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FIRE MARVIN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!


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Marvin certainly deserves props for the result yesterday. After scoring loss number six last week, the players could have easily folded the tent for the season -- but they didn't. Instead we saw some better execution, better tackling and fairly disciplined play. We also saw them win -- again -- with a game plan that called for an emphasis on the run instead of Brat's favored pass-happy "bombs away!" approach. So yeah, good work by the coaches this week.

A nod should also be given to honorary Bengals coach Brian Billick, who for the second time this season insisted on passing versus one of the league's crappiest run D's.

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They looked good against the Ravens in week one too. We all know what happened after that.

It was the Ravens.

I also think there's plenty of debate about whether the problem here is the result of a head coach or a system that doesn't give a HC enough support. We've all seen multiple HC's hired and fired here under SOP, with the same result.

Mike Brown will bring in a new HC when he has to sucker a bunch of people into re-upping their COA's again.

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I want to see at least 9 wins out of this team. 10 is what I had them figured for to start the year. I always figure +/- 1 from my guess, so I saw this as a 9-11 win team.

ML gets them to 9, I will certainly not be calling for a new coach at that time (like I have been and which Mikey B won't give me anyway), but I won't send bouquets ML's way for simply winning one over Baltimore. It's what I expect from this team and ML...

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I still say fire marvin....the ravens just stink and their offense is the worst I have ever seen...fire marvin and bring in a person who isnt mediocrity like marvin

like who?

Marty Schottenheimer

You mean Mr. Icantwinintheplayoffs? Forget it.

So Marty is available, affordable and wants to come coach the Bengals at the drop of a hat?

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Yeah, God knows players don't need to execute the plays on the field and injuries are an optical illusion set forth by the coaches to take heat off of them right ?? Jesus people, give it a break already. Our players are either young, hurt, or SUCK BALLS (at least on defense) and there is one person I just LOVE TO HATE... One Mr. Bresnahan !!! Marvin however, still has at least another year, if not two regardless of how much people b*tch and moan about him. I don't mind one bit... Just my two cents.


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Yesterday's win was a big STFU to all of pundits and experts who said Marvin had lost the lockerroom. The defense and special teams played well, the offense did well although they never reached the endzone.

I hope they can keep it up and see were we end up for the season.

And the dead cat bounce and wonderful illusion should be kept alive for at least another week since they're playing Arizona at home next.

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Yesterday's win was a big STFU to all of pundits and experts who said Marvin had lost the lockerroom. The defense and special teams played well, the offense did well although they never reached the endzone.

I hope they can keep it up and see were we end up for the season.

And the dead cat bounce and wonderful illusion should be kept alive for at least another week since they're playing Arizona at home next.

As long as they win I'm good, unlike some "fans" I enjoy seeing my favorite team have success.

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And the dead cat bounce and wonderful illusion should be kept alive for at least another week since they're playing Arizona at home next.

Two things.

First, Arizona is a better team with a better record. Only an idiot would count that game as a win before it's played or dismiss the victory as meaningless.

Second, the last couple of games played in Cincinnati have been notable only for how quiet a crowd of 60k can be.

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Why because his team looked good in a couple of games to me this shows how inconsistant of a coach he can be, his team can only show up for certain games and play hard in certain games to me that shouldnt mean anything. I know Marvin isnt going anywhere Mikey arleady said that, but its just the fact that he isnt feeling any heat at all. All year its the same thing u never know which team is going to come out and play and year in and year out its the same way and im getting tired of it. He better fire Chuck at the end of the year or he is even more stupid then i thought. To me one game dosnt exclude all those other games that they came out and looked as if they didnt give a crap.

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Yesterday's win was a big STFU to all of pundits and experts who said Marvin had lost the lockerroom. The defense and special teams played well, the offense did well although they never reached the endzone.

I hope they can keep it up and see were we end up for the season.

Come on now...the Bengals won the game with 7 FG's and only won 21-7 after leading by +6 in the Turnover category. Give a good team +6 in the turnover category and they win by 28-35 points. This was just a case of a team playing average to bad beating an absolutely HORRIBLE team. One win against the Ravens is not saving Marvin's head in my eyes. When the chips are down and in a close game when he needs to make split second decisions, Marvin has shown he isn't a very good in-game manager. Sadly, head coaches need to be able to make good decisions in the draft, in the locker room, and on the field. Marvin just hasn't shown the ability to put the full package together.

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i think marvin did wonderful job vs ravens, if u look carefully, this year only 3 teams other than us have score more than 20 agains ravens, and we did it 2 times, and also palmer pass the most yards than any other qb who play against ravens, ravens defense is top 5 in nfl

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For the love of God, people,

Firing ML at this point would be ludicrous!

Crissakes people, try and build a football team from close to scratch (defensively at least) as ML has tried to do. Put your ten best linebackers in place, and then have, say, 5 of the top six, shuffle off to IR/Suspenion. You as the coach will have to, if you can, deal with the fact that your top 3 linebackers are gone and you will now have to play with second string guys. Then take a couple of those guys and lose them as well, leaving not only no depth, but precious little talent. I like Landon as a player, but he is the best we have and there is a significant dropoff after him. What the hell do you, as the brilliant football tacticians that you all seem to think you are, do to fix this mess? Play a rookie safety at linebacker against one of the top teams in the NFL, if not in history, to plug the holes? Do you take a position of strength (DE Geathers) and plug him into one of the many holes, weakening immeasurably one of your strongest defensive positions (DE on one side), so you can try and fill the gaping holes at linebacker with a guy who should not be there? Why don't you guys try dealing with all of that as a coach and see if you have a top 10 D?!! Ya bunch of numbnutz, no big picture seein' MFers!

Damn, sorry guys, I get a little pissed sometimes. Everybody take some of whatever women take for PMS and get back to me. Christ!!

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For the love of God, people,

Firing ML at this point would be ludicrous!

Ludicrous and probably disasterous as well.

This talk of firing ML is old and it is not going to happen.

Even if MB decided right this very minute that he didn't want ML to be head coach anymore there are a ton of things that need to happen:

1) You need to find someone else that is at least as good as ML - this is something that could be argued on this board for years. In my opinion, ML hasn't done anything which would cause me to completely doubt his potential.

2) You need to find someone that is available now

3) You need to find someone that you can afford

4) You need to find someone that is willing to commit to coming to Cincinnati and coaching - Cincinnati is a small market team and - frankly - MB isn't what you'd call a "top tier" boss/owner.

5) We - as fans - need to be willing to be patient while this new coach ramps up a new team - judging from the comments I typically see on this board expecting that kind of patience is laughable.

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