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Marvin Axes Chad's List, Puts Up His Own


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Lewis unveils own list


November 2, 2005

1:25 p.m.

The list has been blacklisted by “The Chief.”

“Everybody around here is out of the list business,” said Bengals head coach Marvin Lewis Wednesday after he replaced Chad Johnson’s world-famous cornerback checklist with a list of his own that will no doubt appear in thousands of high school and college locker rooms.

Not to mention Johnson’s locker with the heading: “Did 85 do everything he could to lead his team to victory 11-6-05?

Did he study extra tape?

Did he have zero mental errors in practice?

Did he make a teammate better?

Did he see all his sights and hots?

Did he run after the catch?

Did he finish in blocking?

Next to each question are the Yes and No boxes to check, which Lewis says he’ll do and “the first one is the most important.”

Lewis made the list at 11:30 p.m. Tuesday as the coaches game planned for Sunday’s game in Baltimore, even waiting for the laminator to heat up. But apparently he was hot enough to laminate it himself after he saw a new list Johnson posted in his locker specifically aimed for the Ravens.

“If it’s not there any more,” Lewis said, “it’s not a good list.”

Johnson doesn’t have that list, but he still has the original that sparked all this uproar. Kind of like the Declaration of Independence. But he says he’ll sell it after the season. That’s the list that listed opposing cornerbacks on a schedule complete with Yes and No boxes to check according to the question, “Who will cover 85 in 2005?”

Johnson groused a bit Wednesday, figuring “The Chief” took down his new list.

“When you start taking things away from me, you’re, ‘The Chief,’” Johnson said. “Messed up my fun for the week.”

But after Lewis’ news conference, Johnson could be seen high-fiving the coach.

“My list,” Lewis said, is “important.”

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I'm guessing that the "list" CJ put up this week probably went well beyond the line as far as Marv. was concerned. While there has been no lack of comments about the original list on here and elsewhere I am now totally with Marv's take that it is too potentially motivating to other teams. I get that nobody wants to mess with CJ's mojo, but enough is enough with these things. I know he comes to play regardless, but it seems to be casting just too much of the spotlight on CJ when this team has a number of players who are playing real well. It is funny though, the comment about "my list is important" by ML. :o

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I can see the headline already.

Listless Bengals struggle against Ravens

Except, of course, they aren't list-less...they just have Marvin's list.

Glad to see you didn't get killed in a hurricane while on vacation...

I actually like Marvins list because it's a funny but still insulting way to mock Chad's stupid self promotion. At least that's how I reacted to it.

As for me, a great vacation was had. All of the serious weather was to the west of St. Martin and the wife and I only had to put up with one or two cloudy days. Best of all, vodka was only 5 bucks a bottle and I was able to purchase some island wisdom within a half hour of arriving. B)

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This is what I love about Marvin. The team doesn't need another pepto incident, and they have to take this game seriously. I think it says something positive about Chad as well. He can respect authority. Unlike TO and Moss. That's how you avoid them ridiculous distractions and that is what Marvin was nipping in the bud.

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