home game, so why risk injury?

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Practically speaking, I say rest the starters. We lost Maualuga yesterday. While we can effectively replace him, it just goes to show anything can happen. Benson still isn't 100 percent, as we saw yesterday. He put up great numbers, but was limping after that first second-half run. There are still questions if Palmer's issues are line-related, receiver-related or elbow-related. Why chance it?

I'm not saying throw the game. I'm saying we have little to gain and much to lose. Is there much difference at this point in third and fourth seed? Is it worth getting a third seed over a fourth seed if someone like Benson or Palmer, or Hall or Joseph go down?

You can debate it both ways all day long, that's just my vote.

I agree. There's really nothing to be gained. I think all the starters should start the game for continuity sake. Just so they stay sharp, but pull them after a quarter or no later than halftime. 3rd or 4th seed still only guarantees us only one home game, so why risk injury?

I'm ok with the starters lining up the first quarter for sharpness sake. On the other hand, since we don't have the bye, this isn't probably as crucial as if we had landed one or two seed. Either way is good with me.

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I say rest the starters for most of the game but they still need to play some and most importantly prepare in order to stay sharp. I don't think we'll see Carson in the 2nd half. I want to see guys like Simpson, Andre Smith and Hodge.

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Is this team good enough right now to rest the starters, and have them come out sharpe the next week??? Im not to sure right now the offense is good enough to skip a game and come back and play good enough to win. Now i agree if they are in doubt about some guys then rest them, but sitting them worries me also.

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As I stated on the other thread, this team has played fifteen games. Two or three more quarters, in potentially bad weather as my friend mem has stated to boot, isn't going to turn them around overnight. One bad play where someone gets hurt, and your playoffs are definitely in the toilet. Two or three more quarters in week 17 isn't going to sharpen this team's offense.

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You really think a night game in the windy Meadowlands against a tough pass defense playing desperate to the make the playoffs is what this offense needs to get the pass game jumpstarted?


No i guess they are what they are, and if they havnt fixed it yet then i guess they probably wont.

However if this is the team we play in the playoffs and they have one of the toughest pass defense, dosnt that worry you some come playoff time. Heck they couldnt do much agaisnt the chiefs poor pass defense. Oh well i guess thats for another time.

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You should rest your starters..You don't want Pittsburgh in the playoffs on a roll with a healthy Troy. We don't deserve to be in the playoffs with the losses we've taken this year....Oakland, Cleveland, KC and Cincy twice. The games were close, but it only matters how the game finishes. We had some heart breakers this season in the Burgh - it'd be a gift to make the playoffs. It's a whole new season once it starts. If we don't see you there, good luck and make the division proud.

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You should rest your starters..You don't want Pittsburgh in the playoffs on a roll with a healthy Troy. We don't deserve to be in the playoffs with the losses we've taken this year....Oakland, Cleveland, KC and Cincy twice. The games were close, but it only matters how the game finishes. We had some heart breakers this season in the Burgh - it'd be a gift to make the playoffs. It's a whole new season once it starts. If we don't see you there, good luck and make the division proud.

Thanks Dude.

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I want to see the second stringers out there, the whole game. I also want the OC to open up the passing game and play a completely different style game against NYJ. See what routes work against them and what wont. Let LJ carry the bulk of the running game with Scott and Leonard getting some looks. Give the banged up D some rest, let Peko and Crocker shake off some rust if they are ready, but not more than a quarter.

I hope they let the offense be very aggresive and not show the Jets anything of the normal O, this is the perfect scout game against a playoff opponent.

Let JT O'Sullivan air it out and see if there are any cracks in the mean green D. Lots of exotic blitzes from the D, let them loose, it cant hurt anything. Remember a loss keeps the Stealers out of the playoffs, I have no problem with that.

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