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Clear this Frostee thing up fpr me


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I just read about Rucker in the Dayton news and it says how he has been on the straight and narrow. I notice that I look at him in a negative light for stuff from his past that has been reported. Has he done anything wrong since coming to the Bengals? Is this just more for the Bengals bad reputation? I read about Pete Johnson yesterday and couldn't believe that was a story. I'm trying to look at how negative articles shape my opinions.

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I just read the same article. As far as I know his "off-field stuff" was the one domestic violence incident two years ago around the time he was drafted. For me, the negativity I've had towards him was because of his domestic incident, the fact he was over-drafted (not his fault) and, it seems, that he's on the injury list every time I turn around. I wouldn't consider him a "bad boy", just an afterthought who hasn't lived up to his potential.

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one domestic violence incident

I wouldn't consider him a "bad boy"

There appears to be an overall tolerance on these forums for violence against women.

How many times must a woman be hit before the matter is serious enough for the player to be considered a "bad boy", btw?

Just looking for the line of demarcation.....something like 5 or less, he's a saint, 6 or more, he's trouble, etc......)

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Who is for violence towards women? 1st. This is for football talk, so let's not turn this into Oprah 2. There are times in history that woman actually act out in violence and have falsely accused men. Watch women behind bars or to bring this back to football. research the Andre Rison/ Lefteye relationship. The point is. Has Frostee done anything wrong since joining the NFL.

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Oprah.. More like :jerry: :jerry:

TJ, have you ever been in a relationship with a crazy woman? They are out there. Maybe Frostee's innocent, did you ever think of that? All a woman has to say is that the man hit her and that's it, Domestic Violence. Can't do anything about it. Trust me, I've seen it happen first hand.... I've seen a woman drive up, get out of the car, attack a man, the man not put one finger on her other than blocking her shots, the police arriving, and arresting the man because she screamed "He hit me!" I'm not saying Frostee didn't do it, I'm just saying.

Frostee's got his work cut out for him this year in camp. He may not make it through.

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Actually I think the domestic violence incident involved Frostee taking away his girlfriends cell phone after she was hitting him with it, and throwing it against a wall. I could be wrong but I didn't read anywhere that he actually struck her. Violence against women is unforgiveable and I have 0 respect for any "man" who strikes a woman, for that matter I have very little respect for any adult man who strikes anyone when not engaged in self defense.

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one domestic violence incident

I wouldn't consider him a "bad boy"

There appears to be an overall tolerance on these forums for violence against women.

How many times must a woman be hit before the matter is serious enough for the player to be considered a "bad boy", btw?

Just looking for the line of demarcation.....something like 5 or less, he's a saint, 6 or more, he's trouble, etc......)

Alright, I'll take the bait. As a former police officer, I know first hand that one person MUST go to jail on a domestic disturbance call, even if the complaintant tries to take back the claim and say it didn't happen, or it was an accident, or whatever. That's not indicative of tollerance of violence against women, that's knowledge that people (both men and women) sometimes use the system as a means of revenge and/or spite.

However, Frostee's Wikipedia page (which is only as accurate as the last jackhole who edited it) states that in addition to his charges of spousal battery and vandalism in June 2006, he was accused of sexual assault and indecent exposure in April 2002 at Colorado State, meaning he probably transferred because of this. So in light of this new information, I can only say that up to now, his bad reputation is derserved, in addition to the fact he can't get on the field too often and doesn't contribute meaningfully when he does.

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OK, but again the only thing Frostee has be a part of since joining the team is the 2006 disturbance. I don't know how that turned out . . . anyone with knowledge of it being a continuing case or has it been dismissed? I'm guessing by the fact he is still on the roster that ML and company feel it's not going to come back and haunt Frostee in the future.

The 2002 incident did lead to him transferring. The Bengals knew about it when they drafted him, accepted his explaination of it, and trusted that he had cleaned up his act. I'm guessing he was around 18 or 19 when that incident occured . . . glad all my sh** from that era isn't all over the web.

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Domestic Violence. Can't do anything about it.

except make statements like "the b***h probably deserved it"

yeah, your position on violence against women is well known here

Who is for violence towards women?

Perhaps Agreen's position on violence against women is not as well known as I had thought.

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Domestic Violence. Can't do anything about it.

except make statements like "the b***h probably deserved it"

yeah, your position on violence against women is well known here

Who is for violence towards women?

Perhaps Agreen's position on violence against women is not as well known as I had thought.

You're an idiot man... Do you really think people on here take you seriously? Give everyone a break and quit posting this slander, you've already caused three threads to be closed... For the record, let a motherf**ker put his hands on my daughter. I'll be posting from labanon correctional facility, I swear to god.

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Domestic Violence. Can't do anything about it.

except make statements like "the b***h probably deserved it"

yeah, your position on violence against women is well known here

Who is for violence towards women?

Perhaps Agreen's position on violence against women is not as well known as I had thought.

Ok...let's steer thing thing back on the tracks shall we? :offtopic: We know where this can lead very quickly.

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I just read about Rucker in the Dayton news and it says how he has been on the straight and narrow. I notice that I look at him in a negative light for stuff from his past that has been reported. Has he done anything wrong since coming to the Bengals? Is this just more for the Bengals bad reputation? I read about Pete Johnson yesterday and couldn't believe that was a story. I'm trying to look at how negative articles shape my opinions.
I believe he has kept his nose clean since he's been here... I think he came to us with a "record" and at the time we were dealing with Henry and Thurman and a few others.. Also the fact he was drafted way to high ... Now if he can just stay healthy, he might turn into a productive player...
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Oprah.. More like :jerry: :jerry:

TJ, have you ever been in a relationship with a crazy woman? They are out there. Maybe Frostee's innocent, did you ever think of that? All a woman has to say is that the man hit her and that's it, Domestic Violence. Can't do anything about it. Trust me, I've seen it happen first hand.... I've seen a woman drive up, get out of the car, attack a man, the man not put one finger on her other than blocking her shots, the police arriving, and arresting the man because she screamed "He hit me!" I'm not saying Frostee didn't do it, I'm just saying.

Frostee's got his work cut out for him this year in camp. He may not make it through.

In a situation like that you really should man up and tell the cops what you saw, so an innocent person does not get arrested. It is called being a witness.

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Oprah.. More like :jerry: :jerry:

TJ, have you ever been in a relationship with a crazy woman? They are out there. Maybe Frostee's innocent, did you ever think of that? All a woman has to say is that the man hit her and that's it, Domestic Violence. Can't do anything about it. Trust me, I've seen it happen first hand.... I've seen a woman drive up, get out of the car, attack a man, the man not put one finger on her other than blocking her shots, the police arriving, and arresting the man because she screamed "He hit me!" I'm not saying Frostee didn't do it, I'm just saying.

Frostee's got his work cut out for him this year in camp. He may not make it through.

In a situation like that you really should man up and tell the cops what you saw, so an innocent person does not get arrested. It is called being a witness.

Well.. yeah... unless your just a neighborhood kid who the cops wouldn't even ask for a statement.

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I think it's rather arrogant for anyone to make a claim that they don't deserve to be hit. EVERYONE, male or female, deserves to be hit. What's so great about these people who you claim don't deserve it? Now, just because people deserve it, doesn't mean you should actually do it.

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I think it's rather arrogant for anyone to make a claim that they don't deserve to be hit. EVERYONE, male or female, deserves to be hit. What's so great about these people who you claim don't deserve it? Now, just because people deserve it, doesn't mean you should actually do it.

It's OK, we already know that you also condone violence against women

Nothing new here

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I think it's rather arrogant for anyone to make a claim that they don't deserve to be hit. EVERYONE, male or female, deserves to be hit. What's so great about these people who you claim don't deserve it? Now, just because people deserve it, doesn't mean you should actually do it.

It's OK, we already know that you also condone violence against women

Nothing new here


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We should do a thread to get everyone introduced to each other.

I did that many years ago here, and the thread still lives today.

And I just added myself on last night, so it should still be going strong.

Re-opening thread.

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