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Ludwig says he doesn`t think Palmer will be back until


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Bengals Team Report


By Chick Ludwig

Dayton Daily News

With starting QB Carson Palmer rehabilitating from a serious left knee injury and backup Jon Kitna headed to free agency, the club signed veteran Doug Johnson as an insurance policy. He'll join Craig Krenzel in the competition at training camp to bridge the gap until Palmer returns. Johnson, a former backup to Atlanta's Michael Vick, is a terrific athlete with good arm strength. But he needs to improve his ability to read coverages, beat the blitz and make sound decisions. Johnson entered the league in 2000 as a non-drafted college free agent from the University of Florida, where he developed a reputation for being difficult to coach. But he's matured over the years. Johnson isn't a long-term answer at quarterback, but the experience and depth he provides are big pluses.

PERSONNEL ANALYSIS: After rebounding strong from a pair of sports hernia surgeries, TB Chris Perry should have a breakout year in 2006. His blend of speed, power and quickness makes him a valuable commodity, especially on third down, because he's so versatile as a rusher and receiver. Perry is an exciting player who has the strength and balance to run between the tackles, and he possesses the kind of acceleration needed to get outside quickly. Look for his role to expand because he's a threat every time he touches the ball. He's at his best when he swings out of the backfield as a receiver because he can juke linebackers on the perimeter. He missed two games in 2005 with a sprained ankle, so he faces durability issues. If he can stay healthy, he has a chance to be a force. . . .

Keep an eye on RG Scott Kooistra. He's the top backup to starter Bobbie Williams, but has the size and strength to spell RT Willie Anderson in an emergency. Kooistra is a road-grader who can push the pile in the running game. He's also made significant strides in pass protection. His foot speed and technique have improved. He's learned to take better angles and he packs a powerful punch with good arm extension.

HARD TRUTH: There's no way Palmer will be ready to take the first snap of the 2006 season. Not with two torn ligaments (ACL and MCL), a dislocated kneecap and cartilage damage in his left knee. Look for him to go on the Physically Unable to Perform list and miss at least the first six regular-season games. The best-case scenario would be to re-sign Kitna in free agency. His presence would make for a smooth transition because of his thorough knowledge of Bob Bratkowski's offense. Kitna is a tremendous leader and his teammates trust him. He wants an opportunity to start again and that's why he'll test the open market. If Kitna bolts, Bratkowski will have to simplify the offense for Krenzel and Johnson with the hope that they can weather the storm until Palmer returns.


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Do you think Ludwig is basing that off the nature of the injury or Palmer's actually recovery process? Or a mixture of both?

I`d say he`s looking at it as a pessimist.

I think it`s to early to tell for sure one way or another about

Palmer right now.

Who knows if Marvin and Company will allow Palmer to come

back until he is 100% ? If that`s the case then I can see where

Ludwig is coming from.

Personally, I believe that Palmer will be the Opening Day starting QB.

But that`s just pure optimism on my part.

It looks to me that Ludwig rather be pessimistic and he thinks

way to highly of Kitna...

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I don't know about you but Ludwig seems to be turning into a big time anti-Bengal.... :unsure:


Because he isn't blowing sunshine up everyone's rear end?

What's the point of being ridiculously optimistic just to be that way?

Some of us appreciate honesty and truthfulness, and prefer it actually. The last thing I want to read is more mind-numbing fan fluff about how "CJ never ever would get into it with the coaches and that Carson's destroyed knee will have a miraculous rehab time of a few months."

It's hard enough to get real information from Marvin or the Bengals these days, and Curnutte has no connections or insight, so I appreciate Chuck's articles.

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I don't know about you but Ludwig seems to be turning into a big time anti-Bengal.... :unsure:

And it seems to me that you are turning into a big time anti-reality! There is a damned good chance Palmer won't be back to start the season. We are not talking about a minor injury. Ludwig is telling it like it could be, pure and simple. At least he's not blowing orange and black smoke up our butts.

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we wont Pup palmer, we'll just sit him on the bench for 3 games or 5 even, cause 1 game with palmer, is worth him taking up a spot on the 53 man roster for the other 5.

Yes, but if it's pretty clear he will be out at LEAST 6 games, he will be put on the PUP. Hell, he COULD end up on IR. We won't know for several months what is going to happen.

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He could even be done forever. All we can do is wait and see.

The Squeelers are the same team that ended Icky's career early. If they end a second Bengal pro-bowler's career it might be time to consider some serious retaliation.

Sorry, but i said it. I know some of you will not like that line of thinking but I'm sure that at least some of you are thinking it.

It feels alot like hockey IMO. One team sends out their "goon" to take out the other team's high priced star. Time to send out our "goons" for retaliation?

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we wont Pup palmer, we'll just sit him on the bench for 3 games or 5 even, cause 1 game with palmer, is worth him taking up a spot on the 53 man roster for the other 5.

Yes, but if it's pretty clear he will be out at LEAST 6 games, he will be put on the PUP. Hell, he COULD end up on IR. We won't know for several months what is going to happen.

LMAO at IR.....he;s going to comeback next year, even if he can;t play until the 12th game fine!

they can keep him on the 53 man roster, cause only 45 dress, he takes up one spot on the roster, big f**king deal, if he comes back and wins us the 4 last games and takes us into the playoffs on a high confidence, who knows how far the team could go in the playoffs.

This is totally f**king pointless anyways, cause for all we know he could be ready in July.

He could even be done forever. All we can do is wait and see.

The Squeelers are the same team that ended Icky's career early. If they end a second Bengal pro-bowler's career it might be time to consider some serious retaliation.

Sorry, but i said it. I know some of you will not like that line of thinking but I'm sure that at least some of you are thinking it.

It feels alot like hockey IMO. One team sends out their "goon" to take out the other team's high priced star. Time to send out our "goons" for retaliation?

yeah and the raiders are getting ready to take out rudi, cause of what we did to bo jackson in the playoffs in 1991. :rolleyes:

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He could even be done forever. All we can do is wait and see.

The Squeelers are the same team that ended Icky's career early. If they end a second Bengal pro-bowler's career it might be time to consider some serious retaliation.

Sorry, but i said it. I know some of you will not like that line of thinking but I'm sure that at least some of you are thinking it.

It feels alot like hockey IMO. One team sends out their "goon" to take out the other team's high priced star. Time to send out our "goons" for retaliation?

He's got a point. Until we really put the hurt on one of their people, they will always think of us as pu**ies and will try to play the "We're more physical than you card." The sooner we pay them back, the better.

Face it. The next time we meet, there will be bullseyes on both of Bens knees.

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From what I know about those types of injuries and the recovery process, I would say that Ludwig is being both pessimist and unfortunately, realistic. The last thing Marvin wants to do is bring Carson back too early and force him to play less than 100%. I hadn't thought about it before, but the PUP seems like a realistic choice unless Palmer has a miraculous recovery. Therefore, I'm thinking that Carson misses the first part of the season, and best case scenario is that the Bengals go 3-3 or 4-2.

But pray that this isn't true and that Carson Palmer recovers quickly.

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Man, This season was a nightmare. I can't believe the bengals found a great QB and now they might have to find another one one to replace him after only 2 seasons. I went from jumping up and down in my living room before the game so pumped up and excited about the game I waited 15 years to watch and then my favorite player ever to put on a Bengals uniform is done 2 plays into the game for his entire career possibly. and when it happened I was not suprised at all, after all we are the Bengals.I used to love football and watching the Bengals but now I really don't care to much, it's just to much to take nothing good ever happens to this franchise and its just getting OLD! I hope Palmer returns but if not oh well, atleast he got his big pay day. I know you guys will say his career is far from over but come on even if he does come back Palmer will never be the same, this is a very bad injury and all his mobilty is gone. Maybe after the Bengals go through about 10 akili smith's they can find another palmer.

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I just cant figure out why people keep speculating on when he will be back this early. We wont have a realistic time for that until at least june. The surgery went well, now its all on how the rehab goes and how it responds to everything. Anything now on when he will be back are just wild guesses.

Hes an idiot for thinking that Doug Johnson or Krenzel would actually start games if we dont resign kitna. Thats just stupidity. There are a lot of good veteran backups out there.

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I don't know about you but Ludwig seems to be turning into a big time anti-Bengal.... :unsure:


Because he isn't blowing sunshine up everyone's rear end?

What's the point of being ridiculously optimistic just to be that way?

Some of us appreciate honesty and truthfulness, and prefer it actually. The last thing I want to read is more mind-numbing fan fluff about how "CJ never ever would get into it with the coaches and that Carson's destroyed knee will have a miraculous rehab time of a few months."

It's hard enough to get real information from Marvin or the Bengals these days, and Curnutte has no connections or insight, so I appreciate Chuck's articles.

Just glad I could start some "heated" debate on an off-season sports writers thread.

Yessssss..... :cheers:

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Man, This season was a nightmare. I can't believe the bengals found a great QB and now they might have to find another one one to replace him after only 2 seasons. I went from jumping up and down in my living room before the game so pumped up and excited about the game I waited 15 years to watch and then my favorite player ever to put on a Bengals uniform is done 2 plays into the game for his entire career possibly. and when it happened I was not suprised at all, after all we are the Bengals.I used to love football and watching the Bengals but now I really don't care to much, it's just to much to take nothing good ever happens to this franchise and its just getting OLD! I hope Palmer returns but if not oh well, atleast he got his big pay day. I know you guys will say his career is far from over but come on even if he does come back Palmer will never be the same, this is a very bad injury and all his mobilty is gone. Maybe after the Bengals go through about 10 akili smith's they can find another palmer.

Palmer's career is not over. He might not start this season... but that's a long way from never playing again. Trent Green's injury was just as bad as Palmer's, and he came back better than he was before... he was older than Palmer is, and certainly doesn't have the intangibles or work ethic that Palmer has... and a knee injury doesn't take away mobility. It just takes a long time to recover from. He'll be back, and be just as mobile as he was before... because he wasn't known for his mobility to begin with. His last name isn't Vick.

If you don't care about football that much anymore, then don't waste time on a Bengals forum in February. We can all live without you're doom and gloom mentality. But I'm sure you'll want to jump back in when Palmer comes back and talk to us about how you always believed in him and never lost faith... just do us a favor. Change you're screen name if you're going to make these kinds of posts.

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He's got a point. Until we really put the hurt on one of their people, they will always think of us as pu**ies and will try to play the "We're more physical than you card." The sooner we pay them back, the better.

Face it. The next time we meet, there will be bullseyes on both of Bens knees.

So you think if your team doesn't seriously injury a Steelers player your team will be looked at as pu$$ies? How about playing more physical w/o actually going for someone's knees or trying to hurt someone? That would be the smarter way of doing things. In fact, I think that would be a big mistake to do what you say, cause it will be obvious that it was done out retaliation and someone on the Steelers *cough* Porter *cough* will try to do the same.

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So you think if your team doesn't seriously injury a Steelers player your team will be looked at as pu$$ies? How about playing more physical w/o actually going for someone's knees or trying to hurt someone? That would be the smarter way of doing things. In fact, I think that would be a big mistake to do what you say, cause it will be obvious that it was done out retaliation and someone on the Steelers *cough* Porter *cough* will try to do the same.

*Cough* *Spit* *Spit* *Spit* TOO LATE! Cowher already has his players willing to hurt people to win.

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So you think if your team doesn't seriously injury a Steelers player your team will be looked at as pu$$ies? How about playing more physical w/o actually going for someone's knees or trying to hurt someone? That would be the smarter way of doing things. In fact, I think that would be a big mistake to do what you say, cause it will be obvious that it was done out retaliation and someone on the Steelers *cough* Porter *cough* will try to do the same.

Come on brother, you know better than to go this route on here. Most of us, including myself, think "the hit" was questionable, and you know this. These posts just continue to fan the flame.

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