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comment from the guest at 5 oclock on lances show


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"I want to make one thing perfectly clear. I think the Cincinnati Bengals are going to be the next great team. I'm not talking about just being a playoff team. I mean this team is on the kind of track that leads to multiple Super Bowls."

"The 2005 Bengals remind me of the 1984 Chicago Bears. That Bears team was a young, hard hitting team with a bunch of dynamic players and characters, but they were not quite ready to win. It took another year of growth before they were able to fully tap into their abilities."

"The historical comparison I make to Carson Palmer is Jim Kelly"

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He's high on the Bengals... but not as much as he makes it sound. He's a stat nerd, and I don't really buy a whole lot of what he says. He thinks Palmer is a bad decision maker because his stats say so. Kind of a geek if you ask me.

Someone who is watching a game can usually tell you who makes good and bad decisions. I don't need his list of deceiving stats that don't tell the whole story because game situations are different.

Anyway... here's a link to a 30 page sample of his book where he talks a lot about the Bengals.


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