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Oh no! Gresham may be out for Sunday!


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If Gresh is out, it definitely hurts us. He starts every week for a reason. He is our best option. I really get tired of the bashing. Would I like more consistency - sure. Do I think he is still a young player with upside who hasn't reached his potential? you bet. If we lose him in FA next year, I believe he will be missed and hard to replace.

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Could this mean Orson Charles might finally have an opportunity to prove they were right in keeping him ??

Or possibly go with more single tight end 3 wide-out sets allowing Hawkins to get on the field ????

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Yup. For all the crap Gresh takes, much of it deserved, the guy is averaging nearly four catches a game, and almost half, 18 of his 33 grabs, have been for first downs. Could have used those yesterday.

Then again, he could have just joined the follies, who knows? We saw Hawk get the ball and immediately fumble, Green with what should have been a fumble, Jones have a ball go through his arms for a pick. Blech.

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One note of interest. The dumbass web site pointed out that yesterday with no Gresh they were in two TE sets for fewer than 30 plays, versus 11 personnel for 50 snaps. So basically yesterday they ran a completely different O than they have been all year on a windy day that was murder for 3 WR sets.

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