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Mike Martz


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Mike Singletary has said that Martz would not be welcomed back. IMO he would be an upgrade over Brat and may be the change that SOP needs to sell tickets. This may be an attractive job for Martz, because I believe he still fancies himself a Head Coach. Having Carson Palmer in his offense wouldn't suck either.

He's the best offensive innovator since Sam Wyche. I say pull the trigger.

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Mike Singletary has said that Martz would not be welcomed back. IMO he would be an upgrade over Brat and may be the change that SOP needs to sell tickets. This may be an attractive job for Martz, because I believe he still fancies himself a Head Coach. Having Carson Palmer in his offense wouldn't suck either.

He's the best offensive innovator since Sam Wyche. I say pull the trigger.

He'd be ok by me. Martz is one of many coaches who would be an upgrade over Brat.

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I can't say as I would be pleased with Martz at all. He just doesn't strike me as the type of OC we need to bring in with the thought of establishing a dominant run game that we desperately need. As for them firing Brat, the organization has usually taken its time when it comes to announcing someone getting the axe. It will probably go something like this at a press conference:

Marvin Lewis: We've sat down with all coaches within the organization and have determined there will be no changes going into 2009 for the coaching staff. We really like the direction our defense is headed in and with the loss of Carson and the declined play of the o-line we feel Coach Bratkowski will make all needed changes and will put us right back in the hunt this coming season.

This press conference will surely piss off many who believe we've dropped into a lower rhelm of hell, but a week later Bratkowski will be fired with little or no discussion...

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If this team was truly interested in the idea of throwing a lifeline to a just fired coach I think I'd target Rod Marinelli over Mike Martz. Yeah, Marinelli just hit bottom as badly as anyone possibly could, but his reputation as a defensive line coach is first rate, and that just happens to be the coaching position I've most wanted to upgrade since Marvin arrived.

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I've never been happy with Brat's offensive philosophy, but hard to say it doesn't work. We get the line healthy and especially Palmer. Draft some monsters for the o-line, and improve our runningbacks, the offense will be fine.

What Brat can't do is stay predictable. If it's third and 1, and you don't have the beef or strength up front, STOP TRYING HALF BACK DIVES LIKE YOU'RE PLAYING MADDEN to get the first down!!! :angry:

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Ick. Ugh. Yuck. If you think Brat is pass-happy, wait until you see Mike "watch me lose the Super Bowl because I won't quit throwing the ball even though the Pats are playing 11 DBs on defense and Faulk gets 20 yards a rush" Martz. Pass, pass and p-a-s-s pass.

Yeah. With how much complaining went on here when Brat would throw the ball with a late lead... you haven't seen anything. Martz would probably probably wet himself with the idea of Palmer, Chad and Housh (if they bring him back). Benson would be permitted to walk simply because RB is not an important position.

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The main reason I dont want Martz? His QB's ALWAYS get killed....For the love of Carson...Nooooooo!!!

His pass,pass,pass, sounds good, but our QB's were sacked 51 times this season...i'll repeat that. 51 friggin times. Martz' offense requires the QB's to hold the ball for a while until the receivers make their breaks, and they pay the price for that...whoever it was, Kurt Warner/Marc Bulger/Kitna in Detroit, it doesnt matter.

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