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Everything posted by HoosierCat

  1. Carmen Jackson and TJ’s dead gramma.
  2. Yes, taking a highly athletic player in the (checks title) 6th round is an F.
  3. Getting close to punter territory!
  4. Yeah, I took him in multiple mocks this year. Good player.
  5. Yup there are several. https://www.nfl.com/news/best-prospects-available-in-the-2024-nfl-draft Sanders finally goes
  6. https://youtu.be/oJRdnueXZ6s?si=_PRSiHSmCOTmxnYM
  7. FWIW Joe did do a film breakdown on Jenkins (starts at around the 23:30 mark), but this was pre-combine and pre-FA, so I don’t know if the workouts improved his opinion. Had him as a third rounder.
  8. Hijacking your post for the next round thread, Army! And I agree, let’s go get some guys.
  9. https://www.pff.com/nfl/players/mckinnley-jackson/124324/draft-profile I guess, fine, ok, whatever. Hopefully he pans out.
  10. Yeah, seems like he fits the offense well.
  11. And it’s Jenkins. Fine with the position but feels like they are chasing needs and unfortunately picking at the end of runs.
  12. Wow four straight corners
  13. I’m filing this under “famous last words.”
  14. Two straight corners now
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