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Thoughts on the rookies?


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You have to love the motivation Peko has displayed. Even when the play passed him by, he was chasing it down until the whistle blew. I for one loved watching him today !!!


So hes kinda justin smith but a DT and he spins lol, I just mean how neither give up on a play

jj didnt get burned haha

Thats what i was wondering :cheers: got us a few studs on our hands.

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Yeah great play by the rooks...including Jeanty.

Joseph was impressive in slot coverage of Hall too and it's going to be hard for the Bengals to keep Peko off the field as good as he's played.

Other things, K2 did nice work in the dime and Caleb Miller came on to make a couple outstanding plays. All in all, this D looks miles ahead of last year's at the end of the season and it should just with the return of Madieu. Probably not much of a test next week to see how good they really are but all in due time. :bengal:

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Once Peko adds a little more weight he could be the next Sam Adams.

Maybe... but Peko's strength seems to be the fact that he has a perfect blend of size and quickness. 320 is big enough. If he grows to 360, he'll lose some of that quickness that allows hims to penetrate so effectively. I like him at the size he is. He's big enough to plug holes and slow the run, but not so big and slow that he isn't effective on passing downs. He might end up being a great one.

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Peko is exactly the DT Marvin has been looking for since he got here. A DT that can hold up at the point of attack, penetrate, and make plays up and down the line of scrimmage.

In fairness, I think all teams look for that.

In addition to Peko, I loved what JJ did. Quiet, which is a good thing when you are a corner, and drew a couple of offensive pass interference calls. Nice debut. Will be sweet having him as the third corner when Deltha gets back...

Edited to add: Yeah, 100% agree with that Tasher said. Responded before reading the whole thread...

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Hey, Frostee looked great there on the sidelines in street clothes

Let's have more of that

Don't worry...we will. It's going to be hard to pick the 7 outs each game. Figuring maybe 2 or 3 a week out with bumps and bruises, the Bengals will have a time deciding who's inactive. Right now, hard to believe Frostee figures in the plans this year and should be a mainstay on the inactive list. But the beauty of it is the depth is so strong that this should give the Bengals better ops to matchup team-by-team when they decide who is and who is not active.

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Hey, Frostee looked great there on the sidelines in street clothes

Hater. May you should remind yourself that the guy in your avatar is selling oranges at freeway underpasses.


Moving on, Joseph's performance was remarkable. Cincy managed 7 sacks, but most were of the deliberate coverage sack variety, and the bull rushing across the entire line kept defenders within their rush defense lanes.

Joseph, Peko, Geathers, and Jeanty all played alot, and each of them got into the action almost from the start.

They ARE coming in waves.

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Carved up? Green wasn't injured until well into the 3rd quarter. At that time the Chiefs and they're top ranked offense had 3 points, and they weren't exactly turning it on through the air or on the ground. Larry Johnson had gained the bulk of his rushing yardage on two carries...he averaged less than 3 ypr on the rest...and the Chief wideouts weren't doing anything....unless you count the tipped pass that MW intercepted. Meanwhile, Joseph was said to have given up only two pass plays longer than 20 yards...one of those came very late when the Bengals were playing soft. Something tells me the Chiefs were well aware of the fact that the Bengals were starting a rookie CB, but thy weren't able to exploit Joseph's inexperience all game long. Last, his coverage was good enough to draw two offensive PI penalties.

Bottom Line: That was a very strong debut for a CB.

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Yeah... we're playing it pretty fast and lose with the phrase "carved up" huh?

Trent Green only threw for 90 yards. He played the entire 1st half, and well into the 3rd quarter. Furthermore... KC WR's only caught for a total of 69 yards. The other 161 receiving yards came from the RB and TE position.

The CB's locked down on the WR's and dominated. We all expected Gonzalez to have a big game... and he didn't until the 4th quarter, when we were leading by 2 scores, and L. Johnson's yardage came mostly via screen passes when he broke off out of pass protection because we overwhelmed him.

The secondary played great. The D-line played great. Most of the yards given up were the responsibiliy of the LB's... and we'll only get better there when Pollack can get back on the field, and when Odell becomes available (and even then, it's hard to complain... because most of those yards came off of broken plays when LB's were in pursuit).

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