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***Fire Hobson Petition***


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I'm not sure how much good this is going to do, but something has to be done. If anyone has any doubts, just go to Bengals.com and look at the main article/picture. The Steelers shouldn't be praised all over the Bengals' official website. Just go to the Browns' website and see if you can find anything about the Steelers. The Bengals need to get rid of Hobson and get someone in there that will represent and support the Cincinnati Bengals. If you agree, please sign the petition.

We deserve better.


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Like it or not, the Steelers just won the freaking Super Bowl. Like it or not, Marvin Lewis takes as much from Bill the Spitter as he does from his time with the Ravens. Much of his philosophy is based on what the Steelers and Patriots have done.

Would you rather he didn't do ANYTHING after the Big Game we failed to go to?

Grow up.

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Like it or not, the Steelers just won the freaking Super Bowl. Like it or not, Marvin Lewis takes as much from Bill the Spitter as he does from his time with the Ravens. Much of his philosophy is based on what the Steelers and Patriots have done.

Would you rather he didn't do ANYTHING after the Big Game we failed to go to?

Grow up.

I would rather he act like he worked for the Bengals and not the Steelers. It's not just today, this has been going on since the playoff game. There is only so much that can be said before it just starts looking pathetic. I would say a good portion of Bengal fans don't want to read about the Steelers when they go to BENGALS.COM. Sure, the Steelers just won the Superbowl... which means a fan should be able to go to NFL.com or ESPN.com or Steelers.com and read about the win. Why do the Bengals have to write sappy articles about it. Go to other rival sites and see if they are talking about the Steelers.

And yes, I would rather him just not write an article than write one about the Steelers every other day.

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ROFL @ fans getting angry and arguing over a beat reporter.

Double ROFL @ futile attempts to fire said reporter.

So... you've been a member of this board for about 10 minutes, and have made about 15 random posts... all in regards to something that you are rolling on the floor laughing about towards the Bengals and their fans.

So I'm left with this quandry. What has taken the hardest hit... My respect for Steeler fans... or you're credibility?

Since both are dwindling around zero right now, I will immediately screen all of your posts, and ignore them due to my brand new idiot filter.

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. . . . . . . . . I will immediately screen all of your posts, and ignore them due to my brand new idiot filter.

You have an idiot filter!?! That is sooo C :cheers: L !!! Can I get one? :P

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I dont know what to say. I signed it wqithour thinking about it, after just waking up from a nap. I'm kinda ashamed of myself. The steeler slurping is a little annoying, but I think this is a little extreme.

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Hobson's just a former news writer - he's making local ties to a national story as he's been trained to do - unfortunately he doesn't work for the Enquirer any longer.

Don't get so upset about it - it's the SuperBowl, it happens for a day or two, and will go away soon enough.

Why he thinks anyone has any desire to read yet more junk about the Squealers at this point eludes me though. I have no desire to read anything on that front page.

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Some of you guys need to get a freakin' grip.

I am starting a ****Fire Kirk**** petition, just 'cuz. ;)

Who's with me......anyone......at all.......damn. :blush: Sorry Kirk....just kidding. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA.

(Watch out Billy you're next). :ph34r:

I am not sure why they are pimping the Steelers so much unless it is because we lost to them and it should be us not them at the Super Bowl. Or maybe it's the Marvin connection or maybe the LeBeau connection. Or maybe it is just a good marketing ploy since there are so many Yinzbergers here in Cincinnati and getting people to your site is the name of the game with the internet.

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Do any of us actually think that Hobson is not under the clamp of one Mr. Mike Brown, Esq.?

There are very few things that happen without the express permission of Mikey. The website being a big one. Hobson is a good soldier and handles his job with care.

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Why he thinks anyone has any desire to read yet more junk about the Squealers at this point eludes me though. I have no desire to read anything on that front page.

Does anyone here really want to see articles about Pittsburgh on the Bengals FRONT PAGE? I think not. Unless you're a closet Steeler lover. Now whether Hobson should be fired for such a thing...I don't think so. That's not saying I like him, because I don't.

He, like most sports writers, tend to just give you the "same-ol same-ol." Here's a few stats, an amusing anecdote or two, toss in a wild ass guess once in a while, just a dash of local rah-rah flavor, (a little more of the rah-rah if you're Hobson) shake it all up real good and dump it on the page. There! Your typical sportswriters formula.

Jesus, doesn't anyone want to fill the void left by Hunter Thompson? Now there was a writer who you could never tell what angle he was going to come from next. And you could rest assured your reading would be 100% "Rah-Rah" free.

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Why he thinks anyone has any desire to read yet more junk about the Squealers at this point eludes me though. I have no desire to read anything on that front page.

Does anyone here really want to see articles about Pittsburgh on the Bengals FRONT PAGE? I think not. Unless you're a closet Steeler lover. Now whether Hobson should be fired for such a thing...I don't think so. That's not saying I like him, because I don't.

Yes. I do want to read about the connections our team has with Pittsburgh. I want to read about the Super Bowl champs, and how the Bengals are going to learn from them. It gives insight into our team.

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