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Call me crazy, but I don't think the offense is THIS bad


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Call me crazy, but I think they have more talent than they are showing on offense. I think the defense is much improved. Marv has to find a way to lite a fire under their ass's. I get that they want to run, and it will help with the pass. The 1st 2 weeks has a million excuses as to why they looked so bad and maybe they are. But I don't think it's over.

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Call me crazy, but I think they have more talent than they are showing on offense. I think the defense is much improved. Marv has to find a way to lite a fire under their ass's. I get that they want to run, and it will help with the pass. The 1st 2 weeks has a million excuses as to why they looked so bad and maybe they are. But I don't think it's over.

Agreed. What we are seeing on offense is a reflection of what was done during the offseason to fix the problems we saw last year, which was: nothing. Instead of spending the offseason working out the kinks in the passing game, Ocho went Bozo and TJ sat on his duff. Chris Perry's lack of reps in the last couple years showed up again yesterday in his early fumbles. And the o-line is following the classic 90s-era "playing its way into form" trajectory. Trouble is, by the time they get their stuff together it will probably be too late. Which doubly sucks because the D actually does look better.

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Here's the only hope for optimism - didn't the Bengals basically play both games amidst the remnants of two tropical storms? I believe Hanna was still within a few hundred miles of Baltimore for Game 1, and Ike was pretty close to Cincinnati for game 2. I didn't see the second game - please tell me that wind-directed passes played a role. I'm begging you.

Aside from that, both lines are apallingly bad. I'd like to see that change, but it ain't looking good.

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Here's the only hope for optimism - didn't the Bengals basically play both games amidst the remnants of two tropical storms? I believe Hanna was still within a few hundred miles of Baltimore for Game 1, and Ike was pretty close to Cincinnati for game 2. I didn't see the second game - please tell me that wind-directed passes played a role. I'm begging you.

The Bengals played both games in the remnants of tropical storms but so did the Ravens and Titans.

The difference was that the Ravens and Titans didn't play like a bunch of pathetic losers.

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The Bengals played both games in the remnants of tropical storms but so did the Ravens and Titans.

Look, I know I'm grasping at straws here, don't get me wrong. But the Bengals have an air attack that will be killed by playing in a hurricane, whereas the teams we faced were ground teams.

I admit it, that's all I got. Hopefully there won't be any f***ing hurricanes for next week's game.

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The Bengals played both games in the remnants of tropical storms but so did the Ravens and Titans.

Look, I know I'm grasping at straws here, don't get me wrong. But the Bengals have an air attack that will be killed by playing in a hurricane, whereas the teams we faced were ground teams.

I admit it, that's all I got. Hopefully there won't be any f***ing hurricanes for next week's game.

Actually, I think a hurricane for next week's game could only help.

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Well face the fact that the Titans run the ball better that Cincy and the wind had more of an effect on the Bengals than the Titans.

I disagree. With the exception of the 51 yarder by Chris Johnson, the Bengals defense did a good job against the run IMO. Kerry Collins had a very good day and the conditions matched his strength pretty well. He throws the ball low and fast fairly well and they did everything in a 10-15 yard range. Carson's strength is a long ball with a lot of air underneath it. He clearly continues (from last year) to have problems with his accuracy on shorter passes and had little zip on the ball. Face it, in this game Kerry Collins looked like the probowler and Carson Palmer looked like a journeyman, at best. Carson's problems are clearly carrying over from last year and I hate his footwork right now. As for our run game, it wasn't great but it was definitely comparable to Tenn. We lost the game on Carson's arm.

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Carson was throwing in 30-40 mph winds the entire game, but I think both sets of coaches knew that going in and should have adjusted the gameplan to accomodate.

I think Utecht was a huge part of the gameplan. He went down after the first play. It comes back to the fact that our coaching staff is the worst staff in the league at making adjustments. As bad as we looked against Tenn., I think we looked allot better than we did @ Balt. I'm not ready to tatally give up on the season, but I'm pretty close.

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Carson was throwing in 30-40 mph winds the entire game, but I think both sets of coaches knew that going in and should have adjusted the gameplan to accomodate.

I think Utecht was a huge part of the gameplan. He went down after the first play. It comes back to the fact that our coaching staff is the worst staff in the league at making adjustments. As bad as we looked against Tenn., I think we looked allot better than we did @ Balt. I'm not ready to tatally give up on the season, but I'm pretty close.

As I look over the play by play Carson had 3 deep balls, none completed to a Bengal otherwise it was all short stuff. He just didn't connect on enough. Their big hole to climb out was getting behind before half time. That forced them to give up the run in the second half....in a wind storm. Palmer was throwing on most plays on a lousy day to throw in the 2ed half. The key play of the game was the draw play, with it the Bengals were down by 7 in a wind storm. With a bell cow back still remembering how to run after 2 years of rust. Made to order for a good Titans defensive team.

TJ and CPerry used to be real good at catching those short passes for nice gains. This year, neither is catching much of anything.

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Carson's problems are clearly carrying over from last year and I hate his footwork right now.

He's looking pretty antsy in the pocket. Some of that I have to put on the protection. Last year he usually had a great view of the back of Guychick's helmet - as the nose shoved him upfield to collapse the pocket. 16 games of that will make anyone antsy. Despite that, other veteran QBs go through it and come out unfazed.

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He's looking pretty antsy in the pocket. Some of that I have to put on the protection.

I put the majority on the lack of protection. I mean how comfortable would you be at work doing your job, and knowing that during the course of your task at hand you were very likely to be slammed to the ground by extremely large men intent on hurting you? :huh:

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Way to go Mike Brown!!!!!!

You saved a couple of bucks........

Yup, we sure look a lot better without Willie, Deltha, and Rudi............

AHHHHH The genius that is Mike Brown..............

Correct me if I'm wrong but are any of those guys starting for their new team? Those were moves that had to be made IMO, just bad timing. They should have been cut right after last season so the Bengals could have used that cap space to bring in a couple of quality FA's. Don't get me wrong, I like Odom and Utecht but with another $13 million they could have easily gotten another player or two.

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