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Antwan Odom


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You would think Mr.Hobbs would give us an update on how things are going by now? <_<

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Soon hopefully.

Look at the brightside Kurgan even though things went south friday? Still, we were getting and after a nice FA plus today going after Odom, IMO the fact we're taking FA seriously this year is a good sign. Things are possibly slowly coming around for the Franchise.

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You would think Mr.Hobbs would give us an update on how things are going by now? <_<

Are you kidding me? You expect breaking news from Hobson? Yikes.

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You would think Mr.Hobbs would give us an update on how things are going by now? <_<

Are you kidding me? You expect breaking news from Hobson? Yikes.

No, but that is his job. <_<

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In fairness, Hobson just tried the breaking news thing on Friday. Look where it got him.

I laughed at that, but I'm not sure if it's because it's actually funny or if it's just so I can maintain my sanity.

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Also, I don't know how long visits are or what time of day they take place, but the fact that we haven't heard anything yet probably isn't encouraging. If he gets out of Cincy tonight I don't expect him to be a Bengal.

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Also, I don't know how long visits are or what time of day they take place, but the fact that we haven't heard anything yet probably isn't encouraging. If he gets out of Cincy tonight I don't expect him to be a Bengal.

This is a bad thing? as much as I'd like to see us active in FA I'd rather see guy who's proven he's a beast ala shaun rodgers rather then a guy who barley even put up Justin Smith production when he had better talent around him.

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In fairness, Hobson just tried the breaking news thing on Friday. Look where it got him.

He'll get no sympathy from me. Hobson played a huge role in the public relations fiasco by posting rumors from Detroit sources when the Bengals were saying nothing. He then claimed the trade was official, based upon internet sources, even though the Bengals had said nothing. And finally, he compounded each of those errors by failing to update the official website hours after other sources were reporting the Detroit/Cleveland trade was official.

In short, he wrote about things when he shouldn't have, and then was silent when clarification was desperately needed.

Had Hobson done his job correctly Bengal fans would have learned of the Shaun Rogers rumors from Detroit sources, heard nothing on the Bengals end, and then would have learned Rogers had signed with Cleveland. Questions would have then been asked about what the Bengals had or had not done, but there would have been no announcement on the Bengals official website about Rogers officially becoming a Bengal. And that's huge.

Like I said previously, I'd fire him.

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Also, I don't know how long visits are or what time of day they take place, but the fact that we haven't heard anything yet probably isn't encouraging. If he gets out of Cincy tonight I don't expect him to be a Bengal.

He's not scheduled to leave until Monday.

He's probably had a long visit with Marvin Lewis and Mike Zimmer, and spoken to a few players. A tour of the facilities always takes place at some point. After that, he's taken on a giddy tour of all of Cincy's hotspots and sources of local pride, assuming for a moment that those things actually exist. Regardless, one of those so-called hot spots will hopefully be a restaurant nicer than a Fatburger. Eat hearty my love, as dinner is on Mr.Brown.

After that, numbers begin to be thrown around like hand grenades or ninja stars. Pulses race. Phones vibrate. Finally, the hour grows late and the two sides part company, not unlike nervous lovers.

"Call me"...she says breathlessly.

"In the morning"....he replys.

He turns and walks away....fighting the desire to look back.

In seperate rooms cigarettes are smoked.

And in the morning they meet again, over eggs.

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In fairness, Hobson just tried the breaking news thing on Friday. Look where it got him.

He'll get no sympathy from me. Hobson played a huge role in the public relations fiasco by posting rumors from Detroit sources when the Bengals were saying nothing. He then claimed the trade was official, based upon internet sources, even though the Bengals had said nothing. And finally, he compounded each of those errors by failing to update the official website hours after other sources were reporting the Detroit/Cleveland trade was official.

In short, he wrote about things when he shouldn't have, and then was silent when clarification was desperately needed.

Had Hobson done his job correctly Bengal fans would have learned of the Shaun Rogers rumors from Detroit sources, heard nothing on the Bengals end, and then would have learned Rogers had signed with Cleveland. Questions would have then been asked about what the Bengals had or had not done, but there would have been no announcement on the Bengals official website about Rogers officially becoming a Bengal. And that's huge.

Like I said previously, I'd fire him.

Totally agree.

Complete. PR. Fiasco.

Hobson's next writing exercise should be getting his resume updated.

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Also, I don't know how long visits are or what time of day they take place, but the fact that we haven't heard anything yet probably isn't encouraging. If he gets out of Cincy tonight I don't expect him to be a Bengal.

He's not scheduled to leave until Monday.

So your saying we might not hear anything until Monday? I can't wait that long, this is stupid.....

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In fairness, Hobson just tried the breaking news thing on Friday. Look where it got him.

He'll get no sympathy from me. Hobson played a huge role in the public relations fiasco by posting rumors from Detroit sources when the Bengals were saying nothing. He then claimed the trade was official, based upon internet sources, even though the Bengals had said nothing. And finally, he compounded each of those errors by failing to update the official website hours after other sources were reporting the Detroit/Cleveland trade was official.

In short, he wrote about things when he shouldn't have, and then was silent when clarification was desperately needed.

Had Hobson done his job correctly Bengal fans would have learned of the Shaun Rogers rumors from Detroit sources, heard nothing on the Bengals end, and then would have learned Rogers had signed with Cleveland. Questions would have then been asked about what the Bengals had or had not done, but there would have been no announcement on the Bengals official website about Rogers officially becoming a Bengal. And that's huge.

Like I said previously, I'd fire him.

Totally agree.

Complete. PR. Fiasco.

Hobson's next writing exercise should be getting his resume updated.

Clueless x2. :rolleyes:

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Clueless x2. :rolleyes:

It's obvious that your tolerance for crappy reporting is far greater than mine. You've embraced PFT as a legit news source even though they're wrong as often as right, and you've already defended Hobson's failure to update the Rogers story by pointing out that he was simply writing what other people had written, which I insist was a huge part of the problem. And instead of confirming the deal had been completed through Bengal sources, which you have to assume he has, he apparently used the same internet sources you and I have at our disposal.

But whatever. Defend your boy. Defend the way he claimed a trade that didn't happen was official. Defend the way he refused to update the flawed report for hours. And if you can't defend that type of incompetent reporting, well....just waste our time by posting a smiley face with rolling eyes.

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But whatever.

"But whatever" is right. Defend "my boy" from what? Your loony rant that he's at fault for passing along independent media reports? Hey, Curnutte, espn, Ludwig, Lance etc. all did the same thing. Where's your rant about them? And if Hobson hadn't followed suit, what then? I'm sure the rant would be about how crappy he and bengals.com are, and how they never tell us anything, and how lousy Hobknob's" work is. It's a no-win situation.

But yeah, it's all Hobson's fault. Not the Lions' for blabbing about the trade or the league office picking nits or Rogers refusing to move his bonus for the Bengals but not the Browns. And had Hobson not put anything on bengals.com, surely no one would have noticed any of the 1,001 stories on the trade-then-not-trade.

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