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I just can't get myself to care. Reds start playing soon, the Bengals are not looking to be competitive this year. On top of that, this lockout is actually good for the league in the long term. Short term this isn't good, I suppose. But the NFL is seeing the ol' law of diminishing returns. I just hope both sides learn something out of all of this.

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I'm really looking forward to the Reds as well.

Thing is, I really enjoy the start of free agency and the buzz "other" teams seem to make when it kicks off.

The draft is still going to happen, but it's not quite the same when you have no idea how it is going to shake out.

Couple that one with the fact of not being able to move Carson because of this and it kinda blows.

All that being said......

The Reds seem to have a very deep pitching staff !!!


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Why not join this? Answer seems simple enough to me. It's futile, silly and I got better things to do. Does this suck? Yes. Will it suck if the 2011 season is disrupted? Yes. But I got other things going on than to get on here and jump up and down like a giddy little school girl because Jordan Palmer is throwing to the Bengals' no-name receiver corps (and that was a completely randomly generated example--not a commentary on the site resident drama queen mem).

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It might be time for you to seek professional help, greg, I am so deeply in your kitchen. And the amusing part is, it is without trying. Take a walk. Hang out with friends, maybe seek some perspective on life. Just friendly thoughts. Maybe step away from the keyboard for a bit.

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It might be time for you to seek professional help, greg, I am so deeply in your kitchen. And the amusing part is, it is without trying. Take a walk. Hang out with friends, maybe seek some perspective on life. Just friendly thoughts. Maybe step away from the keyboard for a bit.

Now now...the only person allowed in 'gator's kitchen is Mrs. 'gator! Anyways, I kid because I love...and we apparently aren't going to have anything else worthy to debate for a while, so...


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