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Can anyone find 1 reason the Bengals can stay within 17 pts?


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Besides, "Any given Sunday". They get no pressure at all and they will give Peyton all day to throw. They can't score a td. Am I missing a sneaky stat? The Colts have never beaten a team with a tie? Or a team who's QB is their leading rusher?

Nope. Bet the house and the kids for Indy to cover.

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I actually think this one will be closer than most people expect. The Colts have not been sharp this year. Like us, their O has taken a big drop (5th in 2007, 22nd this season). They managed just 215 net yards and 10 points against the Browns last week. And as Fitzy noted in his weekly presser, the Colts play a more conventional D than the Bengals have faced in the last couple of weeks. I don't foresee a Bengals victory, but I think visions of a blowout are based more on Colts teams of the last few years, not this season's squad. This year, Indy's 8 wins have been by: 3, 4, 29 (Ravens), 3, 4, 6, 3 and 4.

Might they light it up on the Bengals? Sure, but a 17 point spread looks like the bookies laying a trap for bettors to me.

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With any other team I could see the obvious trap involved, but without getting overly complicated. The Bengals NEVER slow down a good offense. Look at the Lions on Thanksgiving. You could talk about a trap etc.... But you knew the Titans would beat the Lions in every aspect. And they did. I think the saem applies. The trap game would be the Rams and Cards or the Titans and Browns, but the Bengals don't have anything.

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The Bengals NEVER slow down a good offense.

Since when does the 22nd-ranked offense count as good?

Since they started getting some of their players back and that 22nd ranked O has to go up against our O. Our D will probably keep it respectable but yeah, we got nothing on O.

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Since they started getting some of their players back and that 22nd ranked O has to go up against our O. Our D will probably keep it respectable but yeah, we got nothing on O.

That's just it: the Colts offense hasn't been getting better. If anything it's been getting worse over the last couple of games - and those were against two lousy teams in San Diego and Cleveland.

This season, the Colts have only blown out one team, Baltimore, and needed five Ravens turnovers to do it.

If these were the '05 or '06 or '07 Colts, and I was looking at our secondary (probably only Hall going of our original starting DBs) and the waiver wire scrubs we're playing at DE, I'd follow walls' suggestion earlier and bet the house. But this year's Colts team has been average at best and demonstrated a marked tendency to play to the level of its opponent.

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I hope you're right Hoosier. I'd love us to make it competitive at least. I agree totally with your last last comment and hadn't thought about it like that until I had a quick shufty at their games this year. They do play down to their opponent's level. Hopefully we're not the exception.

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I hope you're right Hoosier. I'd love us to make it competitive at least. I agree totally with your last last comment and hadn't thought about it like that until I had a quick shufty at their games this year. They do play down to their opponent's level. Hopefully we're not the exception.

Colts should win this game easily Colts have won 8 games. Colts have scored 100 points more than the Bengals and given up 60 fewer. Colts are 7-2 in their conference. Whatever the spread is, the Colts should cover it easily.

The Colts may be getting worse as Hoosier says, but so too are the Bengals, at a far faster rate given the castoffs we'll having playing all over the defense.

The Bengals won't score more than 7 points on offense. Any NFL defense playing Cincy has got to be thinking shutout and facing ridicule if they give up 6.

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During the week prior to every Bengals game I build up the Bengals in my mind until, by game day, I generally am pretty certain the Bengals will win. It's pretty sad, I'm a complete homer.

Then once the game starts, at least this year, it only takes five or six plays watching the offensive line for me to get blown back into reality. Like flat-on-his-back Check getting blown back into the pocket.

So, my reasoning thus far this week: The Colts look weak this year, yet they will totally be looking past the Bengals. And as always, the Bengals are due! We catch them asleep at the wheel and win 21-17. I am counting on one defensive or special teams score.

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I hope you're right Hoosier. I'd love us to make it competitive at least. I agree totally with your last last comment and hadn't thought about it like that until I had a quick shufty at their games this year. They do play down to their opponent's level. Hopefully we're not the exception.

Colts should win this game easily Colts have won 8 games. Colts have scored 100 points more than the Bengals and given up 60 fewer. Colts are 7-2 in their conference. Whatever the spread is, the Colts should cover it easily.

The Colts may be getting worse as Hoosier says, but so too are the Bengals, at a far faster rate given the castoffs we'll having playing all over the defense.

The Bengals won't score more than 7 points on offense. Any NFL defense playing Cincy has got to be thinking shutout and facing ridicule if they give up 6.

Well that's my thinking. Even taking into account Hoosier's good point about them being kinda sucky by their usual standards this year they are still winning. Some would say that a sign of a good team - the ability to win when not playing at your best.

And yeah, our O is atrocious. Been iffy running the ball the last couple of years but now without Carson and our swiss cheese O-line we're hopeless passing wise too. We can't just wish the frigging ball into the end zone.

Who knows though, we've already done better than I thought we would. I was thinking 1-15 a month ago at best.

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I hope you're right Hoosier. I'd love us to make it competitive at least. I agree totally with your last last comment and hadn't thought about it like that until I had a quick shufty at their games this year. They do play down to their opponent's level. Hopefully we're not the exception.

Colts should win this game easily Colts have won 8 games. Colts have scored 100 points more than the Bengals and given up 60 fewer. Colts are 7-2 in their conference. Whatever the spread is, the Colts should cover it easily.

The Colts may be getting worse as Hoosier says, but so too are the Bengals, at a far faster rate given the castoffs we'll having playing all over the defense.

The Bengals won't score more than 7 points on offense. Any NFL defense playing Cincy has got to be thinking shutout and facing ridicule if they give up 6.

I agree the Colts will win. The question, though, was is there any reason to believe the Bengals can stay within 17. If we give Cincy your 7 points, that means the Colts have to put up 25 to cover. Colts have scored more than 24 just twice this year.

Put the spread at 10, 12 even 14 and I probably take the Colts. But at 17 I don't bet this game with walzav's money.

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You can't go by what the Colt's have done against other teams. What has Manning done against Cincy? What do all QB's do against Cincy? Look at Flacco last week? The Bengals have 13 sacks all season. Manning will have tons of time and is coming off of a bad game. He'll shred our boys.

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You can't go by what the Colt's have done against other teams.

No, heaven forbid we look at actual performance and stuff. It doesn't agree wih your thesis so just throw it out.

What has Manning done against Cincy?

If looking at this season's games is worthless, how is looking at what Manning did against a different team with different players relevant?

What do all QB's do against Cincy? Look at Flacco last week? The Bengals have 13 sacks all season. Manning will have tons of time and is coming off of a bad game. He'll shred our boys.

Hey, if you're so confident, take walls' advice and bet the house. Nothing to worry about, right? No reason to even mention it to the wife...

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You can't go by what the Colt's have done against other teams.

No, heaven forbid we look at actual performance and stuff. It doesn't agree wih your thesis so just throw it out.

What has Manning done against Cincy?

If looking at this season's games is worthless, how is looking at what Manning did against a different team with different players relevant?

What do all QB's do against Cincy? Look at Flacco last week? The Bengals have 13 sacks all season. Manning will have tons of time and is coming off of a bad game. He'll shred our boys.

Hey, if you're so confident, take walls' advice and bet the house. Nothing to worry about, right? No reason to even mention it to the wife...

I don't do bets on anything Vegas lays down, the odds aren't in your favor. I see that the line is now -13.5 Indy. Did the signing of Hobson improve our chances so much? He must have been one of the best players left on the street.

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I hope you're right Hoosier. I'd love us to make it competitive at least. I agree totally with your last last comment and hadn't thought about it like that until I had a quick shufty at their games this year. They do play down to their opponent's level. Hopefully we're not the exception.

Colts should win this game easily Colts have won 8 games. Colts have scored 100 points more than the Bengals and given up 60 fewer. Colts are 7-2 in their conference. Whatever the spread is, the Colts should cover it easily.

The Colts may be getting worse as Hoosier says, but so too are the Bengals, at a far faster rate given the castoffs we'll having playing all over the defense.

The Bengals won't score more than 7 points on offense. Any NFL defense playing Cincy has got to be thinking shutout and facing ridicule if they give up 6.

I agree the Colts will win. The question, though, was is there any reason to believe the Bengals can stay within 17. If we give Cincy your 7 points, that means the Colts have to put up 25 to cover. Colts have scored more than 24 just twice this year.

Put the spread at 10, 12 even 14 and I probably take the Colts. But at 17 I don't bet this game with walzav's money.

With walzav's money? Oh, heck yeah I bet the 17. Even with walzav's house I bet the 17. I'd throw in his kids, wife, dog, whatever he's got.

With my money...not a chance. I bet my own dough, Bengals go down by 15.

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I don't do bets on anything Vegas lays down, the odds aren't in your favor. I see that the line is now -13.5 Indy. Did the signing of Hobson improve our chances so much? He must have been one of the best players left on the street.

Nah, I think the dip in the line just represents a reluctance to give big points to a team that hasn't really put them up all season. Again, the Colts should win, and blowout would surprise absolutely no one. But the Colts may be the most pedestrian 8-4 team in the league. Manning's 85.3 rating (15th in the NFL) is his worst since 2001 and his fifth straight year of declining ratings since he hit 121 back in '04. And the Colts haven't been able to run the ball. Their 3.5 yards per rush average is a whole 0.1 yards better than ours! Meanwhile, their rush D is actually worse than ours, allowing 4.2 yards a carry versus 4.0 for the Bengals.

The Colts are still a better team than the Bengals, easily. But until they show that explosive pitch-and-catch game between Manning, Harrison and Wayne, bettors are going to have a hard time swallowing double digit spreads.

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The worst case scenario will happen. The Bengals will lose by 15 on a last minute meaningless hail-mary from Fitzpatrick to Chris Perry. They still lose ugly and don't cover. Hence proving my long standing theory that as bengals fans we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

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I don't really care anymore...I just hope Dallas Clark catches like 3 TD's because I have him on my fantasy team and we are in the playoffs!


Same with me and Reggie Wayne. If the Bengals could win the game 49-48 and Wayne catch 3 td's, I'd be a happy camper.

I got Peyton Manning. He's gonna get the start this week over Aaron Rodgers I think...

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