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All this talk about the Dominating Defense, the vast improvement from just a year ago, how now with the defense is playing at the same level the offense is, the Cincinnati Bengals are headed for a certain playoff berth, yet not one thank you, tip-o-the-hat, or kudo to our new defensive coordinator Chuck Bresnahan! Well let me be the first here to offer a well deserved :sure: thank you, :yes: kudo, :bow: tip-o-the-swami-hat :arabia: and toast to Chuck Bresnahan! :cheers:chuckbresnahan2nf.jpg He may have been just the catalyst needed for the talent that resided on the defensive side of the team to gel and come together!

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No Doubt Bres deserves a lot of credit. He is a fiery guy that has this defense swarming like they haven't in years.

I think another aspect of the success of the defense though has to do with young players that are having fun. You always play better when you are having fun. Ask the Marlins the year they won the series.

Odell Thurman also deserves a lot of credit. As the MLB, he has imprinted his personality on this defense on a very short period of time, and everyone (especially the secondary) is playing with a lot more energy than I have ever seen.

Lastly, another reason we are successful is the play of our safeties. KK is playing much better than I thought he could, and is really giving Deltha a lot of opportunities to play for the INT. We shouldn't expect 5 INT's a week, but we very well might lead the league in this category my a large margin come the end of the year, assuming we keep getting this good play from our safeties.

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I'd like to give kudos to something else that's come up big these past few weeks - the knockers on the lady in BB's sig.

Thanks milady.....just for being you.

She's been my "Sig-Chick" since the season started. I'm not about to change her now!

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Thanks Chuck! Keep up the good work! B)

And another BIG THANK YOU and cheer to both Kevin Coyle and Louie Cioffi, the architechts and mentors of the Bengals' Band of Thieves!

Good point jrandom42. Thanks to them too!

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I'd like to give kudos to something else that's come up big these past few weeks - the knockers on the lady in BB's sig.

Thanks milady.....just for being you.

She's been my "Sig-Chick" since the season started. I'm not about to change her now!

Under no circumstances change that sig ........... We are 3 and 0 with her.

Also .... they ARE Truly ... quite amazing B)

:offtopic:;) Can't quite figure out if I hate being a lech or if I hate enjoying it so much.

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Chuck deserves some props. I remember certain folks who were complaining (very loudly) in the pre-season that the defense hadn't gotten better. But we all know that it's the regular season that counts. After three weeks, we're only leading the league in turnover differential and interceptions, and second in the league in points allowed per game.


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All this talk about the Dominating Defense, the vast improvement from just a year ago, how now with the defense is playing at the same level the offense is, the Cincinnati Bengals are headed for a certain playoff berth, yet not one thank you, tip-o-the-hat, or kudo to our new defensive coordinator Chuck Bresnahan! Well let me be the first here to...

Hope you don't mind sloppy seconds. I've pimped the defense from day one and pimped Bres specifically after sideline shots from the Viking game showed him screaming not to let up, that the defense hadn't done ANYTHING yet, and reminding them that the defensive players hadn't scored any points. Remember?

Regardless, playing good defense is all about attitude and aggression and Bresnahan brings it. He's not going to over-engineer a punch to the mouth. By comparison, it's pretty obvious that Leslie Frazier was too cerebral and relied too much on reading and reacting as opposed to dictating.

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Now there is no way I'm going to just LET a thread go by that involves the fairer species without contributing!


As far as my thoughts on Chucky, I had my doubts beginning of the season, but wow not now! Yet another reason we say, "In Marvin We Trust."

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If Breshnanavy comes to my church, I give him a double portion of the juice...the good stuff...my secret stash

He can option out of the stale cracker

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All this talk about the Dominating Defense, the vast improvement from just a year ago, how now with the defense is playing at the same level the offense is, the Cincinnati Bengals are headed for a certain playoff berth, yet not one thank you, tip-o-the-hat, or kudo to our new defensive coordinator Chuck Bresnahan! Well let me be the first here to offer a well deserved :sure: thank you, :yes: kudo, :bow: tip-o-the-swami-hat :arabia: and toast to Chuck Bresnahan! :cheers:chuckbresnahan2nf.jpg He may have been just the catalyst needed for the talent that resided on the defensive side of the team to gel and come together!

He's the second coming of Hank Bullough! We love ya Chuck!

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