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Bengals let Jurassic roam


August 14, 2008

Updated: 8-15-08, 12:20 a.m.

GEORGETOWN, Ky. _The Bengals offensive line has become this preseason's version of Decision '08.

It gets a little more interesting every day.

As the Bengals practiced for the last time in front of a crowd at Georgetown College Thursday afternoon, they offered another look at what offensive line coach Paul Alexander has dubbed "The Jurassic Line."

And the last man left from the prehistoric days of a line with Melvin Tuten and Darrick Brilz, four-time Pro Bowl right tackle Willie Anderson, let it be known that he's not just another fossil.

"I'm going to be playing when the season starts," said Anderson, who makes his season debut Sunday night against the Lions as Stacy Andrews' backup.

"I'm not a backup player," he said after the Thursday workout. "I'm not going to say anything further on it until you figure out what I'm saying."

What Alexander believes he is saying is that means he's going to beat out Andrews because, at the moment, he says "That's the way it is now."

And Alexander doesn't mind that line of thinking. "Great," he said. "We've got six very good linemen. What can I say? If we had five I wouldn't have to answer these questions. But I'd rather answer these questions and go into a game with six good players."

The other way Anderson could get in there is if the Bengals go Jurassic by moving the right side over one with 345-pound right guard Bobbie Williams replacing Eric Ghiaciuc at center, the 342-pound Andrews replacing Williams and 340-pound Anderson replacing Andrews with 307-pound left tackle Levi Jones and 330-pound left guard Andrew Whitworth staying put.

Not only is that 1,664 pounds of humanity, but it is 370 career NFL starts.

"I think that's unstoppable to me, personally," said rookie defensive tackle Jason Shirley, not exactly wasting away himself at 340 pounds. "In regards to the run, in regards to having Rudi (Johnson) back there, Chris Perry back there, they could put up 150 every game with that line. That's a lot of meat in there. That's big time. A lot of vets, a lot of experience on that line. I think they're going to do some things this week."

Everyone says the Jurassic just for emergencies. But with projected backup center Dan Santucci (ankle) gone for maybe several weeks, Williams could be auditioning for the No. 2 role. As Alexander said, they're not sold on Williams, Whitworth or backup Kyle Clifton as Ghiaciuc's backup.

And even though everyone, from Anderson to Williams to Alexander, says Ghiaciuc is the center, they also can't stop talking Jurassic.

"Today was just another day of training camp working on options," Alexander said. "You really have to temper the testosterone a little bit on that. You don't just go into center and play it."

Not only is Alexander planning to give Whitworth some snaps next week, but he's played even less center than Williams. Alexander remembers several years ago when they tried to make guard Mike Goff a center and even though he got slew of snaps with the first team, they had to switch him back after the opener.

"I think it would have (worked), but we ran out of time," Alexander said.

Williams says he could go in and play center right now.

"Moving as you snap and getting everybody moving in the right direction," said Williams of the biggest adjustments to center. "It's actually pretty cool. You get help from both (guards)."

Anderson says Williams and Whitworth are two of the smartest guys on the line in helping Ghiaciuc with the calls and the change wouldn't be a problem. Alexander says Williams is an ideal candidate not only because "Who else is there?" but also because he knows the offense and brings the most experience to the position.

But Williams, too, is a bit enthralled by the Jurassic.

"You look at it," he said, "and it would be one of the best in the league. You've just got to sit back and see how it plays."

Anderson, 33, is going to keep doing exactly that with 181 games and 13 seasons under his belt. Because he's taking his second spot on the depth chart philosophically doesn't mean he accepts it. He's thinking back to '05 when they said he was done after microfracture knee surgery. Or '06, when they said Anderson at 31 couldn't do what Anderson did at 25 and he ended up going to his fourth straight Pro Bowl.

"It's not that I was demoted. It's not that, 'Willie can't play,'' said Anderson, who said he took a shot like Carson Palmer did on his knee last year when he got a knee bruise that limited him to seven games. "I took a knee injury.

"Until the good Lord wants me to stop playing," he said. "I'm not going to."

Alexander says he had a good, healthy camp. He looks solid. They gave Anderson last Monday night off in Green Bay to protect a little ding in the shoulder. Sunday night is a go and it is the same old approach.

"Play hard. Show everybody I'm ready. Be technically sound like the last 13 years," said Anderson, who is sounding quite current.

Asked about his debut in his new role as backup/mentor, he reiterated his passion.

"I'm not a backup/mentor," he said.

Maybe that's the emergency.

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If Bobbie can snap reliably, I am all for this

Ghiaciuc is the proverbial weak link - a backup class player - despite his promising starts as a rookie

I'm trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt - center taking a while to learn and all - but patience does wear thin at some point.

As for having a spare starter, I hate to be the cynic but I have every expectation that either injury or ineptitude will end up sorting that out.

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I'm trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt - center taking a while to learn and all - but patience does wear thin at some point.

As for having a spare starter, I hate to be the cynic but I have every expectation that either injury or ineptitude will end up sorting that out.

Exactly...I think you just summarized the feelings of 95% of the fanbase...

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Not only is Alexander planning to give Whitworth some snaps next week, but he's played even less center than Williams. Alexander remembers several years ago when they tried to make guard Mike Goff a center and even though he got slew of snaps with the first team, they had to switch him back after the opener.

I remember that particular experiment -- which is why I say that if they are this freakin' worried about Bluto and/or the backup center job...go out and sign an actual center! This shuffling guys around at the last minute bit rarely, if ever, works.

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If Bobbie can snap reliably, I am all for this

Ghiaciuc is the proverbial weak link - a backup class player - despite his promising starts as a rookie

Its ironic that you say you're "all for this" now, but when I said (actually I think I garunteed this) 6 months ago that our offensive line would be - L. Jones, Whitworth, B. Williams (center), W. Anderson, S. Andrews (I also said that Anderson and Andrew could be the other way around) you blasted me... And now that it's happening, and Goeff writes about it, you're all for it. What's up with that? You laughed at the fact that I said Bobby can play center.

I do agree with you that Ghiaciuc is the weak link, obviously. The guy just doesn't have the smarts nor the ability to perform at this level.

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I'd obviously like to see a link to this supposed guarentee of yours

Even if you do provide it....here's a metaphor for you (maybe you can find someone who can explain it to you): A man carries a sign around every day that says "The World is coming to an end today!". Eventually, that man's "guarentee" will prove to be correct.

Finally, I am all for letting a young player develop, and would have preferred to see Ghiaciuc come into his own. I still do, but it'd take a miracle at this point. If he hasn't developed by now, he's probably done. So I've adjusted my position to the facts. If you can understand that. To use another example - It's not unlike you guarenteeing to me in 2005 that Chad Johnson would in 2008 become one of the most-hated players on the team. (You didn't do this -- I'm just constructing a hypothetical here. Go look the word up) Seeing Chad's playful antics at that time, I would have laughed at you. Facts changed, Chad changed his act, and my feelings changed. Pretty simple, really, for thinking folk at least.

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Anyone but Ghiaciuc is fine with me.

That's a little rough - he's not all-pro, but he ain't bad.

If Stacy is such an athletic freak, move him to center - Bobbie could still call the plays from right guard.

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Bluto actually played well against the Pack.

In contrast, the "Jurassic Line" played like dinosaur guano against Detroit.

I say the Bengals can the game of musical chairs on the o-line. Put everyone back where they belong and if they are worried about a backup at center, go sign someone.

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I'd obviously like to see a link to this supposed guarentee of yours

Even if you do provide it....here's a metaphor for you (maybe you can find someone who can explain it to you): A man carries a sign around every day that says "The World is coming to an end today!". Eventually, that man's "guarentee" will prove to be correct.

Finally, I am all for letting a young player develop, and would have preferred to see Ghiaciuc come into his own. I still do, but it'd take a miracle at this point. If he hasn't developed by now, he's probably done. So I've adjusted my position to the facts. If you can understand that. To use another example - It's not unlike you guarenteeing to me in 2005 that Chad Johnson would in 2008 become one of the most-hated players on the team. (You didn't do this -- I'm just constructing a hypothetical here. Go look the word up) Seeing Chad's playful antics at that time, I would have laughed at you. Facts changed, Chad changed his act, and my feelings changed. Pretty simple, really, for thinking folk at least.

Whatever, don't have to prove it to you. I knew what I was talking about and you blasted me for it... Look up the offensive line threads over the last 4 or 5 months. You were wrong smart guy. Again.

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I'd obviously like to see a link to this supposed guarentee of yours

Even if you do provide it....here's a metaphor for you (maybe you can find someone who can explain it to you): A man carries a sign around every day that says "The World is coming to an end today!". Eventually, that man's "guarentee" will prove to be correct.

Finally, I am all for letting a young player develop, and would have preferred to see Ghiaciuc come into his own. I still do, but it'd take a miracle at this point. If he hasn't developed by now, he's probably done. So I've adjusted my position to the facts. If you can understand that. To use another example - It's not unlike you guarenteeing to me in 2005 that Chad Johnson would in 2008 become one of the most-hated players on the team. (You didn't do this -- I'm just constructing a hypothetical here. Go look the word up) Seeing Chad's playful antics at that time, I would have laughed at you. Facts changed, Chad changed his act, and my feelings changed. Pretty simple, really, for thinking folk at least.

Whatever, don't have to prove it to you. I knew what I was talking about and you blasted me for it... Look up the offensive line threads over the last 4 or 5 months. You were wrong smart guy. Again.

If you want people to believe what you're saying, then you need to prove it, not TJ. I don't know what it is with people who spout stuff off here and feel that they shouldn't have to validate what they're saying. Why should TJ have to research what you are stating as fact?

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I'd obviously like to see a link to this supposed guarentee of yours

Even if you do provide it....here's a metaphor for you (maybe you can find someone who can explain it to you): A man carries a sign around every day that says "The World is coming to an end today!". Eventually, that man's "guarentee" will prove to be correct.

Finally, I am all for letting a young player develop, and would have preferred to see Ghiaciuc come into his own. I still do, but it'd take a miracle at this point. If he hasn't developed by now, he's probably done. So I've adjusted my position to the facts. If you can understand that. To use another example - It's not unlike you guarenteeing to me in 2005 that Chad Johnson would in 2008 become one of the most-hated players on the team. (You didn't do this -- I'm just constructing a hypothetical here. Go look the word up) Seeing Chad's playful antics at that time, I would have laughed at you. Facts changed, Chad changed his act, and my feelings changed. Pretty simple, really, for thinking folk at least.

Whatever, don't have to prove it to you. I knew what I was talking about and you blasted me for it... Look up the offensive line threads over the last 4 or 5 months. You were wrong smart guy. Again.

If you want people to believe what you're saying, then you need to prove it, not TJ. I don't know what it is with people who spout stuff off here and feel that they shouldn't have to validate what they're saying. Why should TJ have to research what you are stating as fact?

TJ knows exactly what I'm talking about, he wouldn't admit it in a million years though... Quit being a kiss ass ickey, you won't get respect anywhere acting like that... If you read my post on here, I'm not even really trying to rub it in. I'm just being a little cocky. Beleive me, TJ and I go way back, ask around. I've been wrong about a lot of things too. Its all in good fun, I'm just giving the guy a hard time.

Here's where I said it in June, only 2 months ago: http://forums.bengalszone.com/index.php?showtopic=18137

Sorry to expose you like this TJ but you asked for it viola!

BTW, Shula, what happened to your "Mike Brown fan signature lines?"

Some of you guys really need to open up a little around here. You get so caught up in all the details and over-analyze everything. At the end of the day it's just a game. If a professional offensive gaurd can't snap a football, then he isn't professional... Tagging Andrews was the best move the Bengals could've done. Moving Bobbie to center is even better. The Jurassic 5 will be a force.

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Won't make a difference, this o-line sucks balls, ecspecially Levi and Andrews. And their coach is just as bad.

Shula, you're CRAZY. Levi, Whit, Williams, Andrews, and a healthy Anderson is a TON of power and a whole lot of wisdom.. Levi's problem last year was that he couldn't handle the competition Whit was giving him. It's probably the first time in his lifetime he's dealt with that type of competition... This line will be a baracade for Carson and excavate defenders for the running backs.

My spelling is horrible.

Obviously I'm very optimistic about this O-Line now that gaychick is out of the mix hopefully.

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Obviously I'm very optimistic about this O-Line now that gaychick is out of the mix hopefully.

Hold on Elmo...Carson Palmer spent most of last night on his ass, the running game didn't do squat, yet you are enthused about this aspect the Bengals game!?! :rolleyes:

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I'd obviously like to see a link to this supposed guarentee of yours

Even if you do provide it....here's a metaphor for you (maybe you can find someone who can explain it to you): A man carries a sign around every day that says "The World is coming to an end today!". Eventually, that man's "guarentee" will prove to be correct.

Finally, I am all for letting a young player develop, and would have preferred to see Ghiaciuc come into his own. I still do, but it'd take a miracle at this point. If he hasn't developed by now, he's probably done. So I've adjusted my position to the facts. If you can understand that. To use another example - It's not unlike you guarenteeing to me in 2005 that Chad Johnson would in 2008 become one of the most-hated players on the team. (You didn't do this -- I'm just constructing a hypothetical here. Go look the word up) Seeing Chad's playful antics at that time, I would have laughed at you. Facts changed, Chad changed his act, and my feelings changed. Pretty simple, really, for thinking folk at least.

Whatever, don't have to prove it to you. I knew what I was talking about and you blasted me for it... Look up the offensive line threads over the last 4 or 5 months. You were wrong smart guy. Again.

If you want people to believe what you're saying, then you need to prove it, not TJ. I don't know what it is with people who spout stuff off here and feel that they shouldn't have to validate what they're saying. Why should TJ have to research what you are stating as fact?

TJ knows exactly what I'm talking about, he wouldn't admit it in a million years though... Quit being a kiss ass ickey, you won't get respect anywhere acting like that... If you read my post on here, I'm not even really trying to rub it in. I'm just being a little cocky. Beleive me, TJ and I go way back, ask around. I've been wrong about a lot of things too. Its all in good fun, I'm just giving the guy a hard time.

Like I'm worried about getting message board respect......Anyway, so you called that back in Feb. Unless that line starts in Week 1, you're still not right. Alexander has said that this is an experiment. I would like to see that line, too, but if they're going to do it, they need to just do it and quit switching guys back and forth. They're getting confused and it showed in our line play Sunday.

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Obviously I'm very optimistic about this O-Line now that gaychick is out of the mix hopefully.

Hold on Elmo...Carson Palmer spent most of last night on his ass, the running game didn't do squat, yet you are enthused about this aspect the Bengals game!?! :rolleyes:

I am. Levi and Whit on the left side will be Great. Once Anderson settles in, he'll be fine. He made a mistake and Carson paid for it. That's why this is the preseason, take it with a grain of salt.

Carson was 6/13 on passing attempts. Add the three dropped balls and he's 9/13. A 7-7 game at halftime against the Lions is an easy win.

Did you see Bobbie when they stuck him at center. Nobody got passed him. Gaychick can't block. Bobbie is a better fit and you know that the Bengals O-Line is 100% better with him on the bench. Bobbie can play center, if your a professional athlete and you can't make a slight adjustment like that, then you have no business on the team. With Whitworth and Andrews next to Bobbie, he'll be just fine.

You've got 3, 4 or maybe even 5 players on this line now that are pro bowl caliper... Levi is money if his head is right. That's up to the coaches. Whitworth is a stud, I'm over Steiny. Bobbie Williams is your platoon player. Andrews, MONSTER. Willie, legendary left tackle who makes very few mistakes.

Again, Mike Brown ALWAYS has had a GOOD offensive line. I'll give him that. Braham retiring hurt us for a couple seasons, but I think we're fine now. Bobbie at Center is a good fit.

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Actually on one of the more ferocious hits that Palmer took, Williams and Andrews were at fault. That being said the line played much better the second and third times it appeared.

As I've posted before, I'm not a big Andrews fan. Doesn't seem to want to run block. There were many times the other night where he was standing around at the end of a run play and not hitting somebody. I like this line because he's not on the edge, Willie is . . . one of the better roadgraters in Bengal's history.

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Actually on one of the more ferocious hits that Palmer took, Williams and Andrews were at fault. That being said the line played much better the second and third times it appeared.

As I've posted before, I'm not a big Andrews fan. Doesn't seem to want to run block. There were many times the other night where he was standing around at the end of a run play and not hitting somebody. I like this line because he's not on the edge, Willie is . . . one of the better roadgraters in Bengal's history.

I know the play your talking about, Bobbie had his man, Andrews tried to double up and someone came through the hole between Andrews and Big Willie. Andrews screwed up, not B. Williams.

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Andrews may have screwed up, but Bobbie made the call. Anyway as I said they played better the next couple of series. Let's see how this plays out Saturday night. They may be on to something here.

So Bobbie's call included telling Andrews to escort the opposing defender into our quarterback?

No, I really doubt that. Really.

This was all on "Franchise" Andrews.

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