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Everything posted by TJJackson

  1. Kind of amazing to me that Iosivas pulled ahead of Chuck Sizzle on the wr depth chart
  2. did they take like 3 sacks in 4 plays? GIMME MORE LINEMEN (both sides)
  3. yeah, probably. earlier pick means better chance of a successful pick
  4. sitch: 25 yards and get out of bounds with 14 seconds left Zacky boy says: lets run it up the middle
  5. praying for a loss
  6. welcome to the Zone, Jay
  7. I am praying to lose out at this point, for the highest possible draft number I am hoping they use these games to find out what they have (or dont have) in the new kids I especially want to see more Chuck Sizzle at WR, and Murphy at both 3T and DE. And Ossai needs more reps
  8. dear lord this sucks ah well, back to draft talk
  9. we're letting a team who barely scores 20 points a game 21 points well before the first half is over
  10. well, we look gawdawful should be down 3 full scores here shortly
  11. Kenny Pickett ruled out Kenny Pickett officially ruled out vs. Bengals (msn.com) NT Cam Heyward has exited concussion protocol https://www.si.com/nfl/bengals/news/steelers-defensive-tackle-cam-heyward-clears-concussion-protocol-matchup-bengals
  12. (the 9.2 statement was from early October)
  13. holy shit Mem and I agreed write down the date buy your lottery tickets
  14. yes, I too hate playing the team that exists to inflict injury on other players
  15. happy with any playoff seed under the circumstances
  16. paywalled or something, Joisey
  17. what we need for a win this week is a big game from C R A Z Y L E G S S A M P L E
  18. you're short an X, there, Army
  19. I fucking love this, btw sweet revenge
  20. If we had one more win, I'd say we need Ravens to take the loss but we dont
  21. shit, no help today from anyone damn you Bills, Bears, and Titans, you are all dead to me now so, I am not sure if it is better for us if the Jags win or the Ratbirds win they are both in conf champ slots and we arent going to unseat the Ravens, so all we are worried about is competitors for the three WC spots.......so..........do we have a dog in this fight other than inappropriately hoping for key injuries to both teams?
  22. Patriots showing some early life against the Chiefs
  23. Billy is probably up there somewhere glad to hear this
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