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f**k TJ, Cut Warrick, Sign Mason.


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I wouldn't mind seeing Mason in a Bengals uniform. Is it feasible?

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I thought this post was some flight of fancy until I saw the .com note that Schaffer confirms the Bengals have expressed an interest in D. Mason.

I will say this for the Bengals under ML, they are certainly much more of a player and an outside-the-box thinking team than they were. Thank god.

Now I get to have 12 minutes of imagining D. Mason and CJ on the same field...mmmmmmm.

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Mason is staying in a Titans uniform. Most likely, along with the countless other released Titans, they'll re-sign to help alleviate the cap restrictions and give the team more room for more signings.

Maybe they will. But since they cut him and he is free to talk with any team, that is far far FAR from a certainty.

AND, the Titans are pledging to stop doing creative things with their cap, so, really, I don't look for Mason to go back there, or any of those 6 they cut, for that matter.

The piper is getting paid in Nashville.

Now stop ruining my 12 minutes of dreaming...

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Mason is staying in a Titans uniform. Most likely, along with the countless other released Titans, they'll re-sign to help alleviate the cap restrictions and give the team more room for more signings.

Not true. The only one with a chance of going back to the Titans is Kevin Carter.

They can't afford to bring them back, even with pay cuts.

As of now they are about 6M under the cap. A lot of that has to go towards rookies and RFAs...

Unless something has changed of course...this is what I've been hearing non-stop from the Nashville media lately.

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Here is the .com note of interest from Hobson:

"Peter Schaffer, the agent for Bengals running back Rudi Johnson, is a busy man. He said Wednesday night that the Bengals are one of the teams that has expressed some kind of an interest in former Titans wide receiver Derrick Mason. Schaffer, who says he'll meet with the Bengals here this week to discuss Johnson, is also trying to get a deal for Steelers running back Jerome Bettis."

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Look for Mason to get big bucks somewhere other than Cincy, though it would be a potent double dose with CJ and DM.

Cadidates for Mason: Minn (With Moss gone), NYJ, NYG, PIT (no Plaxico), Baltimore(no WR Talent at all)...the list goes on...

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Look for Mason to get big bucks somewhere other than Cincy, though it would be a potent double dose with CJ and DM.

Cadidates for Mason: Minn (With Moss gone), NYJ, NYG, PIT (no Plaxico), Baltimore(no WR Talent at all)...the list goes on...

Yes, of course that is likely the case. But, dammit, I get to dream for a little while in February. And, as I noted above, just nice to have the Bengals even make the inquiry.

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Mason is staying in a Titans uniform.  Most likely, along with the countless other released Titans, they'll re-sign to help alleviate the cap restrictions and give the team more room for more signings.

Not true. The only one with a chance of going back to the Titans is Kevin Carter.

They can't afford to bring them back, even with pay cuts.

As of now they are about 6M under the cap. A lot of that has to go towards rookies and RFAs...

Unless something has changed of course...this is what I've been hearing non-stop from the Nashville media lately.

Thats exactly what I read too. Carter will be back but everyone else is looking for new jobs.

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idk coles is young....

anyways I think The vikings are set for Wr's guys, they got a 1000yd receiver in Burelson, and Marcus Robinson looks to be pretty decent for at least 1 more year, and I believe they got another guy, who would be a decent 3rd wr.

They also have the #7 pick and like #26( that's a random guess)pick in the draft.

So i wouldn't look for them to be needing much in FA, and I don't think they have the cap room also, there rookie pool is going to have to be significantlly higher then others.

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"Peter Schaffer, the agent for Bengals running back Rudi Johnson, is a busy man. He said Wednesday night that the Bengals are one of the teams that has expressed some kind of an interest in former Titans wide receiver Derrick Mason."

With one agent representing both players...I wonder if it wouldn't be easier to sign a package of Rudi and Mason rather than Rudi and Housh?

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idk coles is young....

anyways I think The vikings are set for Wr's guys, they got a 1000yd receiver in Burelson, and Marcus Robinson looks to be pretty decent for at least 1 more year, and I believe they got another guy, who would be a decent 3rd wr.

They also have the #7 pick and like #26( that's a random guess)pick in the draft.

So i wouldn't look for them to be needing much in FA, and I don't think they have the cap room also, there rookie pool is going to have to be significantlly higher then others.

I read the Vikings have something like 20-30 million in salary cap room.

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I agree, TJ good receiver, P-dub great in red zone... but if you have Derrick Mason on the other side of chad johnson there is no way a D can defend them... not to mention kelley washington as the slot receiver. with those talented receivers, defenses are going to be forced to back off the line and that will allow whoever our back is (rudi/perry/free agent) to take advantage of the huge holes left by linebackers fleeing to help the DBs... then we can concentrate on a DL and a SS to work alongside m. williams in the draft.

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I think the only reason that the Bengals are "interested" publicly in Mason is to put some pressure on TJ's agent to get him re-signed sooner, at a better price.

I don't think we have the money to sign Mason, and he'd have to learn a whole new system even if we did....I'd rather have TJ back. Really.

(and no...I am in no way related to Mr Houshmandzadeh)

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I think the only reason that the Bengals are "interested" publicly in Mason is to put some pressure on TJ's agent to get him re-signed sooner, at a better price.

I don't think we have the money to sign Mason, and he'd have to learn a whole new system even if we did....I'd rather have TJ back. Really.

(and no...I am in no way related to Mr Houshmandzadeh)

Are you related to Tom "TJ" Jackson from ESPN? :huh:

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I think the only reason that the Bengals are "interested" publicly in Mason is to put some pressure on TJ's agent to get him re-signed sooner, at a better price.

I don't think we have the money to sign Mason, and he'd have to learn a whole new system even if we did....I'd rather have TJ back. Really.

I tend to agree, at least regarding keeping TJ. But I'm not sure the Mason thing is about pressuring Housh as much as it is an expression of their reluctance to drop a big dime on anyone at WR with FA looming next year for Warrick. And I agree, Mason's price tag will be too high for them, too.

I guess we just better hope that Warrick's agent isn't blowing smoke when he says Peter is at 100%. I get the feeling it's going to be Chad, Warrick and Washington next season. <_<

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