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This might come off as biased but I don’t care. Bengals should have been at this year’s Superbowl, point blank period. Albeit their shortcomings, you have T.O., Ochocinco, Dhani Jones and Palmer on one team? I just don’t get it.

Speaking of Dhani Jones, my favorite player, have you seen him in the new Febreze commercials?


What did you guys think of the Superbowl?


This might come off as biased but I don’t care. Bengals should have been at this year’s Superbowl, point blank period. Albeit their shortcomings, you have T.O., Ochocinco, Dhani Jones and Palmer on one team? I just don’t get it.

Put the pipe down then you might. <_<


This might come off as biased but I don’t care. Bengals should have been at this year’s Superbowl, point blank period. Albeit their shortcomings, you have T.O., Ochocinco, Dhani Jones and Palmer on one team? I just don’t get it.

Speaking of Dhani Jones, my favorite player, have you seen him in the new Febreze commercials?


What did you guys think of the Superbowl?

I do those players you mentioned are getting older and are not that good anymore :rolleyes:


WTF ??

This thread brought to you by Proctor & Spamble.

Yes, it is "intern" season in the advertising and marketing world. All this talk of "social media" and "viral marketing"... vomit.

Thanks, Febreze, for stinking up the sanctity of our modest Bengals forum.

"Drew" is 20. He attends the University of Toronto, and his internship is probably part of this: http://www.utm.utoronto.ca/regcal/WEBCOURSEMGT252H5.pl?fv=1

He is interning at Grey in Toronto, who won the Febreze account back in 1998 and has been handled by various creative and account teams at their New York and Toronto offices. Drew does not know any better. He is going to learn, very quickly you can't just show up and "drop it" on your first three posts. You need a higher post count. Making something viral means you need to subvert the natives. They need to believe you are "one of them". His ridiculous post, touting the players he did, indicate how far he overshot the launch and landing. FAIL.

Just check "Drew's" other posts... SPAM. The term "NotEverythingsEasyOuttake" in the URL, when searched yields several other polluted items on other sites, all harping "Dhani Jones"


All of this leads us back to: http://www.youtube.com/user/febreze

Yes, Febfreze's YouTube page. 47 videos and counting.

Nice job "Drew". Now, go get the doughnuts that the print rep dropped in the traffic manager's office. And re-fill my coffee.


Willie, you're being a little hard on Drew, after all his favorite player is Dhani Jones.

I think you're pretty much on the money. Drew couldn't have been more clumsy if he had jumped in with his first post screaming, "HEY GUYS, FEBREEZE IS THE BOMB, DON'T YOU THINK? CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO ABOUT FEBREEZE THAT I FOUND ON YOUTUBE WHEN I WAS ON YOUTUBE LOOKING FOR VIDS ABOUT FEBREEZE(insert ten exclamation points here).

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