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NFL Live breaks down the AFC North

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Anyone else happy the Bengals are being picked to finish dead last ?? I'm thinking this works to our advantage... First, our LB corps HAS to be better than last year. The D-line will have a different look and hopefully the youngsters will have an impact. The running backs are healthy with Rudi and Perry looking to have big years. The WR's may have some issues, but they will still do very well. I'm loving our secondary and think with the new style of defense that JJoe may be looking at the pro bowl.

Moreover, having a new LB coach and defensive coordinator that are more aggressive will be the keys this year, but there is no way for the critics to judge this until the season begins. When push comes to shove, we have Carson and if nothing else, that makes me happy !!!


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Moreover, having a new LB coach and defensive coordinator that are more aggressive will be the keys this year

Couldn't agree more here. Bresnahan was a HUGE liability. It's now easy to understand why nary a Raider fan shed a tear when he left Oakland to come to Cincinnati. I hold much hope for the defense this season! :bengal:

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I think most fans need more, but there is no denying that the combination of the two new coaches can only be a good thing for this defense.


I'm excited about them, but I sincerely hope that fans don't expect a complete turnaround this year. We hope to see signs of improvement, certainly, but it's hard to become a top defensive force in one season's time. I don't look forward to all of the Zimmer bashing we're going to have to endure as soon as this team gives up its first touchdown of the season :rolleyes:

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I continue to think that the defense will be a pleasant surprise this year. No one will mistake them for the 2000 Ravens or the '85 Bears, but we have a solid young secondary that ought to come into its own this year, a good mix of vets and young talent at LB, and a defensive line that should be improved with the addition of Sims and Odom.

The D, particularly the line, is still lacking, for sure, but if the team can avoid last year's stupid huge injury levels, we'll improve almost by default.

The guy/position I'm most concerned with is on offense -- Bluto. We have jack divided by sh*t behind him, and if the light doesn't come on, we're screwed.

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I still need more time before I can get on board with Zimmer, theyre defense (ATL) was ranked worse than the Bengals last year, it aint easy being worse than the Bengals turnstile defense of 2007.

Dude, he only had 1 season there, and in the midst of that his Head Coach BAILS on them, Zimmer was a D-Coordinator, not a friggin psychiatrist. Who knows how a coach bailing on you has an effect mentally, or the D'Angelo Hall CIRCUS? He had his hands full there.

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The lack of attantion on the Bengals by the national media is good for the Bengals. Overlooked and palying with a chip on their shoulder could get them into contention for the AFC North.

Both sides of the ball have the potential to be MUCH better this year. On D, the Bengals now have to legitimate pass rushers in Geathers and Odom lining up every down which is a huge improvement over Justin-make-all-my tackles-5 yards-downfield Smith and Geathers (who is by far the nicest Bengal I have met) playing linebacker. The idea of Peko and Sims inside, taking up at least 3 o-linemen gives me hope for the pass defense and if the coaches keep the schemes straightforeward the linebakers should be able to be aggressive in hitting the RBs.

The key on offesnse is the line. If it can stay healthy, it should gel and open holes for Rudi and Perry and keep Carson clean. The big wildcard on offense is Utecht. Is Bratkowski smart enough to use him? The jury is out on that one. Opposing defenses have to be very afraid of the Bengals on third down with TJ, Chad, Utecht, Perry and possibly Coats on the field at the same time. A lot of flexibility and weapons for Carson there.

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I think Simpson and Caldwell will also have a huge impact for us. Yes, I know WRs generally take a year or three to come into their own but these two guys fell into a great opportunity with a superstar QB 2 Pro Bowl WRs and a new pass catching threat out of the TE position who is going to pay attention to the rook down the seam or across the middle and if their open Carson WILL get them the ball. Simpson will be on my fantasy draft list as a flier in the last round.

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I think Simpson and Caldwell will also have a huge impact for us. Yes, I know WRs generally take a year or three to come into their own but these two guys fell into a great opportunity with a superstar QB 2 Pro Bowl WRs and a new pass catching threat out of the TE position who is going to pay attention to the rook down the seam or across the middle and if their open Carson WILL get them the ball. Simpson will be on my fantasy draft list as a flier in the last round.

I hope your right, but I thought the same thing about Gonzalez for INDY last season and he did not do so well till late in the year. He was a much more polished WR than either Caldwell or Simpson going into the NFL too.

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Gonzalez was more polished than Simpson but not Caldwell and I think Simpson is a much better athlete. gonzalez did not have the size or the vertical ability to stretch the field like Simpson does.

Simpson is faster (4.42 to 4.44), bigger (6'2" to 6'0"), and has a better vert (41.5" to 38") than Gonzalez who is quicker and better suited to the slot. Because of the position they play, Simpson will have more opportunities than Gonzalez to break a big play, I also think Palmer has a stronger arm than Manning. If we can get Simpson to perform to the level Chris Henry performed to in 2005 which was 31 for 422 with 6 TDs (and I don't think there is any reason he can't) we should return to a top 3 offense.

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I kind of believe that Caldwell will begin the season as the No. 3 receiver. I think that Simpson will be in a better position to replace T.J./Chad next year. Caldwell should be lethal on 3rd down. His game reminds of me of Hines Ward with more speed. He'll be especially dangerous on the slot, bubble screen the Bengals like to run. I think that Caldwell and Simpson will combine for 60-65 catches and 700-800 yards and 4-6 TD's (I think that Utecht is going to be the better blocking Matt Schoebel and catch about 8 TD's this year).

As far as the AFC North goes, the Bengals will finish 2nd, behind the Steelers, at 9-7.

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Did I just hear Marcellus Wiley say the Bengals have what it takes to make the playoffs? Damn, I think I did. He'll likely be thrown off tv, shunned by the other members of the NFL media, and Goodell will cancel his pension.

Marcellus Wiley, I salute you.

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Gonzalez was more polished than Simpson but not Caldwell and I think Simpson is a much better athlete. gonzalez did not have the size or the vertical ability to stretch the field like Simpson does.

Simpson is faster (4.42 to 4.44), bigger (6'2" to 6'0"), and has a better vert (41.5" to 38") than Gonzalez who is quicker and better suited to the slot. Because of the position they play, Simpson will have more opportunities than Gonzalez to break a big play, I also think Palmer has a stronger arm than Manning. If we can get Simpson to perform to the level Chris Henry performed to in 2005 which was 31 for 422 with 6 TDs (and I don't think there is any reason he can't) we should return to a top 3 offense.

I will be happy if the combination of the two rookies can perform to Henry's 2005 level. Both will be good WR's, but they will probably take a year or two to reach their potential, look at Braylon Edwards in Cleveland.

Gonzalez is 2 hundreths of a second slower and has better hands than Simpson and possibly Caldwell and was going into a perfect fit offense as the third WR. He still struggled early, as the Bengals rookies probably will, with the jump to the next level last season. He will be a very good #2 WR for Indy this season while Harrison is sitting out his suspension for the shooting incident though.

I must not be as big a homer as you because I dont think Carson is better than Manning in any aspect of the game right now. Close and equal in many, but not better.

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Gonzalez was more polished than Simpson but not Caldwell and I think Simpson is a much better athlete. gonzalez did not have the size or the vertical ability to stretch the field like Simpson does.

Simpson is faster (4.42 to 4.44), bigger (6'2" to 6'0"), and has a better vert (41.5" to 38") than Gonzalez who is quicker and better suited to the slot. Because of the position they play, Simpson will have more opportunities than Gonzalez to break a big play, I also think Palmer has a stronger arm than Manning. If we can get Simpson to perform to the level Chris Henry performed to in 2005 which was 31 for 422 with 6 TDs (and I don't think there is any reason he can't) we should return to a top 3 offense.

I will be happy if the combination of the two rookies can perform to Henry's 2005 level. Both will be good WR's, but they will probably take a year or two to reach their potential, look at Braylon Edwards in Cleveland.

Gonzalez is 2 hundreths of a second slower and has better hands than Simpson and possibly Caldwell and was going into a perfect fit offense as the third WR. He still struggled early, as the Bengals rookies probably will, with the jump to the next level last season. He will be a very good #2 WR for Indy this season while Harrison is sitting out his suspension for the shooting incident though.

I must not be as big a homer as you because I dont think Carson is better than Manning in any aspect of the game right now. Close and equal in many, but not better.

I think they will. Both will most likely struggle early, as most receivers do (It took Chad 2 seasons and T.J. 4-5 seasons). In the long run, they have 2 potentially special WR's to replace Chad and T.J., which is excellent planning for the future. One of them should start as early as next year. I will bet that they both will have equal careers to Gonzalez, who was a higher pick than either. I personally believe that Simpson has the skill set and desire to be perenial Pro Bowler, but I'm not sure how much of a factor he'll be this upcoming season and he has a learning curve similar to T.O. coming out of UT-Chatanooga to deal with, in terms of the technique and talent level of NFL DB's. On the flip side, Henry was a super-special talent and knucklehead. I believe based on shear talent, size, speed, hands and athleticism, he's the greatest Bengal WR ever and top 5 in the league (in those same areas, combined).

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