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Anyone catch Palmer's interview on Afternoon Blitz?


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Assuming the team wouldn't just cut him outright (I don't think they would or should) they don't have to suspend him. All they need to do is not put him on the active roster. There doesn't even have to be an explaination from my understanding. Not all WR's who make the team will be active on Sunday and there's nothing saying Chad can't be the odd guy out come game day.

If Chad is ready to go and decides to focus on the game, I think he helps this team, if not, I say put him on the inactive roster come game day.

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To me, with CJ on the team he can only add disruption and negativity.

I don't think I agree with you here. If he becomes negative again, he can be suspended. If he doesn't, who cares?

How easy can it be to suspend him with the NFLPA weighing in? Has he ever been suspended in the past? Do you trust MB to suspend him? I honestly don't know. You may be right.

Well, the Eagles suspended T.O. indefinitely for Conduct Detrimental to the Team. That definition of "Conduct Detrimental" is vague and subjective... and according to the league's conduct policy is at the discretion of the team.

That's right... technically a team could suspend a player for not learning the playbook as that conduct would in fact be "detrimental" to the success of the team. That said, any player can challenge such a suspension... but the team would be "Chad-free" in the meantime.

Also, the Bengals have shown a willingness to do just that since Chad was suspended for the Steeler game last year.

So, in my opinion, you keep Chad for the off chance he returns to form. If and when he doesn't, he better just keep his mouth shut... because the moment he becomes a distraction, he'll have to go home immediately after opening that fat wallet. That's a win/win for the Bengals and a win/lose for Chad. If he want's to keep losing... that's fine by me.

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Even if ocho stinko become a nice guy this season, chemistry between Palmer and that “nice guy” will never be the same. So the offence will be again without one WR for Palmer if Ocho Stinko it’s on the field.

If team can’t cut him, then use him like a KR and PR.

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With CJohnson working out in Cali. the timing with him and CPalmer is going to be off just like it was last year in the PS and 1st few games...If CHenry wins the X spot, I really can't wait to see him in the starting role, he is a bigger target and he may be faster than NoShow Finko...While I don't hate him like some of you, I hopes that he shows up and does not be a distraction, do your job this year since they are not going to trade you, and know that you are gone next year, but I don't know how much someone is going to do at a job he is unhappy about...I used to think that we needed people like CJohnson to be legit, meaning we had a high profile player like T.O., RMoss, APeterson some one who was a household name, while I have not heard of any of the above missing OTA's our high profile player is...I'm so tired of him right now.so get the best out of him this year and let him audition for his next team or keep him on the bench and start the 2nd year players, who knows QCosby might be the next CHenry...While I have 2 PB CJohnson jerseys, I honestly wish they would have traded him so that we can move on sooner rather than later, why drag this out another year...

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My concern is that he is going to show up at the last minute, out of shape and with no timing...

...then the Bengals will promptly hand him the X WR position no questions asked. Then Chad will struggle, then the offense will struggle.

The best thing the Bengals could do is put him at the bottom of the depth chart and see if he can take the starting X position from Henry or the backup X position from whoever.

The worst thing the Bengals could do is hand him the starting role right when he walks in the door.

Bad Johnson will ruin the 2009 Bengals if they let him.

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I like Palmer's attitude too but can someone explain to me the benefit of keeping a WR on a team that does not have him in it's plans? Addition by subtraction. If Chad's just going to be around doing nothing but being a pain in ass whiny 2nd or 3rd WR....just CUT him.

Two words: Salary cap.

This is why we need a GM that isn't also the CFO.

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My concern is that he is going to show up at the last minute, out of shape and with no timing...

...then the Bengals will promptly hand him the X WR position no questions asked. Then Chad will struggle, then the offense will struggle.

The best thing the Bengals could do is put him at the bottom of the depth chart and see if he can take the starting X position from Henry or the backup X position from whoever.

The worst thing the Bengals could do is hand him the starting role right when he walks in the door.

Bad Johnson will ruin the 2009 Bengals if they let him.

I know you don't hear these words often, BC, but I agree completely. Make him come into training camp, all the cameras rolling, and make him take the spot back. If he's reformed for this year, there's where you start (well, OTAs would be nice but...).

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My concern is that he is going to show up at the last minute, out of shape and with no timing...

...then the Bengals will promptly hand him the X WR position no questions asked. Then Chad will struggle, then the offense will struggle.

The best thing the Bengals could do is put him at the bottom of the depth chart and see if he can take the starting X position from Henry or the backup X position from whoever.

The worst thing the Bengals could do is hand him the starting role right when he walks in the door.

Bad Johnson will ruin the 2009 Bengals if they let him.

I know you don't hear these words often, BC, but I agree completely. Make him come into training camp, all the cameras rolling, and make him take the spot back. If he's reformed for this year, there's where you start (well, OTAs would be nice but...).

I forgot about the cameras. That makes it even better (or worse, I guess). Seems like there are 3 possible scenarios:

1. Chad reports whenever he reports and the Bengals just line him up at starting X no questions asked. (bad)

2. Chad reports, they bury him on the depth chart, and he earns the starting position back by being the Chad Johnson of old. (unlikely)

3. Chad reports, they bury him on the depth chart, and he uses this as justification for doing his best to be a distraction to the team, all in front of the camera. (likely)

The change in team sentiment toward Chad makes me think it will be option #3. His enabler (TJ) is gone. If he laughs at his distractions this year, he will be the only one laughing. A good portion of the team will either be strangers to Chad, and/or not have much of a sense of humor about Chad, especially if he shows up in clown mode.

His antics will instantly fall upon deaf ears this season, from ownership, coaches, players, and fans. This will send him into full pout mode though, that is the concern.

If it were up to me, and Chad showed up with any intent other than taking back his starting position by being the best WR he can be.... I would PUP him before the first preseason game, salary cap be damned. Its more than numbers. There is a team concept that needs to be built, and Chad at this point could be detrimental to it.

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Make him come into training camp, all the cameras rolling, and make him take the spot back.

That's a really good point. But I can see it playing out two ways though.

1) Chad isn't immediately given the job, and the national spotlight on Hard Knocks motivates him to work the way he used to.

2) Chad isn't immediately given the job, he views it as the team trying to humiliate him on a national stage and tries to sabotage the season.

You know... in the interest of of it just being an a good social experiment, I almost hope for option #2. It's kind of like a good episode of The Office where Michael Scott really digs himself a deep hole. There's just something intriguing about watching a man ruin himself. Even more so when you hate that man.

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I like Palmer's attitude too but can someone explain to me the benefit of keeping a WR on a team that does not have him in it's plans? Addition by subtraction. If Chad's just going to be around doing nothing but being a pain in ass whiny 2nd or 3rd WR....just CUT him.

Two words: Salary cap.

If Chad is on the last year of his contract and is owed "x" amount of dollars. He gets that money if he plays or if he is cut. The Bengals then have that count against the salary cap either way. What MB is doing is getting a "bang for his buck". I think that is a good strategy to operating a team but it should not be the most important philosophy or goal. There are always exceptions to the rule. Chad on this team is more harm than good and he has shown that in the last 3 seasons.

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My concern is that he is going to show up at the last minute, out of shape and with no timing...

...then the Bengals will promptly hand him the X WR position no questions asked. Then Chad will struggle, then the offense will struggle.

The best thing the Bengals could do is put him at the bottom of the depth chart and see if he can take the starting X position from Henry or the backup X position from whoever.

The worst thing the Bengals could do is hand him the starting role right when he walks in the door.

Bad Johnson will ruin the 2009 Bengals if they let him.

Absolutely. Also, think about this...Palmer can say "Chad is gone" all he wants. MB makes the decisions of who is on that field, i.e. Chris Henry last year. If Chad is going to be on this team you better believe he's going to play whether or not Carson likes it. When that happens it's going to be BAD chemistry and it will affect the offensive performance of this team.

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i think the group of guys we have now may not tolerate any antics from chad, especially now that carson has seemed to embrace his leadership role more so than in seasons past. wishful thinking . . . maybe, but i like the attitude we have on the team.

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I like Palmer's attitude too but can someone explain to me the benefit of keeping a WR on a team that does not have him in it's plans? Addition by subtraction. If Chad's just going to be around doing nothing but being a pain in ass whiny 2nd or 3rd WR....just CUT him.

Two words: Salary cap.

Not an issue. The Bengals should actually free up $1-2 million in space if they move or cut Chad.

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I like Palmer's attitude too but can someone explain to me the benefit of keeping a WR on a team that does not have him in it's plans? Addition by subtraction. If Chad's just going to be around doing nothing but being a pain in ass whiny 2nd or 3rd WR....just CUT him.

Two words: Salary cap.

It's two words... you just picked the wrong ones.

F**k Chad.

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Not an issue. The Bengals should actually free up $1-2 million in space if they move or cut Chad.

Really? I thought the remaining bonus was higher than his salary. In that case, ship his ass to Deee-troit.

If they trade him to the 'Skins, I think I would actually show up to camp with a shirt that states, as Derek says, "F*** Chad".

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Not an issue. The Bengals should actually free up $1-2 million in space if they move or cut Chad.

Really? I thought the remaining bonus was higher than his salary. In that case, ship his ass to Deee-troit.

If they trade him to the 'Skins, I think I would actually show up to camp with a shirt that states, as Derek says, "F*** Chad".

Like this?

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Not an issue. The Bengals should actually free up $1-2 million in space if they move or cut Chad.

Really? I thought the remaining bonus was higher than his salary. In that case, ship his ass to Deee-troit.

If they trade him to the 'Skins, I think I would actually show up to camp with a shirt that states, as Derek says, "F*** Chad".

The trade ship sailed, sank and is rusting on the ocean floor.

But I begin to wonder if he won't be cut.

Mikey can pocket his salary and be a hero, after all.

The combination has to be intriguing.

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Not an issue. The Bengals should actually free up $1-2 million in space if they move or cut Chad.

Really? I thought the remaining bonus was higher than his salary. In that case, ship his ass to Deee-troit.

If they trade him to the 'Skins, I think I would actually show up to camp with a shirt that states, as Derek says, "F*** Chad".

The trade ship sailed, sank and is rusting on the ocean floor.

But I begin to wonder if he won't be cut.

Mikey can pocket his salary and be a hero, after all.

The combination has to be intriguing.

I agree with one part of your statement, but disagree with another.

First, yes the trade ship has long left the port. Last year was the best offer anyone's gonna make. I don't even think there were any serious offers (or offers period?) this offseason.

Second, I cannot see SoP cutting him. I don't think that makes him a hero. Cut him now after turning down the Redskins offer would not be a good thing.

Me personally, even though he's Fredo, I vote taking his spot from him and seeing if he's man enough, or hungry enough, to earn it back. If he can crank out 1,300 yards and eight scores this year, good for the Bengals. If he's not man enough, we got plenty of depth and an overpaid special teams guy or bench jockey. Then whack him next season when the cap hit isn't as bad and he's not as desireable on the free agency market.

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Not an issue. The Bengals should actually free up $1-2 million in space if they move or cut Chad.

Really? I thought the remaining bonus was higher than his salary. In that case, ship his ass to Deee-troit.

If they trade him to the 'Skins, I think I would actually show up to camp with a shirt that states, as Derek says, "F*** Chad".

The trade ship sailed, sank and is rusting on the ocean floor.

But I begin to wonder if he won't be cut.

Mikey can pocket his salary and be a hero, after all.

The combination has to be intriguing.

I agree with one part of your statement, but disagree with another.

First, yes the trade ship has long left the port. Last year was the best offer anyone's gonna make. I don't even think there were any serious offers (or offers period?) this offseason.

Second, I cannot see SoP cutting him. I don't think that makes him a hero. Cut him now after turning down the Redskins offer would not be a good thing.

Me personally, even though he's Fredo, I vote taking his spot from him and seeing if he's man enough, or hungry enough, to earn it back. If he can crank out 1,300 yards and eight scores this year, good for the Bengals. If he's not man enough, we got plenty of depth and an overpaid special teams guy or bench jockey. Then whack him next season when the cap hit isn't as bad and he's not as desireable on the free agency market.

Succinctly put. Although, I would've done this starting last year after the horrible offseason he put us through.

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I think Marvin wants Chad in front of the cameras, this will be the ultimate motivation for Chad, if he has any pride left he has to come in and show his pro bowl ability, his drops will be out there for the whole world to see and Marvin and the coaches will be miked to tell it like it is, all the fans will be able to see up close who is truly the azz kisser Marvin, Palmer or Chad, there will be no question and me myself Im ready for the high drama, lets see whether he's a man or a mouse. Marvin is playing it perfect, if he aint got it de-activate him, if he's flying around catching everything good for the Bengals, there's no pressure on the Bengals it's all on Chad because he used up all his equity last year with all the drops and all the whining, so if he wants his X spot he gotta earn, all Palmer is saying is hey Pro Bowler these kids want your job what are you gonna do about it wussy. I cant wait


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