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Think Jumpy will get fined?


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but even Bengals fans have to admit it was a bitch move.

No, actually I don't have to admit it was a bitch move. Green went into his slide to late and paid the price. All I have to admit is that I hope he's ok and think it's unfortunate, but I won't make any apologies for one of our defensive players who made a legal hit on a guy who didn't think to GET DOWN quick enough...


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Im sorry, but when the QB leaves the pocket he doesnt deserve special protection. Other players shouldnt be afraid to drive into the offensive player just because he is a QB. That's ridiculous.

If a player is gaining positive yardage on my D, I hope my D takes him down. He hit him in the chest, not the helmet. It was a hard hit but clean (the damage was done by the turf).

I feel bad for Trent. You never want to see that happen to anyone but just b/c he hit the QB or dove at the QB doesnt mean he deserves to get fine.

And QB's don't get special treatment. Any player is permitted to slide. QB's are the only players who do it because of the importance of the position. It's the QB, so defenders drool at the opportunity to get a vicious hit when they are scrambling... so QB's slide.

Like I said, you see this kind of stuff all the time. QB's slide, and players dive at them... but usually don't connect real well, because it's hard to hit a guy really hard while his momentum is going towards his feet in a slide. Most hits are glancing... and flags are thrown depending on when the player dove at the QB.

This particular hit was incredibly solid, that's the only real difference between what Geathers did, and what you see in most every other game. But the difference is enough for a fine.

Just because there was no flag doesn't mean there won't be a fine. I mentioned earlier that I don't think it had malicious intent, and I think Geathers comments afterward validate that claim. But that doesn't make a hit on the QB's head less questionable.

There was no flag on Palmer's injury, because they believed that Kimo's momentum carried him before Palmer threw the ball. But most here don't believe that the play was completely clean simply because there was no flag.

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The shoulder into the head is what will get him fined. Green was sliding, and he dove into him. The kicker was he looked right in his face and buried the shoulder into the head intentionally. Definite fine, no doubt.

Dude, your Steeler influence has obviously gotten to you here. Take another look at the picture provided by Kazkal. Look how close they are and Green's knee is not on the ground. He might have been going that way, but he wasn't there yet.

It doesn't matter if his knee was sliding ON THE GROUND yet or not. Once a QB begins to slide feet first he's off limits no matter what. And yes, Bill Bob is correct - he did look right at him as he was beginning his slide and then slammed into him.

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It doesn't matter if his knee was sliding ON THE GROUND yet or not. Once a QB begins to slide feet first he's off limits no matter what. And yes, Bill Bob is correct - he did look right at him as he was beginning his slide and then slammed into him.

Of course he looked right at him just before making a tackle! Good work, Captain Obvious!

Geathers was already lunging and being pushed by the receiver when Green began his slide... Even the damned play by play guys (they're unbiased! You should try it!) said there was no way Geathers could have stopped.

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It doesn't matter if his knee was sliding ON THE GROUND yet or not. Once a QB begins to slide feet first he's off limits no matter what. And yes, Bill Bob is correct - he did look right at him as he was beginning his slide and then slammed into him.

Of course he looked right at him just before making a tackle! Good work, Captain Obvious!

Geathers was already lunging and being pushed by the receiver when Green began his slide... Even the damned play by play guys (they're unbiased! You should try it!) said there was no way Geathers could have stopped.

I'm as unbiased as they come. A similar play took place when Zach Thomas hit Batch the other night, but he had no way of avoiding the hit so I didn't think it was a cheapshot. This guy Geathers had already shed the block of the receiver and was going for the hit even though Green had already began his slide. My point is, if he's looking right at him and he sees him going into the slide motion, he's supposed to avoid the hit at all costs, the QB is essentially helpless at that point. This type of hit is different than the Ben/Carson hits because those were in the pocket where it's not obvious to the defender if the ball is gone or not. In this case Geathers saw the action in front of him, knew Green was sliding and slammed him anyway. That's the definition of a cheapshot, my friends.

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Im sorry, but when the QB leaves the pocket he doesnt deserve special protection. Other players shouldnt be afraid to drive into the offensive player just because he is a QB. That's ridiculous.

If a player is gaining positive yardage on my D, I hope my D takes him down. He hit him in the chest, not the helmet. It was a hard hit but clean (the damage was done by the turf).

I feel bad for Trent. You never want to see that happen to anyone but just b/c he hit the QB or dove at the QB doesnt mean he deserves to get fine.

And QB's don't get special treatment. Any player is permitted to slide. QB's are the only players who do it because of the importance of the position. It's the QB, so defenders drool at the opportunity to get a vicious hit when they are scrambling... so QB's slide.

Like I said, you see this kind of stuff all the time. QB's slide, and players dive at them... but usually don't connect real well, because it's hard to hit a guy really hard while his momentum is going towards his feet in a slide. Most hits are glancing... and flags are thrown depending on when the player dove at the QB.

This particular hit was incredibly solid, that's the only real difference between what Geathers did, and what you see in most every other game. But the difference is enough for a fine.

Just because there was no flag doesn't mean there won't be a fine. I mentioned earlier that I don't think it had malicious intent, and I think Geathers comments afterward validate that claim. But that doesn't make a hit on the QB's head less questionable.

There was no flag on Palmer's injury, because they believed that Kimo's momentum carried him before Palmer threw the ball. But most here don't believe that the play was completely clean simply because there was no flag.

I have to disagree. I think if this had been a WR sliding there would be little discussion of a fine.

Not to mention that Geathers did not connect with Green's head, only his chest.

I would said that in the heat of the moment, Geathers was tired of Green running and wanted to make contact. However, I think due to the timing of the slide, slight push in the back, and the fact that his shoulder connected with Green's chest, he will not be fined.

No one wants to see these kind of plays or any player get injured, but a hard hit on a QB does not justify a fine.

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It doesn't matter if his knee was sliding ON THE GROUND yet or not. Once a QB begins to slide feet first he's off limits no matter what. And yes, Bill Bob is correct - he did look right at him as he was beginning his slide and then slammed into him.

Of course he looked right at him just before making a tackle! Good work, Captain Obvious!

Geathers was already lunging and being pushed by the receiver when Green began his slide... Even the damned play by play guys (they're unbiased! You should try it!) said there was no way Geathers could have stopped.

I'm as unbiased as they come. A similar play took place when Zach Thomas hit Batch the other night, but he had no way of avoiding the hit so I didn't think it was a cheapshot. This guy Geathers had already shed the block of the receiver and was going for the hit even though Green had already began his slide. My point is, if he's looking right at him and he sees him going into the slide motion, he's supposed to avoid the hit at all costs, the QB is essentially helpless at that point. This type of hit is different than the Ben/Carson hits because those were in the pocket where it's not obvious to the defender if the ball is gone or not. In this case Geathers saw the action in front of him, knew Green was sliding and slammed him anyway. That's the definition of a cheapshot, my friends.

The photo above shows that Geathers had already committed BEFORE the slide.If there's a way to stop yourself once you've already launched,I don't know what it is.

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It doesn't matter if his knee was sliding ON THE GROUND yet or not. Once a QB begins to slide feet first he's off limits no matter what. And yes, Bill Bob is correct - he did look right at him as he was beginning his slide and then slammed into him.

Of course he looked right at him just before making a tackle! Good work, Captain Obvious!

Geathers was already lunging and being pushed by the receiver when Green began his slide... Even the damned play by play guys (they're unbiased! You should try it!) said there was no way Geathers could have stopped.

I'm as unbiased as they come. A similar play took place when Zach Thomas hit Batch the other night, but he had no way of avoiding the hit so I didn't think it was a cheapshot. This guy Geathers had already shed the block of the receiver and was going for the hit even though Green had already began his slide. My point is, if he's looking right at him and he sees him going into the slide motion, he's supposed to avoid the hit at all costs, the QB is essentially helpless at that point. This type of hit is different than the Ben/Carson hits because those were in the pocket where it's not obvious to the defender if the ball is gone or not. In this case Geathers saw the action in front of him, knew Green was sliding and slammed him anyway. That's the definition of a cheapshot, my friends.

I think the idea of a Steelers fan being unbiased in regards to a play involving the Bengals is pretty funny... I don't think it was an intentional cheapshot in the traditional sense of the term. I think that the NFL is lucky stuff like this doesn't happen more often, because QB's often wait until the last second to slide, and any defender is going to give any shot they think they can get away with. That is all this situation was. Geathers thought he could get a legal shot on the QB without getting a penalty. He was right... but it was vicious enough that the league needs to respond somehow.

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What has me incensed is that John Clayton is refering to it as a helmet to helmet hit. I watched the replay over and over on TIVO and the hit was shoulder to shoulder. How in God's name can these pundits who have more information available to them then I have not get this right? Most of the nation will only hear what is written and spoken by the press, and that makes it sound like a dirty hit.

WATCH THE DAMN REPLAY!!!!!!!! Geathers had left his feet when Green started to slide. Then Geathers avoided hitting him with anything other than shoulder and hit him in the shoulder. The KO came from the turf. To anyone who has watched this vicious hit (and it was vicious just like many others that day), it is obvious that this hit was clean. Don't listen to the pundits. Look at the pictures for yourself. (God I wish I had a link . . . I'm so PISSED at Clayton right now!!)

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The shoulder into the head is what will get him fined. Green was sliding, and he dove into him. The kicker was he looked right in his face and buried the shoulder into the head intentionally. Definite fine, no doubt.

Dude, your Steeler influence has obviously gotten to you here. Take another look at the picture provided by Kazkal. Look how close they are and Green's knee is not on the ground. He might have been going that way, but he wasn't there yet.

It doesn't matter if his knee was sliding ON THE GROUND yet or not. Once a QB begins to slide feet first he's off limits no matter what. And yes, Bill Bob is correct - he did look right at him as he was beginning his slide and then slammed into him.

That's not how they call it, because expecting a guy who is in mid-air, ready to lay a hit, to stop himself the second a QB sticks his leg out in front of him is retarded. That doesn't work outside of Road Runner/Wile E. Coyote cartoons. The fact is that Green hesitated badly, and only started to slide when Geatehrs was just about to hit him. Add to that the fact that Geathers was shoved in the back. Add to that the fact that Geathers tried, at the last second, to pull his head out of the way to avoid hitting Green a lot worse than he did. That's right - that was a pad to pad hit, anyone who can't figure out how to use a DVR can sit up and watch the replays.

Put that together, and you have a guy who was preparing to make a legal hit, which he has every right to do, confounded by a QB who couldn't decide whether he wanted to slide or not. He would have been much better off either sliding earlier, or actually even tucking his head and diving forward. He was indecisive, and in the NFL indecesiveness causes injuries.

Now I do NOT mean any of that to mean that I'm glad Green got hurt, since Pittsburgh papers are known to take Bengal message boards out of context (hope KC papers aren't the same). Green's a fantastic guy, and I wish him well. And I'll offer him some advice:

Slide earlier next time.

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If you go to NFL.com and watch the highlights of the game you will find the hit about 1:30 into it. Not the clearest angle (was the shot shown when the play was live) and there isn't anyway to slow it down, but you can see there that no helmets hit any other helmets. Maybe I'll send Clayton the link if I can figure out how to do that. Man I'm still pissed!!

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If you go to NFL.com and watch the highlights of the game you will find the hit about 1:30 into it. Not the clearest angle (was the shot shown when the play was live) and there isn't anyway to slow it down, but you can see there that no helmets hit any other helmets. Maybe I'll send Clayton the link if I can figure out how to do that. Man I'm still pissed!!

Anybody get decent sound from it? I was watching the game in a bar and didn't have sound, but the mikes should pick up a distinct click if the helmets hit, much sharper than when pads hit.

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It was one of those plays that just happen. No one wants it to happen, but they do. It was abang bang play, and on the field, people sometimes unfortunately get hurt.

It wasn't dirty. Green was running in the open field, scrambling like he had a couple of times before. Geathers went to lay a hit on him, and Green went to slide. Throw in the block to that, and the fact that there was no flag, you can't blame Geathers for it. In football injuries occur.

Now, objectively when a QB scrambles repeatedly, anyone will want their defense to hit the QB, to send a message to him about scrambling. Kind of like letting him know that the D is there and isn't afraid to lay a hit. Geathers (or anyone else for that matter) wasn't about to pull up on a play just because it is a QB running. Everyone can agree to that. The problem is that Green did not get soon enough to avoid the hit. If anything, it was his own fault for it (I hate to say that). Green put himself in that situation. Look at the pic again, there were 3 Bengals players directly near him, with one KC player putting a marginal block out there. He just didn't get down soon enough. Should Geathers have pulled up? I don't see how he could have. They don't have air brakes.

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I think the idea of a Steelers fan being unbiased in regards to a play involving the Bengals is pretty funny... I don't think it was an intentional cheapshot in the traditional sense of the term. I think that the NFL is lucky stuff like this doesn't happen more often, because QB's often wait until the last second to slide, and any defender is going to give any shot they think they can get away with. That is all this situation was. Geathers thought he could get a legal shot on the QB without getting a penalty. He was right... but it was vicious enough that the league needs to respond somehow.

I agree with you on some points. Although it wasn't a legal shot. The whole purpose of a QB sliding is that once his knee touches the ground he's down, no one has to even touch him for him to be down. So when he saw him beginning his slide move he should have taken any and all steps to avoid hitting him. In fact, the ball is spotted where it is in his hands when his knee touches the ground. So QBs actually lose some yardage when they slide. If he had been diving head first he's open to anyone hitting him because he's trying to get as many extra yards as possible and the defender has the right to prevent that. So when a guy hits a QB as he's going down to slide he's looking to get a cheapshot in, unless there's absolutely no way to avoid it. But after seeing the pictures here and the replays on TV it's pretty obvious that Geathers could have avoided the hit easily if he really wanted to.

And what's the deal with a guy jumping up and celebrating like an idiot after he pops a 34 year old QB after he runs for a first down?

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Love seeing steeler fans nervous already. Love it.

Pittsburgh has specialized in those kind of border-line dirty hits for years. They revel in it. And so does their fanbase. About time Cincy's D joined that party. Can't wait to lay a few of those on Steelers players for a change.

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I don't see how they could justify a fine.It's clear in this picture that Geathers was already committed as Trent starts his slide.


See #22. He's playing it like it should be played. See #91. He's either very stupid and doesn't know the rules or he's looking to get a free shot at the QB. Looks intentional to me but I guess only he knows what his intentions were at the time.

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Jumpy's hit does bring up the issue about sliding QBs and really adds to it after Thomas' hit on Batch which seemed like it happened later in the slide than the wicked shot Jumpy had. If refs aren't going to call these hits personal fouls, then coaches really need to have their QBs sliding sooner and lower. I still don't see how Jumpy gets fined for this but it's possible. Either way, I'm thinking Katie needs to start thinking about getting on the horn to Jumpy's agent for a possible contract extension because he looks extremely quick and very strong at DE like he did his rookie season with his weight down.

I don't see how they could justify a fine.It's clear in this picture that Geathers was already committed as Trent starts his slide.


See #22. He's playing it like it should be played. See #91. He's either very stupid and doesn't know the rules or he's looking to get a free shot at the QB. Looks intentional to me but I guess only he knows what his intentions were at the time.

See #81...he should have been called for blocking in the back.

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It still amazes me that Steelers fans feel the need to come here and comment on this... So let me ask this question... How do you stop a guy as big and fast as Geathers from hitting another person five feet from him when he is at full speed and getting pushed from behind ?? Can YOU stop on a dime when running at full speed ?? ONCE AGAIN, Green should have dropped sooner than he did and just because he didn't make that decision earlier, now people want to blame Geathers. Bullsh*t !!! I like and respect Green, but he didn't make his decision soon enough and paid the price.


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Love seeing steeler fans nervous already. Love it.

Pittsburgh has specialized in those kind of border-line dirty hits for years. They revel in it. And so does their fanbase. About time Cincy's D joined that party. Can't wait to lay a few of those on Steelers players for a change.

Who's nervous? The Steelers play as physical a defense as there is in the game. They're not taught to take cheapshots. Maybe Joey Porter would take that a bit far at times, but never to the point where he's trying to intentionlly injury someone in my opinion. If Lewis feels he needs to match that by teaching his players to play a certain way, I'm sure Cowher would be flattered. Perhaps this dummy Geathers took it to the next level because he's too stupid to know the difference between physical and dirty play.

I find it funny that Bengals fans chastise the Steelers for supposed dirty play, but when someone on your team cracks a sliding QB you're very quick to defend it. Had this been a Steeler laying a hit on a defenseless QB this board would be up in arms.

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Perhaps this dummy Geathers took it to the next level because he's too stupid to know the difference between physical and dirty play.

I find it funny that Bengals fans chastise the Steelers for supposed dirty play, but when someone on your team cracks a sliding QB you're very quick to defend it. Had this been a Steeler laying a hit on a defenseless QB this board would be up in arms.

I would say that Jumpy probably didn't know the difference actually because dirty play just ain't how he seems to be wound up. If there had been a poll at the beginning of the year who's the dirtiest player on the Bengals, Jumpy wouldn't have been listed IMO. Maybe no one on the D would be listed for that matter because I can't remember the Bengals being accused of dirty play in recent memory. The real difference now is that there looks like more quickness and power on the D-line and more focus and energy on the defense on the whole. There seems to be more refined aggression directed toward physical play so far but the real test of this defense won't be until weeks 3 and 4.

Jumpy was so far out and upfield that he's probably not found him in that situation before. And yes folks would be pi$$ed if this had been Palmer and would have had the same argument here. And the same point in defense of the hit would undoubtedly surface. Once again, if these hits continue to surface during games, either the refs need to start calling it or the QBs need to be better coached on how and when to slide.

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No way in hell the hit was dirty. First off, he was pushed from behind and secondly was already committed. The other thing that is important here in my opinion is that Green had already scrambled a couple times for yards and hadn't slid at all so it's not like it was a foregone conclusion that he was going to slide. You hate to see someone get hurt like that but if this is anyone's fault it is Trent Green's for not getting down early enough. It's that simple. Quarterbacks that slide late get hit like that all the time. It's not like that's the first time I have ever seen it happen and I never remember feeling any pity for the quarterback who doesn't get down early enough. What do you want defenders to do? Pull up? If Geathers gets fined it will be BS and not just because he is a Bengal.

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Love seeing steeler fans nervous already. Love it.

Pittsburgh has specialized in those kind of border-line dirty hits for years. They revel in it. And so does their fanbase. About time Cincy's D joined that party. Can't wait to lay a few of those on Steelers players for a change.

Who's nervous? The Steelers play as physical a defense as there is in the game. They're not taught to take cheapshots. Maybe Joey Porter would take that a bit far at times, but never to the point where he's trying to intentionlly injury someone in my opinion.


Good lord, that's some tight comedy (wipes tears from eyes). Thanks CT, needed that to start the week.

Whew. Damn, my sides hurt. Awesome.

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