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I don't understand what your point is. You're chastizing/belittling a fanbase based on one person's e-mail who obviously didn't get the jist of the article.

Can I take a quote from Spain or Cantonbengal and use it to discredit Bengals fans the country over? Sounds simplistic and innaccurate doesn't it? Yeah, I thought so.

Ya gotta love it. Apparently any talk about Lord Ben (Praise Be to His Name) outside of tearful pleas for a miraculous recovery, is verbotten. :lmao:
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Can I take a quote from Spain or Cantonbengal and use it to discredit Bengals fans the country over? Sounds simplistic and innaccurate doesn't it? Yeah, I thought so.

So then why is the article accurate again? :blink:

CT, if I unjustly lumped you in to a group where you don't belong then I apologize.

However, I would like to share this tidbit from yesterday evening from the adminstrator of this fine establishment. "I just got here and don't really know what has happened. The only thing I know right now is I have 60 some odd new registrations today all from steeler fans. "-B24.

I am confused about this. Don't they have Steeler message boards anywhere?

First of all, if you mess with the Bull, you get the horns. Second of all, how does he know they're all Steelers fans? Third of all, he should be happy he's getting the extra traffic, and you guys love it anyway. I haven't been here in a while and now I come back and see all kinds of Steelers talk, whether about Ben's accident or something else. If it weren't for the Steelers you guys would have to talk about Chris Henry's deliquent behavior on every thread.

However, I would like to share this tidbit from yesterday evening from the adminstrator of this fine establishment.

"I just got here and don't really know what has happened. The only thing I know right now is I have 60 some odd new registrations today all from steeler fans. "-B24.

I believe that gang of 60 can rightfully be referred to as The Sisterhood of the Traveling Crap-Filled Pants.

06/12/06 - The day that SteelerNation crapped it's pants.


CT, if I unjustly lumped you in to a group where you don't belong then I apologize.

However, I would like to share this tidbit from yesterday evening from the adminstrator of this fine establishment. "I just got here and don't really know what has happened. The only thing I know right now is I have 60 some odd new registrations today all from steeler fans. "-B24.

I am confused about this. Don't they have Steeler message boards anywhere?

First of all, if you mess with the Bull, you get the horns. Second of all, how does he know they're all Steelers fans? Third of all, he should be happy he's getting the extra traffic, and you guys love it anyway. I haven't been here in a while and now I come back and see all kinds of Steelers talk, whether about Ben's accident or something else. If it weren't for the Steelers you guys would have to talk about Chris Henry's deliquent behavior on every thread.

Does Mr. Bull have a last name, CT? My guess is it rhymes with Pitt.

I am trying to mend fences and you keep pushing.

Can I take a quote from Spain or Cantonbengal and use it to discredit Bengals fans the country over? Sounds simplistic and innaccurate doesn't it? Yeah, I thought so.

So then why is the article accurate again? :blink:


What is the point you're trying to make CT? "Gee there are some mean Bengals fans." Way to go -- thanks for passing the torch of enlightenment over our poor little cave. If that was your only point, I'm sure it could've been made, accepted, and closed on p. 4.

But that's not really your point is it? No, your point is ...... well, I remain quite confused about that. You're method is to keep changing your point to keep alive a "debate" that is essentially settled. Yeah, there are some jackass fans of every team. No kidding.

What is much more difficult to understand is a group of Steeler fans that go register on another site because somebody said they saw something mean posted there about the Steelers. (See, I'm avoiding generalization by actually naming the cluster of dorks that I'm talking about. That way it's much easier to call this discrete group of dorks, well.... dorks.) You all clambered over specifically to see if there was anything that might offend you and, although it wasn't really what you thought, you decided to stay and allow your panties to get all bunched up anyway.

While I, and the large majority of Bengals fans on this board, made sympathetic remarks after this accident, you choose to whine and complain about a few things said by a few people. When it gets pointed out that more than a few Steelers fans say unkind and discompassionate things about an ON THE FIELD injury caused by the Steelers all the sudden it's a case of "well that was different." Really, yeah it was different. Carson Palmer got hurt in a game doing his job. bb got hurt riding a motorcycle without a helmet. The fact that, as Joisey loves to point out, the large majority of Steeler fans crapped their pants -- didn't actually make it a life-threatening accident now does it. The fact that you didn't know that until later doesn't make it less true. If anything, I feel like a pansy for offering up kind thoughts when (1) it wasn't that bad an accident and he probably would've walked away if ... well, you know, and (2) I had any appreciation for just how whiny and childish you dorks would be about it.


Well, I don't think he ever said all fans were making such statements. He quoted a few individuals and there were more he could have quoted but I'm sure left out because of space restraints. He went on to profile these types of fans. The "misquotes" were not in complete context but they didn't need to be. If I say "I hope Palmer is going to be ok" and then go on to say "but, you know, if TJ hadn't cleaned his shoes with the towel and CJ hadn't been such as a**h*** when they won at Heinz...hey, what goes around comes around" you'd say it was innappropriate.

Can I take a quote from Spain or Cantonbengal and use it to discredit Bengals fans the country over? Sounds simplistic and innaccurate doesn't it? Yeah, I thought so.

So then why is the article accurate again? :blink:

If I say "I hope Palmer is going to be ok" and then go on to say "but, you know, if TJ hadn't cleaned his shoes with the towel and CJ hadn't been such as a**h*** when they won at Heinz...hey, what goes around comes around" you'd say it was innappropriate.

Actually, no. I think we would tell you to STFU without calling Dr. Quackenbush to make up a theory about why your brain is miswired.


All I'm saying is you guys make generalizations like crazy when it comes to Steelers fans, but when it gets thrown back at you, you make up excuse after excuse as to why it's justified for you. I haven't changed my point once, it remains that some of the posters on this board made stupid remarks and that the Dr. had a good point in his article. Most of you have your orange-alert defense mode in high gear, even writing to the doctor to compalin about his words. Well, if you actually read the article, you'd see he's speaking about sports fans as a whole, not just Bengals fans. It just so happens he used the douches on here as an example. He could have gone to an ESPN board and grabbed a bunch of comments from a Ravens fan on there, or a Philly fan site.

The jist of the article was to examine fans who resort to such banter. Not BEGALS fans who resort to such banter. Some of you guys need to get over yourselves.


What is the point you're trying to make CT? "Gee there are some mean Bengals fans." Way to go -- thanks for passing the torch of enlightenment over our poor little cave. If that was your only point, I'm sure it could've been made, accepted, and closed on p. 4.

But that's not really your point is it? No, your point is ...... well, I remain quite confused about that. You're method is to keep changing your point to keep alive a "debate" that is essentially settled. Yeah, there are some jackass fans of every team. No kidding.

What is much more difficult to understand is a group of Steeler fans that go register on another site because somebody said they saw something mean posted there about the Steelers. (See, I'm avoiding generalization by actually naming the cluster of dorks that I'm talking about. That way it's much easier to call this discrete group of dorks, well.... dorks.) You all clambered over specifically to see if there was anything that might offend you and, although it wasn't really what you thought, you decided to stay and allow your panties to get all bunched up anyway.

While I, and the large majority of Bengals fans on this board, made sympathetic remarks after this accident, you choose to whine and complain about a few things said by a few people. When it gets pointed out that more than a few Steelers fans say unkind and discompassionate things about an ON THE FIELD injury caused by the Steelers all the sudden it's a case of "well that was different." Really, yeah it was different. Carson Palmer got hurt in a game doing his job. bb got hurt riding a motorcycle without a helmet. The fact that, as Joisey loves to point out, the large majority of Steeler fans crapped their pants -- didn't actually make it a life-threatening accident now does it. The fact that you didn't know that until later doesn't make it less true. If anything, I feel like a pansy for offering up kind thoughts when (1) it wasn't that bad an accident and he probably would've walked away if ... well, you know, and (2) I had any appreciation for just how whiny and childish you dorks would be about it.


From the Silver article....

"And who could have imagined that the foundation for the kid's success would not be forged by meticulous preparation?

That's right -- Roethlisberger, at least at this stage of his career, is the anti-Peyton, a player who never met a scouting cassette that didn't make him want to start snoring.

I learned this first-hand last Jan. 31, five days before Super Bowl XL. I had driven to Pontiac, Mich. to hook up with Big Ben, who met me in the lobby of a Residence Inn across the street from the Steelers' hotel. It was evening, and Roethlisberger and his agent, Ryan Tollner, were about to hop into a limo and head downtown for a dinner function. He was loose and casual as the two of us entered a small conference room, and he almost laughed when I asked him, flat-out, "Do you think film is overrated?"

"I'm learning to watch it more," he said, "but When it comes down to it, you have to play. It's not like the guy who watches the most film wins."

Now I was the one who almost laughed, picturing a certain Colts quarterback's facial contortions when he saw that quote. The fact that the Steelers had shocked Indy three weeks earlier en route to this unlikely destination was sure to drive Mr. Manning even more insane.

Of course, it's tough watching film when your eyelids get in the way, as Roethlisberger admitted he did with regularity in those darkened meeting rooms at the Steelers' facility. "I nodded off more last year," he said sheepishly. "This year hasn't been quite so bad. I mean, I'm dozing in there, but I'm not totally asleep -- I can still hear Coach talking, you know?"

Uh, no, but please don't let the fact that I'm scribbling furiously distract you in any way.

I wondered if Roethlisberger preferred to study film in the comfort of his own home, as many quarterbacks do. (Manning even has his own basement-level "cave" for such purposes.) He shook his head. "When I leave the facility," he said, "I leave football there." Later, Roethlisberger proceeded to insist that reading defenses was overrated as well.

"Right now, I'm just at that point where I figure out what our guys are doing," he said. "Every play, there's a read to be made, and sometimes it's more than others. A lot of times the pre-snap read determines which way I'm going to go, and that's that."

And yet, Roethlisberger said, his football knowledge paled in comparison to what it had been a year earlier when, staring repeatedly at the plays on his wristband, he struggled in Pittsburgh's playoff games against the Jets and Patriots.

"I'm 10 times better now," he said. "I'm more confident, more comfortable and have such a better understanding of this offense."

Two days later, I sat with Steelers coach Bill Cowher and asked him about his quarterback's study habits, or lack thereof. The coach sighed.

"Some of those things will come with time," he said. "You can't try to make a second-year player an eighth-year vet. You can't force-feed someone. That's how you let players develop. They've got to be the ones that want to do it, that take the initiative. It can't come from you."

It's not surprising that the latest Steeler fan/drama queen went a little mental after reading the above. The timing of the article isn't going to work for that guy. But ignoring that for a moment it is the substance of the article...and the immaturity it points to...that makes the timing perfect.

Right now Biggest Ben is eating pudding while attempting to come to grips with the consequences of just one of his imature decisions. At some point he'll have to come to grips with other decisions he's made. Like not preparing mentally as well as he could. And not preparing physically as well as he might. Let's face it, that was a chubby face that smacked off of the New Yorker windshield, and Ben's physical conditioning has been called into question before. But the rub of it all is that he's always gotten by because he plays on a team that covers up for most of his shortcomings. He can indeed stink up the field during a Super Bowl and still walk away as the youngest QB to ever win the game.

He's stupid good.

The jist of the article was to examine fans who resort to such banter. Not BEGALS fans who resort to such banter. Some of you guys need to get over yourselves.

I'd like to think so, but I don't buy it. Fittipaldo didn't just pick on the fans that have given his Steelers the most grief by chance. He wanted a reason to take a s**t on Cincinnati, and he knew as soon as Ben got hurt that he could spin one up. Bengalszone, unfortunately, was the site chosen by chace.

I haven't changed my point once, it remains that some of the posters on this board made stupid remarks and that the Dr. had a good point in his article.

I'd say the only good point the Dr. made in the article is that Big Ben is seen as a symbol, not as a human being, by the fans of other teams. But as the Pittsburgh talk show host pointed out on the Dan Patrick Show, Steeler fans are no different. They made hundreds of phone calls to his show and only a small minority expressed interest in Ben as a person. Granted, they are less likely to have a laugh at his expense, but most expressed interest in Ben's health only in how it impacted his ability to play football.

Beyond that little nugget of wisdom the only thing the article attempts to do is to give a whining Steeler fanbase a place to vent their frustration over how stupid their starting QB was.

Fell better yet?

06/12/06 - The day SteelerNation crapped it's pants.

Guys like me never made light of Palmer's injury.

Sure you did. You're the fugtard who claimed that the Bengals actually benefited from Palmer getting hurt because it allowed them to play the savvy veteran that is Jon Kitna.

06/12/06 - The day SteelerNation crapped it's pants.


And yet, he's compiled two near-perfect QB ratings against the Bengals and Broncos in the Playoffs. Not to mention his 90+ rating against the Colts. A guy who doesn't need much prep to play at a high level....why is that so bad? I don't understand your point. Before he came to the Steelers they were 6-10. He's gone 27-4 since as the starter. Coincidence?

Right now Biggest Ben is eating pudding while attempting to come to grips with the consequences of just one of his imature decisions. At some point he'll have to come to grips with other decisions he's made. Like not preparing mentally as well as he could. And not preparing physically as well as he might. Let's face it, that was a chubby face that smacked off of the New Yorker windshield, and Ben's physical conditioning has been called into question before. But the rub of it all is that he's always gotten by because he plays on a team that covers up for most of his shortcomings. He can indeed stink up the field during a Super Bowl and still walk away as the youngest QB to ever win the game.

He's stupid good.

The "misquotes" were not in complete context but they didn't need to be.
I haven't changed my point once, it remains that some of the posters on this board made stupid remarks and that the Dr. had a good point in his article.

How is one to respond to such silliness? An admission that the quotes were doctored but that it doesn't matter? Or the idea that the doctor's ravings are any more accurate than Bill Frist's were, when he watched a couple minutes of tape of Terry Schiavo and issued a diagnosis that was laughably wrong?

Fittipaldo lied because it suited his preconceived theme. And the doctor's blather isn't worth paper it's printed on. Only someone with a less-than-fully-formed brain could think otherwise. :rolleyes:


Dear genius,

Saying that having an experienced QB playing in a playoff game (as opposed to a second-year starter) may have benefitted the team is not the same as making light of the guy's injury. Nice try.

Guys like me never made light of Palmer's injury.

Sure you did. You're the fugtard who claimed that the Bengals actually benefited from Palmer getting hurt because it allowed them to play the savvy veteran that is Jon Kitna.


Time to put this one to rest. I think the topic has run it's course.

We're going to the NFL Forum with this one.

Ben, Good luck with your recovery. :sure:

Good Night

by the Beatles

from the White Album

Now it's time to say good night

Good night Sleep tight

Now the sun turns out his light

Good night Sleep tight

Dream sweet dreams for me

Dream sweet dreams for you.

Close your eyes and I'll close mine

Good night Sleep tight

Now the moon begins to shine

Good night Sleep tight

Dream sweet dreams for me

Dream sweet dreams for you.

Close your eyes and I'll close mine

Good night Sleep tight

Now the sun turns out his light

Good night Sleep tight

Dream sweet dreams for me

Dream sweet dreams for you.

Good night Good night Everybody

Everybody everywhere

Good night.

And yet, he's compiled two near-perfect QB ratings against the Bengals and Broncos in the Playoffs. Not to mention his 90+ rating against the Colts. A guy who doesn't need much prep to play at a high level....why is that so bad? I don't understand your point.

I'm not surprised you didn't get the point. You're not very bright.

The point the writer was making had to do with the lack of maturity frequently shown by the Biggest Ben. He pointed out how poorly Ben has played in the Super Bowl and previously in playoff games against the Patriots and Colts and he wondered aloud just how good the dumb kid might be if he actually applied himself. He specifically called out Ben for his disdain for film study while others have mocked the fat face and tubby belly that Ben sports. Granted, Ben is physically gifted and he hasn't paid much of a price for doing just enough to get by, but it's fair to wonder how good he could be if he actually worked hard. And yes, I realize that you could care less about these things because the Steelers just won a championship, but I wonder what your reaction to Ben's pitiful Super Bowl performance might have been if the Steelers had come up short.

You'd probably care, right? You'd probably mention how badly Ben played, right? And you might even be smart enough to question the kids lack of maturity under those circumstances, right? Or do you question those things only when his empty head hits the curb?

06/12/06 - The day SteelerNation crapped it's pants.

Dear genius,

Saying that having an experienced QB playing in a playoff game (as opposed to a second-year starter) may have benefitted the team is not the same as making light of the guy's injury. Nice try.

Guys like me never made light of Palmer's injury.

Sure you did. You're the fugtard who claimed that the Bengals actually benefited from Palmer getting hurt because it allowed them to play the savvy veteran that is Jon Kitna.

Nice try? I don't think so. You're exactly the type of fan that you're complaining about. Anyone who would claim, as you did, that the Bengals benefitted from Palmer's injury is indeed making light of the situation, and anyone who claimed that Kitna is better than Palmer is just a Steeler troll who was making excuses for the way Pittsburgh won a playoff game.

Let's face it, you're an asshat who pretends that being classy matters to you. But when push comes to shove you're just as willing to make light of the harm suffered by players of opposing teams. You've actually proven it.

Frankly, I think you're a liar, a hypocrite, a drama queen, and I'm pretty sure you're sitting in a rapidly cooling pantload full of watery panic poop. So I hope you don't mind if I laugh at you a little bit.

06/12/06 - The day SteelerNation crapped it's pants.


That article didn't seem so negative to me. I think your inner anger has embellished his point a bit. Anyway, I never shied away from criticizing his horrible play in the Super Bowl. If we had lost I would have put the blame on him, mostly. But at the same time he carved through three playoff teams like a hot knife through butter. We wouldn't have been there if it weren't for his brilliant play. So he had a bad game, they all do. So maybe he's not as mature as wonderboy Palmer, few are at that age. Again, he just won the championship and, apparently, didn't need to study and put a lot of effort in to do so. Maybe he's the type that shouldn't "overthink" things. Perhaps he's better at winging it, reading defenses on the fly and avoiding the long hours of film study that is preached to young players. Maybe he's just smarter than you think, and doesn't need to study like the others. You and this writer don't know anything, you're not there when he practices, studies film or anything else. You're making assumptions about his intelligence. He's banging some of the hottest girls in the country, makes millions a year and seems to have a great family. He's also an icon.

He's not pointing guns at kids or throwing his career away because he can't stop smoking weed, that dubious honor belongs to a current Bengal. Get some perspective. I'd rather have on my team hard-headed jocks who do stupid things that put themsleves in danger (and learn from their mistakes) rather than moronic thugs who aim pistols at 13 year olds (what a man). Which character would you rather have on your team?

I'm not surprised you didn't get the point. You're not very bright.

The point the writer was making had to do with the lack of maturity frequently shown by the Biggest Ben. He pointed out how poorly Ben has played in the Super Bowl and previously in playoff games against the Patriots and Colts and he wondered aloud just how good the dumb kid might be if he actually applied himself. He specifically called out Ben for his disdain for film study while others have mocked the fat face and tubby belly that Ben sports. Granted, Ben is physically gifted and he hasn't paid much of a price for doing just enough to get by, but it's fair to wonder how good he could be if he actually worked hard. And yes, I realize that you could care less about these things because the Steelers just won a championship, but I wonder what your reaction to Ben's pitiful Super Bowl performance might have been if the Steelers had come up short.

You'd probably care, right? You'd probably mention how badly Ben played, right? And you might even be smart enough to question the kids lack of maturity under those circumstances, right? Or do you question those things only when his empty head hits the curb?

06/12/06 - The day SteelerNation crapped it's pants.


Grow up already. Get over the loss. Ben sliced up the Benglas' D like a strip steak. That's why you lost. No one knows for sure but my opinion is I would rather have a decent backup QB with playoff experience lead my team in the playoffs than an unproven playoff performer. Key word there is decent, because Kitna played pretty well. If you know football at all (highly unlikely) you know that playoff games are different from regular season games. Experience is key, and I'm sure if you did a study you'd find that it's a strong correlator to success in the playoffs. That's my point, twist it any way you want, that's all you know how to do.

You people always seem to forget the rest of that game. Like the injury was the end of the game, nothing else mattered because, as we all know, had he stayed in the game it would have been a different outcome. But Palmer didn't play defense. He wasn't lost in the secondary. His teammates were. Lest you forget. Moron.

Nice try? I don't think so. You're exactly the type of fan that you're complaining about. Anyone who would claim, as you did, that the Bengals benefitted from Palmer's injury is indeed making light of the situation, and anyone who claimed that Kitna is better than Palmer is just a Steeler troll who was making excuses for the way Pittsburgh won a playoff game.

Let's face it, you're an asshat who pretends that being classy matters to you. But when push comes to shove you're just as willing to make light of the harm suffered by players of opposing teams. You've actually proven it.

You and this writer don't know anything, you're not there when he practices, studies film or anything else. You're making assumptions about his intelligence. He's banging some of the hottest girls in the country, makes millions a year and seems to have a great family. He's also an icon.

The writer and I aren't making assumptions about his work habits. We're reacting to direct quotes from Ben and his head coach about how little he prepares. The assumptions that it doesn't matter are being made by you, and the reason you can do so is because 52 other Steeler players made up for Ben's pathetic Super Bowl performance. Oddly enough the article makes it clear that Ben understood how badly he had played in the most important game of his career, and when reading about his distress you have to wonder if he was finally questioning his poor work habits. But why bother working harder when fans like you will make excuses for his lack of maturity. After all, he's an icon.

As for his intelligence, he's currently eating pudding through a straw. "nuff said.

06/12/06 - The day SteelerNation crapped it's pants.

Grow up already. Get over the loss.

The loss isn't the issue being discussed. While standing atop your soapbox you made the claim that you never made light of Palmer's injury, but the truth is that you once stupidly claimed that the Bengals actually benefitted from his injury. That's not only one of the stupidest things ever uttered on this board it shows the very same lack of sensitivity that you've complained about for days. (Karma?)

Thus, you're a hypocrite. Worse, if you actually believed what you wrote you're as dumb as a housecat. And if you didn't believe it then you're a complete fake. My money is on the latter, but I guess you could be as dumb as you seem. It's possible, right?

So again, I'm laughing at you and your ilk, not because Ben got hurt because that wasn't funny. What's funny is watching all of SteelerNation panic poop in their pants

06/12/06 - The day SteelerNation crapped it's pants.



CT STILLER WRITES: "He's banging some of the hottest girls in the country, "












Ah, but it's constantly being brought up by you Bengals fans. I mean, everyone knows the ONLY reason the Bengals lost that game is because Palmer was hurt, right? We had to cheapshot our way through the game because we knew if we didn't we would have been killed.

You can spew all you want, but what I said was not making light of Palmer's injury. It was meant to put things into perspective for idiots like you who can't grasp a simple concept.

The loss isn't the issue being discussed. While standing atop your soapbox you made the claim that you never made light of Palmer's injury, but the truth is that you once stupidly claimed that the Bengals actually benefitted from his injury. That's not only one of the stupidest things ever uttered on this board it shows the very same lack of sensitivity that you've complained about for days. (Karma?)

Thus, you're a hypocrite. Worse, if you actually believed what you wrote you're as dumb as a housecat. And if you didn't believe it then you're a complete fake. My money is on the latter, but I guess you could be as dumb as you seem. It's possible, right?

So again, I'm laughing at you and your ilk, not because Ben got hurt because that wasn't funny. What's funny is watching all of SteelerNation panic poop in their pants

06/12/06 - The day SteelerNation crapped it's pants.

Thanks you for the invalauble feedback. The girl on the right ain't so bad. I'm sure she doesn't have an online PhD, like you do, but she can probably hold her own. But I don't get the fat girls reference at all. Plus, his high school picture looks normal to me. He probably did ok there. But since you have Jungle Fever (no pun intended) I wouldn't think you'd be attracted to him.










Ah, but it's constantly being brought up by you Bengals fans. I mean, everyone knows the ONLY reason the Bengals lost that game is because Palmer was hurt, right? We had to cheapshot our way through the game because we knew if we didn't we would have been killed.

You can spew all you want, but what I said was not making light of Palmer's injury. It was meant to put things into perspective for idiots like you who can't grasp a simple concept.

Again, you're a liar, a hypocrite, a fake, and quite possibly a fool. You claimed you didn't make light of Palmer's injury yet I can very easily point to an example where you did just that. And in response all you can do is ignore the matter at hand, the way you mocked a players injury, by attempting to change the subject to the results of the game itself. But you're not here today because there was a discussion about the results of that game. And you're not here to make fun of Chris Henry's latest brush with the law. You're here to complain about the way some people have reacted to Biggest Ben's self inflicted injury. But even the likes of you should be smart enough to realize that because you made light of Palmer's injury you have no moral high ground on which to stand while you chastise other fans. After all, they're just doing what you've already done.

I tell ya' it's karma, and the more you whine and complain the funnier it gets....because you're the very sort of trash you're complaining about.

06/12/06 - The day SteelerNation crapped it's pants.

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