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Dalton Described as 'Unflappable'


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Yes. Unflappable is one attribute that is hard to deny when talking about Andy.

And, you've heard it echoed by teammates and coaches throughout his three years. Just this morning on NFL AM, Marvin Jones was interviewed and talked about how Andy is always the same guy. It doesn't matter if things are going well or poorly. If the media praises him or trashes him. It's always the same Andy.

Some people (myself included) see this as a positive. Others would rather see a Philip Rivers type of guy who screams at people and puts his heard on his sleeve. But, having a QB that can throw an INT and have the ability to completely push it out of his mind on the next play is a big deal, and I think that's something we're lucky to have.

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Personally, I love the unflappable characteristic of Andy. Some here at work take it as a sign that he really does not care when he f**ks up, but no competitor is like that. Playing with emotion is a positive but playing while blinded by anger or frustration can just lead to f**king up worse. A certain Carson Palmer used to always yell at people when things were going badly, and it was considered a lack of leadership. Andy gets praised by his teammates for NOT doing that childish crap and the fans (some of them) bash him for it. My mind boggles. :blink:

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I heard an interesting point today on my way in to work and an analyst commented about people not seeing the whole picture in regards to Dalton.

They pointed out that the media likes to call him "Good Andy" or "Bad Andy".

Then they followed up with why doesn't anyone call Manning "Warm Peyton" or "Cold Peyton" referring to his play in that type of weather ??

Someone commented that he finally had a good game in the cold, so that should end the specualation.

Well Dalton just had a stellar game, but people are still waiting for him to screw the next pooch.

I get it, he's not Peyton Manning and that wasn't the intent of the conversation I heard, but there's some truth in it.

All QB's have bad games or play poorly in certain places. It will be alright.

And what's this sh*t about Dalton's game wasn't that impressive because the Colts aren't that great ??

Yeah, I get they are struggling, but they did just clinch their division right ??

Good thing Andrew Luck and his 4 TD passes sucks so bad huh ??

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I said if the Bengals won in San Diego that they win out. I still believe that. What I would LOVE to see Sunday night is a solid game on offense, defense, and special teams! Holding onto the ball with minimal penalties.

After the game is over I want the Rodney Harrisons and all the anti-Bengal pundits left with no excuse and nothing left to say except, "Well the Bengals should have won against a Steeler team that was 5 and 8!"

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Just like when the Bengals' defense held Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady in check, it wasn't because the defense is good, it was because they had bad games.

People just hate giving the Bengals credit for anything.

Go to the website forum! Some of our own fans are saying the same thing!

It's a given that EVEN if the Bengals were to totally win out and win the SB, it would be, "They won in spite og Dalton, and because the other teams had bad games! "

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Just like when the Bengals' defense held Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady in check, it wasn't because the defense is good, it was because they had bad games.

People just hate giving the Bengals credit for anything.

Go to the website forum! Some of our own fans are saying the same thing!

It's a given that EVEN if the Bengals were to totally win out and win the SB, it would be, "They won in spite og Dalton, and because the other teams had bad games! "

I've mentioned this before on here but it bears repeating. To the Dalton naysayers I ask, "Who do you freaking replace him with?" to which I usually get some hemming and hawing or some complete fantasy. I honestly think several of the guys I work with who are also Bengals fans would rather the Bengals lose and Andy look like s**t than have to admit they are wrong about him being "total garbage", as I often hear. When he has a s**t game and we lose, they want to talk all about Bengals football. When he tears it up and we win, nary a word is uttered. I have never in my life seen fans so annoyed that their god damned team is winning!

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Dalton is unflappable. Which is good because he's streaky, and his bad streaks could destroy a guy who isn't as mentally strong as Dalton. He seems to have shaken off that 4 game streak and is back on a heater. Streaky is good, especially if you can get on a hot streak at the right time. He was on one for the month of October. If he gets on a streak like that starting the first playoff game, watch out.

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Dalton is unflappable. Which is good because he's streaky, and his bad streaks could destroy a guy who isn't as mentally strong as Dalton. He seems to have shaken off that 4 game streak and is back on a heater. Streaky is good, especially if you can get on a hot streak at the right time. He was on one for the month of October. If he gets on a streak like that starting the first playoff game, watch out.

He has his best games when he gets protection and has the ground game going.his record when the team rushes for a hundred yards or more is killer. I can't remember what it is but it's something like 19 and 6.

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Just like when the Bengals' defense held Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady in check, it wasn't because the defense is good, it was because they had bad games.

People just hate giving the Bengals credit for anything.

Go to the website forum! Some of our own fans are saying the same thing!

It's a given that EVEN if the Bengals were to totally win out and win the SB, it would be, "They won in spite og Dalton, and because the other teams had bad games! "

I've mentioned this before on here but it bears repeating. To the Dalton naysayers I ask, "Who do you freaking replace him with?" to which I usually get some hemming and hawing or some complete fantasy. I honestly think several of the guys I work with who are also Bengals fans would rather the Bengals lose and Andy look like s**t than have to admit they are wrong about him being "total garbage", as I often hear. When he has a s**t game and we lose, they want to talk all about Bengals football. When he tears it up and we win, nary a word is uttered. I have never in my life seen fans so annoyed that their god damned team is winning!

People hate to man up and admit they were wrong.

Most of those types want to be right even if it means rooting against'their' teams, and, in extreme cases, family and friends!

I've known guys that would sell out family to be 'right'!

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Just like when the Bengals' defense held Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady in check, it wasn't because the defense is good, it was because they had bad games.

People just hate giving the Bengals credit for anything.

Go to the website forum! Some of our own fans are saying the same thing!

It's a given that EVEN if the Bengals were to totally win out and win the SB, it would be, "They won in spite og Dalton, and because the other teams had bad games! "

I've mentioned this before on here but it bears repeating. To the Dalton naysayers I ask, "Who do you freaking replace him with?" to which I usually get some hemming and hawing or some complete fantasy. I honestly think several of the guys I work with who are also Bengals fans would rather the Bengals lose and Andy look like s**t than have to admit they are wrong about him being "total garbage", as I often hear. When he has a s**t game and we lose, they want to talk all about Bengals football. When he tears it up and we win, nary a word is uttered. I have never in my life seen fans so annoyed that their god damned team is winning!

People hate to man up and admit they were wrong.

Well, the truth is that nobody really knows who is right and who is wrong at this point. So far, Andy has been right in step with some of the greats. But, none of us has any idea where Andy is going to go from here. Time will tell...

The inexplicable to me are those who seems to be rooting for him to fail.

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Just like when the Bengals' defense held Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady in check, it wasn't because the defense is good, it was because they had bad games.

People just hate giving the Bengals credit for anything.

Go to the website forum! Some of our own fans are saying the same thing!

It's a given that EVEN if the Bengals were to totally win out and win the SB, it would be, "They won in spite og Dalton, and because the other teams had bad games! "

I've mentioned this before on here but it bears repeating. To the Dalton naysayers I ask, "Who do you freaking replace him with?" to which I usually get some hemming and hawing or some complete fantasy. I honestly think several of the guys I work with who are also Bengals fans would rather the Bengals lose and Andy look like s**t than have to admit they are wrong about him being "total garbage", as I often hear. When he has a s**t game and we lose, they want to talk all about Bengals football. When he tears it up and we win, nary a word is uttered. I have never in my life seen fans so annoyed that their god damned team is winning!

People hate to man up and admit they were wrong.

Well, the truth is that nobody really knows who is right and who is wrong at this point. So far, Andy has been right in step with some of the greats. But, none of us has any idea where Andy is going to go from here. Time will tell...

The inexplicable to me are those who seems to be rooting for him to fail.

That's exactly what I mean. We might debate Andy's strengths and weaknesses, his record and his stats but everyone here seems to want him to do well. People here at my work seem to want the team to fail, or at least Andy to fail, just so they can pat themselves on the back for making the right judgement call. I'd rather be wrong as hell, and own it, than be right and watch the team fail.

The only two things I can say for certain are a) Andy Dalton is not a garbage QB. He might not be great, he may never get over being inconsistent but there's nothing in his stats or character to suggest he's Christian Ponder or Brandon Weedon. b ) There simply is no better option for us going forward.

So why then do fans of the team get annoyed when he plays great? I can only imagine Greg is right and that those "fans" need to be right trumps any other consideration. I shouldn't let it bother me, but f**k me it does.

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Generally, I am on Dalton's side. So keep that in mind when I say this:

To be perceived as "unflappable" in this context, a quarterback must consistently find himself in a scenario where he is tested by his own mistakes. Dalton definitely does.

I agree with you completely and would also add that every quarterback is. The great QBs react to loss and failure and stupid mistakes with poise, leadership and a short memory. Bad QBs let those mistakes rule them. This is what separates a more physically gifted passer like Carson Palmer from attaining the status of a great QB and why a guy with lesser physical talents (or refinement perhaps) like Andy Dalton can put together greatness despite his weaknesses. If Andy can gain the refinement he needs, he can be truly sensational where as Carson will likely never get over himself.

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Generally, I am on Dalton's side. So keep that in mind when I say this:

To be perceived as "unflappable" in this context, a quarterback must consistently find himself in a scenario where he is tested by his own mistakes. Dalton definitely does.

This is what I don't understand right here. I've been a Bengals fan since they came to town in 1968. Yes, there are players that I didn't like their behavior, for example Chad Johnson. When he changed his name and it became a circus, he became a performer instead of a football player, I didn't like that at all. But I never rooted against him. I wanted him to do well when the game started. Now if he messed up during the game I might say something like, "Well if you weren't such a diva you might have caught that pass." etc. But I would never root against anyone on the Bengals. Why?

Because I have no control or say so as far as who's on the team and he's not on the team.

Not not attacking you or anything stripes but I just don't know how a fan could say, "Well I'm generally for Andy Dalton."

What does that exactly mean?

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Generally, I am on Dalton's side. So keep that in mind when I say this:

To be perceived as "unflappable" in this context, a quarterback must consistently find himself in a scenario where he is tested by his own mistakes. Dalton definitely does.

I agree with you completely and would also add that every quarterback is. The great QBs react to loss and failure and stupid mistakes with poise, leadership and a short memory. Bad QBs let those mistakes rule them. This is what separates a more physically gifted passer like Carson Palmer from attaining the status of a great QB and why a guy with lesser physical talents (or refinement perhaps) like Andy Dalton can put together greatness despite his weaknesses. If Andy can gain the refinement he needs, he can be truly sensational where as Carson will likely never get over himself.

Well said!

Look at the Broncos playoff game last year with the Ravens. Peyton Manning threw the game away with across the body pass that was intercepted. And he's been in the league how many years?

Did Peyton even receive any heat from that bonehead move last year?

When Andy threw across his body this year for his first red zone interception the pundints and the fans went crazy, blasting him left and right!

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The way I see it anybody that's been a true fan since the beginning of the 90's shouldn't have any thing to complain about the way this team has played for these last 3 years. Just sit back and enjoy the ride fellas!

This is the truest statement around.In between Boomer to Palmer was the worst stretch of quarterbacking, second only to Detroit. It was horrible. But Andy isn't some Rex Grossman type. His accomplishments have been very impressive. Just think if he wins 11 games and hits 30 TD's. That's 3 straight years of improvements.He gets better and better. Just read the Bengals.com article. He has done so well. It's still amazing that he went 9-7 his rookie year with no off-season. Look at the excuses Shanahan has for RG3 and he talks about how important the off-season is. Dalton was a rookie, with a rookie #1 wide receiver. I love Dalton. He's the man. He, along with Marvin. Will get us a Super Bowl. Hopefully this year.

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Yes. Unflappable is one attribute that is hard to deny when talking about Andy.

And, you've heard it echoed by teammates and coaches throughout his three years. Just this morning on NFL AM, Marvin Jones was interviewed and talked about how Andy is always the same guy. It doesn't matter if things are going well or poorly. If the media praises him or trashes him. It's always the same Andy.

Some people (myself included) see this as a positive. Others would rather see a Philip Rivers type of guy who screams at people and puts his heard on his sleeve. But, having a QB that can throw an INT and have the ability to completely push it out of his mind on the next play is a big deal, and I think that's something we're lucky to have.

I'll take A dalton over rivers. When you negative to teammates you just cause them to tilt more

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Well, the truth is that nobody really knows who is right and who is wrong at this point.

Please, I am always right. tongue.gif

Yes, but you often make incorrect statements simply to throw us off the trail and keep us all guessing. I like your style. cheers.gif

Got me dead to rights again. :cheers:

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Generally, I am on Dalton's side. So keep that in mind when I say this:

To be perceived as "unflappable" in this context, a quarterback must consistently find himself in a scenario where he is tested by his own mistakes. Dalton definitely does.

This is what I don't understand right here. I've been a Bengals fan since they came to town in 1968. Yes, there are players that I didn't like their behavior, for example Chad Johnson. When he changed his name and it became a circus, he became a performer instead of a football player, I didn't like that at all. But I never rooted against him. I wanted him to do well when the game started. Now if he messed up during the game I might say something like, "Well if you weren't such a diva you might have caught that pass." etc. But I would never root against anyone on the Bengals. Why?

Because I have no control or say so as far as who's on the team and he's not on the team.

Not not attacking you or anything stripes but I just don't know how a fan could say, "Well I'm generally for Andy Dalton."

What does that exactly mean?

We're on the same side, mate. I don't mean that there are moments when I root against Dalton or any other Bengals' player. No Bengals fan does that, it's an absurd assertion frankly.

I mean that I want the Bengals to field the best team they possibly can, and sometimes that will mean certain players currently being fielded need to be replaced. I don't think it would be wise to replace Dalton considering all of the positive things he has done in such a short time frame and would be pretty alarmed to see the Bengals try.

I want every player with a striped helmet to play well and root for that every single year. That's not some kind of world-stopping realization though -- every single person who roots for the Bengals does that. Heck, even the ones that spend ALL of their time complaining about Dalton want Dalton to play well on Sunday. They might not eat their crow, but they aren't angry about it. That's an unfair assumption.

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