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My point to that is Sherman really isn't that way when not on the field.

If you catch him in the mode, he's going to be the brash guy we see mostly.

Other times not in the mode results in a guy that sounds pretty educated and respectful.

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You can agree to disagree with respect as I have done. ;)/>

I can? Thanks. Your passive/aggressive act is just about played out with me. I'm not a child, and I don't need to be told to keep my responses respectful. I can say whatever the hell I want in here, it's a football message board not a Promise Keepers meeting.


You can agree to disagree with respect as I have done. ;)/>/>/>

I can? Thanks. Your passive/aggressive act is just about played out with me. I'm not a child, and I don't need to be told to keep my responses respectful. I can say whatever the hell I want in here, it's a football message board not a Promise Keepers meeting.

Wow! You're a psychologist too?? Well done! Let me give you a hint COB.....if you don't like what you're reading, you're not mandated to comment on it!!

As far a Promise Keepers COB, with Him, you're either all in, or all out. No middle ground! If you're all in, then there's NEVER a moment when it ISN'T Promise Keepers! ;)


My point to that is Sherman really isn't that way when not on the field.

If you catch him in the mode, he's going to be the brash guy we see mostly.

Other times not in the mode results in a guy that sounds pretty educated and respectful.

Excuse me if I sound passive/aggressive, as COB has so eloquently pointed out, but I'm not disagreeing with that point! I already said that I don't follow those guys and have only seen the post game interview and the interview that someone posted in here, with the media pundit.


When I put my uniform on, I was Sergeant ArmyBengal. I was intense and for the most part a real asshole.

I wanted to be the best medic I could be and demanded the best from those around me.

I can just see this...

"You call THAT a blood pressure reading, private? You pump that bulb LIKE A LITTLE GIRL!!! When you take a reading I want to see the patient's arm turn BLUE! BLUE you hear me? BLUE!!! Now get to it, soldier! SQUEEZE!!! SQUEEZE!!! SQUEEZE!!!" :P


When I put my uniform on, I was Sergeant ArmyBengal. I was intense and for the most part a real asshole.

I wanted to be the best medic I could be and demanded the best from those around me.

I can just see this...

"You call THAT a blood pressure reading, private? You pump that bulb LIKE A LITTLE GIRL!!! When you take a reading I want to see the patient's arm turn BLUE! BLUE you hear me? BLUE!!! Now get to it, soldier! SQUEEZE!!! SQUEEZE!!! SQUEEZE!!!" :P/>/>

You have no idea Hoosier.

I was able to do and say the things that I only wish I could do with my current employees.

There really was almost no limit to the extremes I could go to in dealing with my troops.

It wasn't an abuse of power, but rather getting them to understand the importance of doing things the right way and being accountable.

If you do that with some people today, they think you are "singling them out" or that "you don't like me".

Good thing i'm still a bit of an asshole and don't care about hurting peoples feelings.


When I put my uniform on, I was Sergeant ArmyBengal. I was intense and for the most part a real asshole.

I wanted to be the best medic I could be and demanded the best from those around me.

I can just see this...

"You call THAT a blood pressure reading, private? You pump that bulb LIKE A LITTLE GIRL!!! When you take a reading I want to see the patient's arm turn BLUE! BLUE you hear me? BLUE!!! Now get to it, soldier! SQUEEZE!!! SQUEEZE!!! SQUEEZE!!!" :P/>/>/>/>

You have no idea Hoosier.

I was able to do and say the things that I only wish I could do with my current employees.

There really was almost no limit to the extremes I could go to in dealing with my troops.

It wasn't an abuse of power, but rather getting them to understand the importance of doing things the right way and being accountable.

If you do that with some people today, they think you are "singling them out" or that "you don't like me".

Good thing i'm still a bit of an asshole and don't care about hurting peoples feelings.

Sadly Army, society has caved in every area like this. My sister-in-law, my wife's twin sister, was a first grade teacher most of her career, and she saw the change play out with how the parenting declined over the years! I saw it in the managing I did in baseball over the years.

When I was a child, if you got in trouble at school, you got a second dose at home. Today you got parents standing on the teacher's desk defending their child could never do anything wrong!!

She retired after a few years of that nonsense, and it's probably a good thing I gave up baseball, because I would not have gotten along very well with the new politically correct version!


There really was almost no limit to the extremes I could go to in dealing with my troops.

It wasn't an abuse of power, but rather getting them to understand the importance of doing things the right way and being accountable.

On that note, it would appear the Turkish military could use moar ArmyBengal:



Sadly Army, society has caved in every area like this. My sister-in-law, my wife's twin sister, was a first grade teacher most of her career, and she saw the change play out with how the parenting declined over the years! I saw it in the managing I did in baseball over the years.

When I was a child, if you got in trouble at school, you got a second dose at home. Today you got parents standing on the teacher's desk defending their child could never do anything wrong!!

She retired after a few years of that nonsense, and it's probably a good thing I gave up baseball, because I would not have gotten along very well with the new politically correct version!

Ha Ha! What happened to the Greg Cook in here telling everyone how he likes to keep everything positive, avoid all the negativity on other message boards? I guess complaining about, oh, our society as a whole, is somehow keeping it positive?

Tell you what, please keep sharing all this insight you gain from sitting in your recliner shaking your fist at the world while you watch Fox News, it's fascinating!


Sadly Army, society has caved in every area like this. My sister-in-law, my wife's twin sister, was a first grade teacher most of her career, and she saw the change play out with how the parenting declined over the years! I saw it in the managing I did in baseball over the years.

When I was a child, if you got in trouble at school, you got a second dose at home. Today you got parents standing on the teacher's desk defending their child could never do anything wrong!!

She retired after a few years of that nonsense, and it's probably a good thing I gave up baseball, because I would not have gotten along very well with the new politically correct version!

Ha Ha! What happened to the Greg Cook in here telling everyone how he likes to keep everything positive, avoid all the negativity on other message boards? I guess complaining about, oh, our society as a whole, is somehow keeping it positive?

Tell you what, please keep sharing all this insight you gain from sitting in your recliner shaking your fist at the world while you watch Fox News, it's fascinating!

Love pushing your buttons COB!! Is there anything I can say that you WON'T respond to? Just like when you were a child and the bullies were picking on you. Wait..........you were probably the bully! :blink:/>/> Anywho, remember your mom used to say, "If you just ignore them, they will eventually stop because they aren't getting a reaction from you!" Maybe once I stop getting a reaction from you, I'll leave you alone!! ;)/>/>/>

Aren't you getting excited about the draft and such, so you can start pissing and moaning about the Bengals again and how all the football minds don't know half of what you know??

Exciting times, you must admit!!


so you can start pissing and moaning about the Bengals again and how all the football minds don't know half of what you know??

That's what I'm talking about. I don't piss and moan about the Bengals, I've been a pretty supportive fan and poster on this board for years. You come in here, and because I don't support your quarterback, you claim I'm some sort of negative force. You may now go back to complaining about how things just aren't as good as they used to be because kids get trophies for trying or some crap like that. Look, gay marriage!


This is priceless! lol You would love the other Bengals forum!

All joking adide, your obviously a pretty smart feller, but what I couldn't understand was why you couldn't get that the point of the thread I started that got your panties in a wad was NOT a thread about good or bad Andy, it was about changing the offensive scheme!

In hindsight you probably DO get it, but your agenda is to create a Dalton debate, even if there isn't one, and attack members.

Anyway I'll continue to push your buttons as long as it continues to draw a response!

I'm really starting to en joy it in here!


Just like when you were a child and the bullies were picking on you.

Taunting me because you think I was bullied as a child? Onward christian soldier!


Just like when you were a child and the bullies were picking on you.

Taunting me because you think I was bullied as a child? Onward christian soldier!

Again you missed the point! Amazing! The point wasn't about the bullying, but the response to them.

Paralleling me pulling your chain and pushing your buttons. If I do that and you start ignoring me, then the fun is over and I will automatically stop!

Interesting thing is, I haven't responded to any of your posts, until you personally directed a post to me, on my reply to Army!

When I saw that post, learning that I can push your buttons indirectly, without having to respond to you or a post that YOU made, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to have some fun! It's all fun in here right COB??

The only thing that I asked is that no one attack me directly by swearing at my like Army did, who immediately apologized and took accountability for, which I immediately accepted!!

Other than that, it's all fun, and don't get your panties in a wad, and allow me to push your buttons!!


Again you missed the point!

Keeping up with an intellect like yours requires some work. I may not be up to it.

Paralleling me pulling your chain and pushing your buttons.

I've submitted that sentence to the encryption decoding unit at the NSA. They said they'd get back to me if they can figure it out.

Interesting thing is, I haven't responded to any of your posts,

Do you really find that interesting? Seems pretty mundane. Unless I think about the fact that you wrote it while responding to one of my posts.

The only thing that I asked is that no one attack me directly by swearing at my like Army did,

Swearing on a message board on the world's wide web? You have every right to demand an apology.

...it's all fun, and don't get your panties in a wad, and allow me to push your buttons!!

Talking like this in the dugout is why you aren't coaching little league any more.

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