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Bengals vs Ravens After Thoughts 2#


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-Holy Injury's losing Chris will hurt...I hope Rivers is okay : /...Evan Mathis went down too : /

-Glad we have Brandon Johnson as a backup he's a good Linebacker and wouldn't mind him playing SLB next year if we can resign him

-Dhani well a savvy vet is slower then dirty,Which worries me when he's covering backs like ray rice.

-Morgen Trent seems to be this years Late round guy who turns out to be a great pick...

-Some Good Passrush at the end but there we're times where Flacco just had too much time...

-We have a amazing set of Corners in Joseph & Hall neither are shut downs but still having such a great 1 & 2 is a huge help to the D...

-Though I would have preferred to see us blow Baltimore out I think it's still a good statement game,Though like us being the underdogs was hoping have that status vs the steelers hehe.

PS,I wonder who will be activated game day Mario to replace Henrys Size and give us another special teamer...Or if Simpson will finally get his chance.

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-Holy Injury's losing Chris will hurt...I hope Rivers is okay : /...

-Glad we have Brandon Johnson as a backup he's a good Linebacker and wouldn't mind him playing SLB next year if we can resign him

-Dhani well a savvy vet is slower then dirty,Which worries me when he's covering backs like ray rice.

-Morgen Trent seems to be this years Late round guy who turns out to be a great pick...

-Some Good Passrush at the end but there we're times where Flacco just had too much time...

-We have a amazing set of Corners in Joseph & Hall neither are shut downs but still having such a great 1 & 2 is a huge help to the D...

-Though I would have preferred to see us blow Baltimore out I think it's still a good statement game,Though like us being the underdogs was hoping have that status vs the steelers hehe.

PS,I wonder who will be activated game day Mario to replace Henrys Size and give us another special teamer...Or if Simpson will finally get his chance.

I hate that those injuries happened, but oddly, I'm not too worried. This defense is AWESOME!!! I haven't seen such play since the late '80's! :bengal:

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The friggin injuries were horrible... The only one that looked like a long term loss was Henry, but who knows at this point. With Simpson waiting for a chance I think we can manage that loss without much of a problem. Rivers, Geathers, and/or Mathis would be big blows though.

My game ball goes to Whitworth, with honorable mention to Hall and Joseph.

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-Holy Injury's losing Chris will hurt...I hope Rivers is okay : /...

-Glad we have Brandon Johnson as a backup he's a good Linebacker and wouldn't mind him playing SLB next year if we can resign him

-Dhani well a savvy vet is slower then dirty,Which worries me when he's covering backs like ray rice.

-Morgen Trent seems to be this years Late round guy who turns out to be a great pick...

-Some Good Passrush at the end but there we're times where Flacco just had too much time...

-We have a amazing set of Corners in Joseph & Hall neither are shut downs but still having such a great 1 & 2 is a huge help to the D...

-Though I would have preferred to see us blow Baltimore out I think it's still a good statement game,Though like us being the underdogs was hoping have that status vs the steelers hehe.

PS,I wonder who will be activated game day Mario to replace Henrys Size and give us another special teamer...Or if Simpson will finally get his chance.

My thoughts... Well, it could of been worse (on the injury side). But overall good job by the Bengals keeping that confidence and coming out with a victory. On to Pittsburgh!

WhoDey!!! :bengal:

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i though the bengals kinda let up on the ravens when we got up 17 points. we have to put them away like we did with the bears. chad hold on to the damn ball!! on chads non catch that was reviewed, marvin you have to know what's going on. if there is a questionable play hurry up and run a damn play!! do not give the other damn team time to look at it and challenge it, marvin must have better field awareness than that. the injury bug, damn someone needs to kill that damn bug! one more thing, harbaugh take your loss like a man you little bitch, crying to the refs about fanene throwing his helmet when the game was over at that point,give me a f**king break.

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Foschi also looked good in the first Half,I'm really glad they benched coats for him...

Was Sad not to see Big Dre hoping he'll get some action vs the steelers who we've had a problem running ball on in the past...

My thoughts after the game? The Ravens are essentially 3 games back now (because of the tiebreaker), and still have to play the Colts as well as Pittsburgh twice. They are toast. Here's to hoping they sweep the Steelers! Hell, I'll take the split!

Yup I don't see Ravens as a factor to our playoff spot so I'll root for them vs the steelers :P...What I'm also finding interesting is announcers and other team fans just seem stuck in the past oh the team is 1-4-1 after the bye week it's like were not the same team :| which shows because we only have 4 players left from Marvins first team.

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Cant wait for Chad's contract to expire, so he can go sign for the "big money" elsewhere

yeah, I can just see it now.....teams will line up out the door with wheelbarrows full of cash for a 34 year old WR who cant hold onto the ball and likes to motivate the opponents defense before every game


what the....

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I don't remotely think the offense "let up" on the Ravens in the second half. I think that up 17-0 the Bengals were quite rightfully trying to minimize mistakes and not do something stupid to let the Ravens back into it quickly.

I also think losing Henry mucked with their gameplan a bit.

The defense was an absolute revelation. Baltimore's receivers were simply removed from the game. Almost entirely. Will you all still not grant me that Leon Hall is crossing over to "shut-down" corner? And J Joe is working on joining him.

Good consistent pressure all day from the front four, which was wonderful to see.

Also, props to the back-ups for seamlessly coming in to cover injuries. Particuarly Brandon Johnson, who was huge in place of Rivers.

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Cant wait for Chad's contract to expire, so he can go sign for the "big money" elsewhere

yeah, I can just see it now.....teams will line up out the door with wheelbarrows full of cash for a 34 year old WR who cant hold onto the ball and likes to motivate the opponents defense before every game

TJ, in all seriousness, give it a f**king rest. You are crossing over to "Pong" territory with this. I hate the fumbles as much as anyone, but it was at the end of an honest effort at yardage, and as much as I hate Ed Reed, he made a good play.

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Cant wait for Chad's contract to expire, so he can go sign for the "big money" elsewhere

yeah, I can just see it now.....teams will line up out the door with wheelbarrows full of cash for a 34 year old WR who cant hold onto the ball and likes to motivate the opponents defense before every game

TJ, in all seriousness, give it a f**king rest. You are crossing over to "Pong" territory with this. I hate the fumbles as much as anyone, but it was at the end of an honest effort at yardage, and as much as I hate Ed Reed, he made a good play.

True that every fan wants to see more of that had he broke the tackle and made a TD you'd hear no oh he should have just went down...The fumble sucks but I still glad to see chad Fighting & giving it his all...

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I would argue that Hall & JJ are "shutdown corners" and possibly the best duo in the NFL.

Well I won't disagree about shutdowns NFL has changed alot and defense could do alot more in the past,Fully Agree on best DUO which is a nice thing to have vs just one awesome corner with a guy who gets torched on the other side...Really hope they extend Jjoe this offseason then Hall the following would be nice to keep them both around for next 6-7 years.

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Best CB duo in the league with little thought. Has any CB tandom absolutely shut down opponents #1's like ours have ??

Not to mention how many INT's they "should" have had...

Put me in the camp Mem.

I wanna say thx to TJ for leaving his hands with JJoe ^_^

Absolutely the best tandem. They even help out in run D from time to time. The term shutdown is moot in this league though. If such a thing existed in this offense-driven league then Leon could be put in that category.

Don't think you'll find many better corners vs the Run Hall seems to be better @ coming off a block where Jjoe at times seems like a safety going for the big Hit.

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Not to mention great play by Trent today, and i would love to see more B. Johnson play more i thought he has been great all year when he gets his chance.

Yup,He's fast so can attack the passer & is great in coverage...Just wondering on other peoples thoughts but when Rey Kicks in to the middle next year how would you feel about Bjohnson replacing Rey as strongside?

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I would love to have B Johnson start

I also wanted to give big props to Leonard, and Coles. These are the reasons why they picked them up, no complaining just playing there butts off. Congrats Coles for a great game, and Leonard you sure have a big heart never stoping always tryin to get that extra yards.

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