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Chad says he hasn't learned


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I've grown weary of this...

Ocho Cinco hasn’t learned from benching

By JOE KAY, AP Sports Writer

CINCINNATI (AP)—Asked if he has learned anything from his benching for a verbal altercation with a Cincinnati Bengals coach, receiver Chad Ocho Cinco thought for a few seconds before barely smiling and giving a one-word answer.

“No,” he said, then tried to move on.

Coach Marvin Lewis is trying to move on, too.

Lewis sent the Pro Bowl receiver home before a game in Pittsburgh last Thursday after he showed up late for a team meeting, exchanged words with a coach and then left the meeting. The receiver was back in Cincinnati while the Bengals lost to the Steelers 27-10.

Ocho Cinco talked about the punishment for the first time Wednesday, declining to go into detail about what happened while acknowledging that the one-game benching was merited. The receiver expects to play Sunday against Baltimore if he’s healthy.

“I put (Lewis) in a tough position, and he made a call he had to make,” Ocho Cinco said. “It is what it is.

“I didn’t get a chance to play. My dad (Lewis) deactivated me, punishment for his son. Other than that, I’m back this week, ready to have some fun against some very good friends of mine. I’m looking forward to spoiling their playoff chances or whatever we have the chance to spoil.”

Lewis also has declined to talk about the incident, other than to acknowledge that Ocho Cinco was deactivated for the game and sent home because of it. If the receiver’s sore right knee allows—and if he stays out of trouble the rest of the week—he’ll play against Baltimore (7-4).

“I think he’ll be good,” Lewis said. “If he’s healthy and he goes through the week and we feel like he’s our best, he’ll get an opportunity. If he does things correctly, as he has in the past, he ought to play Sunday.”

The receiver’s conduct last week was a reminder of his strained relationship with the team, which refused his trade demands in the offseason. Ocho Cinco backed off his threats to sit out and has been low-profile most of the season: no touchdown celebrations, no sideline theatrics, no trash talk leading up to games.

His numbers are pretty quiet, too. He has 41 catches for only 383 yards and four touchdowns. His longest reception went for 22 yards.

“You don’t get the same fiery Chad? No,” he said. “I came in quiet and focused and have tried not to be a distraction all year. I have done that very well, except for the little altercation where I left the meeting early. That was about it.”

It’s too early to tell whether the latest problem will sway owner Mike Brown to consider dealing the receiver, who is under contract for two more seasons. The Bengals (1-9-1) rank last in the NFL in total offense, and some players are expecting an overhaul. Pro Bowl receiver T.J. Houshmandzadeh is a free agent after the season, but the Bengals could use their franchise tag to keep him.

Ocho Cinco expects to be around for the rest of his contract, which runs out a few months after Cleveland Cavaliers player LeBron James is eligible to become a free agent as well.

“When LeBron is out (of Cleveland), I’m out too?” Ocho Cinco said. “I don’t have a choice. I’m here to 2010.”

He doesn’t plan to publicly lobby for a trade again in the offseason.

“I’m not going to pull that (stuff) again,” Ocho Cinco said. “I’m going to fade away. I’ll be in London and Africa the entire offseason—Kenya. You won’t have a chance to hear my mouth unless it’s coming from all the way over there.”

His focus this week is figuring out how well he can play with a sore right knee, which started bothering him last week in practice. He said he might not have been available to play against the Steelers because of it.

“I think the rest, even though it wasn’t a good thing, might have been good for me,” he said. “I don’t know what I did to the knee. It hurts.”

Ocho Cinco went through a full practice on Wednesday and wasn’t listed on the team’s injury report.

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Gotta say Billy, if you would simply do as I have done for four months now, and avoided reading anything about the guy or what he says, it makes rooting for the team slightly less painful.

That's hard to do when he's seemingly always in the news. Besides, I'm immune to the pain of rooting for Cincinnati. Living from the 60's and into the new millennium with them can cause callouses which help with the pain. ;)

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Gotta say Billy, if you would simply do as I have done for four months now, and avoided reading anything about the guy or what he says, it makes rooting for the team slightly less painful.

That's hard to do when he's seemingly always in the news. Besides, I'm immune to the pain of rooting for Cincinnati. Living from the 60's and into the new millennium with them can cause callouses which help with the pain. ;)

chad used to always say these ridiculous things with a straight face and then break out a smile to show hes kidding and the commentators would laugh.

but with each interview he seems to be more serious. in todays interview he just paused and commentators waited for him to say hes kidding and nothing happened.

Asked if he has learned anything from his benching for a verbal altercation with a Cincinnati Bengals coach, receiver Chad Ocho Cinco thought for a few seconds before barely smiling and giving a one-word answer.

"No," he said, then tried to move on.

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Yeah, no s**t. He's what, 30? The ability to fundamentally change from being a me-first sissynanny douchebag was lost about a decade ago.

Unless he 'finds God' or something.

so he's not staying at yours while he's in London then?? ;)

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'...it's a perfect pass to ocho cinco, who runs it in for his third TD of the day! just look at how happy monsieur vick is, he's really racking up the numbers today. and these raiders fans are going wild! look, even the newly returned corey dillon is jubilant! all this on the same day the raiders owner has had a fatal heart attack. and what's this, is it raining skittles from that triple rainbow?! folks, it looks like the raiders and detroit are going to the superbowl!'

i'll stop now....

his knee hurts? how unoriginal. he should have fallen to the ground and grabbed his side crying, 'oh, my pancreas!'

he'll be back next season. so will TJ.

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Wow, i think its time to move on now, im so tired of this crap from week to week anymore, and i just hope they part from this guy. Its bad enough the team is this bad, but he is making it worse for us fans who always have to hear about it. I just cant wait for this season to end and i hope they get rid of this joke, if this team is going to lose like this then they can lose without a pathetic loser like this.

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This has been one of those weird situations this year where at times I've thought, "Wow, if Chad could just keep his mouth shut and Carson was healthy, this would be great"... Then at other times Chad once again fails to show any bit of maturity, even though he's in his thirties now, and reminds me why I have ended so many of my posts with "F*CK YOU CHAD" !!! Is there anyone still left out there who thinks NOT getting rid of Chad when we had the chance was a good idea ?? There was obviously pleny of people the organization thought they could have gotten rid of with the releases they made and more they didn't make that would have made that possible.

There has already been talk that Chad will be back next season, but I put ZERO faith in anything that comes from the front office to be FACT.

That being said, what can we get for Chad ?? Does the off year, shoulder injury, and being another year older hurt what we can get ?? Or maybe most in the league realize that without Carson his numbers weren't going to be the same. With the needs that some of the teams have for WR, I still HONESTLY believe we can get a first for Chad. He's still one of those guys that demands a double team when he's on the field and creates opportunites for the other WR's. I still think he's one of the better WR's in the league.

Even though I think we could get a first for him, I would take a 2nd and not look back !!!

Oh yeah, F*CK YOU CHAD !!!

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i don't know about a first, really. is he in his 30's? somehow i had the idea he was 29. i know TO is into his 30's and he hardly seems to be getting worse. his mouth is just as big as chad's and, like chad, TO ain't chit without romo. would you give a first for TO, though? i'd have to be pretty hard up to give first to either guy, just too much baggage and their ages are going to be a factor sooner than later. dunno, it'd be hard for me to pass on a young stud for some guy in the latter half of his career. clearly chad doesn't flourish unless he's got a pro-bowl calibre QB with the guns to fire the bomb accurately way downfield.

and let's face it, chad is quiet this year because he's got nothing to be mouthy about. put him back in the game with some team that has the ability to win more than half their games and you're likely to hear from him again. his personality is that of the class clown, and those kinds of antics don't exactly endear him to most owners, eh?

hm, i think you'd really have to find someone really, really desperate to give up the first for chad. i'd jump on second, i think. but if he gets picked up for first, what that's saying is 'we're going to play the hell out of this guy.' and you're going to use your awesome QB to make that happen, right? and he's awesome because he's proven it by throwing to his regular receivers. am i wrong in my thinking here, that being chad will only do well with a great QB, but a great QB is great because he's already got a great line-up of receivers? correct my reasoning if i'm off the mark.

doesn't matter much, the bengals aren't going to let him go short of him committing murder or busted for gladiator chihauhau fights. by the time the bengals are willing to let him fly, his wings will be clipped sufficiently by age, injury and low numbers that he'd be lucky to be picked up in the tenth round for the groundskeeping crew. seriously, chad's stock can't be that high to warrant a first, can it? personally, i have to wonder if second isn't pushing it.

under the right circumstances, i can see 85 having a fantastic year... somewhere else. and won't that be a kick in the assss, to watch him come back here wearing a different jersey and running roughshod over the secondary.

then, i think, you might hear him make a few comments.

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When I said a couple of years ago that Chad was tanking it , I was called a conspiricy nut.

Nearly every player that has signed with Drew Rosenhaus has a personality transplant and becomes A-holes.

I dont know if Chad really sucks this bad or he is just tanking it all of the time, I think its a combination.

I know that Bengals QB's and Brat have learned that cant count on him to catch anything,this is especialy true of 1st downs or TD's that could win the game.

He is letting his Spite and Greed ruin his career.

I was all for trading him, and am for letting TJ go because, pretty much every WR that the Bengals have ever had has had their stats fall off sharply after their 7th year in the league,in other words about the age of 30.

If you dont believe me look up the stats.

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