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NFL Re-instates Pacman-merged threads

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Jones can join Cowboys for workouts, training camp and exhibition games

NFL.com Wire Reports

Adam "Pacman" Jones is one step closer to playing for the Dallas Cowboys.

Commissioner Roger Goodell notified Jones on Monday that he may participate in organized team activities with the Dallas Cowboys, including training camp and preseason games. The limited re-instatement is effective immediately.

"This limited re-instatement is a step in the process," Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said in a statement. "Adam is aware of the things that need to be done in order to take the next step."

Jones was suspended without pay in April of 2007 for the entire season for numerous violations of the NFL's personal conduct policy. He's been arrested six times and has been involved in 12 incidents requiring police intervention.

The Cowboys acquired the Jones from the Tennessee Titans in April for a fourth-round pick in the 2008 NFL Draft and a sixth-rounder in next year's draft. The trade includes provisions that the Cowboys would get back a fourth-round pick in 2009 if Pacman isn't fully reinstated, or a fifth-rounder if he returns then gets punished again.

Goodell, who met with Jones following the NFL Spring Meeting in Atlanta, has repeatedly said he would review the case before training camp. In a letter to Jones, Goodell wrote that a final determination on his reinstatement for the 2008 regular season will be made by Sept. 1.

Goodell told Jones that his continued participation in the NFL depends on demonstrating that he can conduct himself in a lawful and reliable manner.

Jones will be expected to continue the personal conduct program established for him by the NFL and the Cowboys and to avoid further adverse involvement with law enforcement.

Jones was the sixth overall pick and the first defensive player chosen in the 2005 NFL Draft. He has started 28 of 30 games at cornerback, and set career-highs with 62 tackles, one sack and four interceptions in 2006. Jones, who is expected to make his biggest impact with the Cowboys on special teams, led the NFL in punt returns totaling 34 returns for 440 yards (12.9 average) and tied for the league lead with three return touchdowns.

Straight Bullsh*t after they kept Odell out for 2 years for DUI, Pacman freakin beat up strippers, shot a guy and did like 13 other crimes and gets under a year off.

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Jones can join Cowboys for workouts, training camp and exhibition games

NFL.com Wire Reports

Adam "Pacman" Jones is one step closer to playing for the Dallas Cowboys.

Commissioner Roger Goodell notified Jones on Monday that he may participate in organized team activities with the Dallas Cowboys, including training camp and preseason games. The limited re-instatement is effective immediately.

"This limited re-instatement is a step in the process," Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said in a statement. "Adam is aware of the things that need to be done in order to take the next step."

Jones was suspended without pay in April of 2007 for the entire season for numerous violations of the NFL's personal conduct policy. He's been arrested six times and has been involved in 12 incidents requiring police intervention.

The Cowboys acquired the Jones from the Tennessee Titans in April for a fourth-round pick in the 2008 NFL Draft and a sixth-rounder in next year's draft. The trade includes provisions that the Cowboys would get back a fourth-round pick in 2009 if Pacman isn't fully reinstated, or a fifth-rounder if he returns then gets punished again.

Goodell, who met with Jones following the NFL Spring Meeting in Atlanta, has repeatedly said he would review the case before training camp. In a letter to Jones, Goodell wrote that a final determination on his reinstatement for the 2008 regular season will be made by Sept. 1.

Goodell told Jones that his continued participation in the NFL depends on demonstrating that he can conduct himself in a lawful and reliable manner.

Jones will be expected to continue the personal conduct program established for him by the NFL and the Cowboys and to avoid further adverse involvement with law enforcement.

Jones was the sixth overall pick and the first defensive player chosen in the 2005 NFL Draft. He has started 28 of 30 games at cornerback, and set career-highs with 62 tackles, one sack and four interceptions in 2006. Jones, who is expected to make his biggest impact with the Cowboys on special teams, led the NFL in punt returns totaling 34 returns for 440 yards (12.9 average) and tied for the league lead with three return touchdowns.

Straight Bullsh*t after they kept Odell out for 2 years for DUI, Pacman freakin beat up strippers, shot a guy and did like 13 other crimes and gets under a year off.



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I'm stunned by this move. Especially after Pacman was found to have gone back to Vegas and gotten himself 20K in debt, straight on the heels of him telling Goodell that he was straightening up, staying out of strip clubs and trouble.

To me this is more evidence of Goodell having a double standard regarding discipline. Pacman should have signed with the Patriots. Then Goodell would have destroyed all the evidence of Pacman's transgressions, and proclaimed that while his actions are against the law, everyone does it so it's really not a big deal, and it's officially all over.

I can't complain about this situation vs Odell. As I understand it Odell was punished, and continues to be punished under the substance abuse portions of the CBA. All bargained for and agreed upon by everyone. The good of the game powers Odell is using in the Pacman case are not the same he used agains Odell. Nonetheless, signing with Jerry Jones was a genius move by Pacman's agent.

Now in regards to the pool predicting what week of the season Pacman will get involved in a huge brawl in a Dallas strip club, I'm taking week 9.

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Jones can join Cowboys for workouts, training camp and exhibition games

NFL.com Wire Reports

Adam "Pacman" Jones is one step closer to playing for the Dallas Cowboys.

Commissioner Roger Goodell notified Jones on Monday that he may participate in organized team activities with the Dallas Cowboys, including training camp and preseason games. The limited re-instatement is effective immediately.

"This limited re-instatement is a step in the process," Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said in a statement. "Adam is aware of the things that need to be done in order to take the next step."

Jones was suspended without pay in April of 2007 for the entire season for numerous violations of the NFL's personal conduct policy. He's been arrested six times and has been involved in 12 incidents requiring police intervention.

The Cowboys acquired the Jones from the Tennessee Titans in April for a fourth-round pick in the 2008 NFL Draft and a sixth-rounder in next year's draft. The trade includes provisions that the Cowboys would get back a fourth-round pick in 2009 if Pacman isn't fully reinstated, or a fifth-rounder if he returns then gets punished again.

Goodell, who met with Jones following the NFL Spring Meeting in Atlanta, has repeatedly said he would review the case before training camp. In a letter to Jones, Goodell wrote that a final determination on his reinstatement for the 2008 regular season will be made by Sept. 1.

Goodell told Jones that his continued participation in the NFL depends on demonstrating that he can conduct himself in a lawful and reliable manner.

Jones will be expected to continue the personal conduct program established for him by the NFL and the Cowboys and to avoid further adverse involvement with law enforcement.

Jones was the sixth overall pick and the first defensive player chosen in the 2005 NFL Draft. He has started 28 of 30 games at cornerback, and set career-highs with 62 tackles, one sack and four interceptions in 2006. Jones, who is expected to make his biggest impact with the Cowboys on special teams, led the NFL in punt returns totaling 34 returns for 440 yards (12.9 average) and tied for the league lead with three return touchdowns.

Straight Bullsh*t after they kept Odell out for 2 years for DUI, Pacman freakin beat up strippers, shot a guy and did like 13 other crimes and gets under a year off.



I agree with JungleThurmanationD on this one and have said it before on previous threads. Pacman should never be on a football field again. Odell may have screwed himself this last time, but the league screwed him for two years on a freaking DUI when Pacman was involved with a shooting and got a year. Marvin Harrison is involved with a shooting and will get squat. I don't think D's comments are about Odell at all, but about <ahem> parity in discipline.

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Jones can join Cowboys for workouts, training camp and exhibition games

NFL.com Wire Reports

Adam "Pacman" Jones is one step closer to playing for the Dallas Cowboys.

Commissioner Roger Goodell notified Jones on Monday that he may participate in organized team activities with the Dallas Cowboys, including training camp and preseason games. The limited re-instatement is effective immediately.

"This limited re-instatement is a step in the process," Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said in a statement. "Adam is aware of the things that need to be done in order to take the next step."

Jones was suspended without pay in April of 2007 for the entire season for numerous violations of the NFL's personal conduct policy. He's been arrested six times and has been involved in 12 incidents requiring police intervention.

The Cowboys acquired the Jones from the Tennessee Titans in April for a fourth-round pick in the 2008 NFL Draft and a sixth-rounder in next year's draft. The trade includes provisions that the Cowboys would get back a fourth-round pick in 2009 if Pacman isn't fully reinstated, or a fifth-rounder if he returns then gets punished again.

Goodell, who met with Jones following the NFL Spring Meeting in Atlanta, has repeatedly said he would review the case before training camp. In a letter to Jones, Goodell wrote that a final determination on his reinstatement for the 2008 regular season will be made by Sept. 1.

Goodell told Jones that his continued participation in the NFL depends on demonstrating that he can conduct himself in a lawful and reliable manner.

Jones will be expected to continue the personal conduct program established for him by the NFL and the Cowboys and to avoid further adverse involvement with law enforcement.

Jones was the sixth overall pick and the first defensive player chosen in the 2005 NFL Draft. He has started 28 of 30 games at cornerback, and set career-highs with 62 tackles, one sack and four interceptions in 2006. Jones, who is expected to make his biggest impact with the Cowboys on special teams, led the NFL in punt returns totaling 34 returns for 440 yards (12.9 average) and tied for the league lead with three return touchdowns.

Straight Bullsh*t after they kept Odell out for 2 years for DUI, Pacman freakin beat up strippers, shot a guy and did like 13 other crimes and gets under a year off.



Your a moron. Ill put it in child talk for you. Odell broke a law, which involved him driving under the influence. Pacman broke 'x' number of laws including shooting someone, beating up strippers, and smoking weed. I don't understand why your even speaking.

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It isn't about Odell, it's about whether Bengals players who crossed the line got heavier punishments because they were on a team whose owner isn't on GOD-el's good side.

In similar vein, over at PFT, Florio had an item earlier today saying that some of his league sources think that Pacman getting back in is part of an attempt by GOD-el to entice Jerry Jones into a more cooperative attitude regarding the CBA and revenue sharing. Take it for what you will, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Then there's the "punishment" for Bucs TE Jerramy Stevens, whose behavior has been at least as bad as Chris Henry's. Henry got half a season; Stevens will get a grand total of 3 games, counting one he already served last year.

I'll be interested to see what happens if Jason Shirley is found guilty in his DUI/hit-a-building-and-a-guy-on-the-john-and run case, currently in jury deliberations. If that happens, will GOD-el come at him the same way he came at Rucker, for something he did before he even joined the team?

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  • 3 weeks later...

He'll likely find dropping the "Pacman" name will be easier than shedding his thug image.

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP)—No more “Pacman”?

That would be the preference of Adam Jones, the suspended Dallas Cowboys cornerback who has been known by the nickname throughout his life. He’d like to be called by his given name and make “Pacman” a thing of the past.

“There’s really just a lot of negativity behind it,” Jones said. “It’s just time for a change, man. I’m doing everything to make sure that I’m all right as a person, mentally and emotionally.”

Jones missed all the 2007 season with the Tennessee Titans while serving his NFL suspension that has not been completed lifted. The Cowboys acquired Jones from the Titans for draft picks in April.

While he was on the practice field with the Cowboys the last three weeks, Jones might have to wait until the week before Dallas’ Sept. 7 opener to find out if commissioner Roger Goodell will let him play during the regular season.

After speaking to about 60 kids at a basketball camp hosted by Dallas Mavericks forward Brandon Bass on Saturday, Jones expressed his desire to drop his nickname.

The kids at the camp called out “Pacman Jones! Pacman Jones!” after he spoke to them. But he signed autographs with his given name, not the nickname given to him by his mother when he was an infant.

“My mom is going to call me ‘Pacman.’ That is what it is. I can’t change that,” Jones said. “I’m not saying that my teammates won’t call me ‘Pacman’ on the field. But for the most part, I want to be Adam or Mr. Jones.”

Rosters handed out by the Cowboys during their mandatory minicamp last week listed No. 21 as “Pacman Jones,” based on what he had initially told team officials.

When Jones conducted his only extensive interview at the Cowboys’ facility June 4, the first week he was cleared by Goodell to practice with the team, he gave no indication that he planned to forsake his nickname.

Jones had told reporters that he’d talk Thursday after the end of minicamp, the last organized on-field sessions for Cowboys until they report July 24 to training camp in Oxnard, Calif. But there was no media access after coach Wade Phillips canceled the final scheduled practice and replaced it with family day activities.

Jones was suspended in April 2007 following an accumulation of arrests and legal problems, including his connection to a shooting at a Las Vegas strip club. He’s been arrested six times and involved in 12 incidents requiring police intervention since being drafted in the first round by Tennessee in 2005.

Meanwhile, Jone’s name has recently appeared in the news. A woman involved in the Las Vegas brawl was found dead last week behind a building in the Bronx, a borough of New York City. Officers found her unresponsive with injuries consistent with a fall.

The woman, 26-year-old Sadia Morrison, had pleaded no contest to a felony battery charge last year in Las Vegas. Jones pleaded no contest to a disorderly conduct charge in Las Vegas after police said he incited the melee.

Back in Tennessee, a foreclosure sale was published involving Jones’ home and 30 acres in a Nashville suburb. The home and land are scheduled to be sold Friday on the courthouse steps. Tax records show Jones purchased the property in July 2006 for $1.5 million, but he defaulted on the terms and conditions of a mortgage.

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