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Weekly Prayers...


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Oh, <insert deity of your choice here>, please deliver unto us a...

Cincinnati victory over Cleveland;

we beeseech thee, and we know we are asking alot here, a Houston victory over the N.Y. Jets;

continued inconsistencies by the Jaguars and a Buffalo victory over Jacksonville;

a Pittsburgh victory over Baltimore;

we entreat you to grant Oakland the improbable victory over San Diego, yes, we also know here as well that we are asking for much more than your humble servants deserve, but we have to ask;

and finally, with your all knowing, clairvoyance and omnipotence, grant us the best outcome for Cincinnati's future playoff hopes in the contest between Denver and Kansas City as we give great thanks to you during this great week of ThanksGiving.



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I nominate derek. (Hey, it was your idea! :lmao:)

And since such sacrifices are typically made in the form of "burnt offerings," I think Spain is the obvious call as...ahem...master of ceremonies.

(Which of course is good news for derek, since he could simply substitute a bundle of old newspapers for himself and Spain would be too trashed to notice...:lol:)

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its obviously more beneficial to us for the chiefs to lose to denver....

Denver's sched looks like this:

@Kansas City


@San Diego



San Francisco

KC looks like this:




@San Diego



Denver currently has 3 losses and could lose @KC, Seattle, @SD and Cin, which would give them 7 and OUT!

KC (Cin still has the tie breaker so we could both be tied and we get in!) could lose potentially only one more game @SD, which would help us the most especially if they beat Balti, Denver and Jax. See where I am going with this? Plus, the games @Oak and @Cleve are no gimmes considering how well Cleveland is playing and the amount of trouble the Oak just gave KC in KC.

Plus, dropping Denver out from in front of us gives us a better seed, potentially.

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