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I try to avoid over-reacting to news stories I read in the heat of the moment, but this is getting ridiculous.

That is now 3 arrests in one offseason. He's a very talented player, and we're a better team on the field with him there... but we aren't relying on him, and at some point you need to cut your losses. This guy is a distraction and will continue to be one. His claims of growing up and learning from his mistakes are clearly lip-service. I like how much potential he has, and I'm still doubting he gets cut unless he serves jail time... but at some point the off-field baggage isn't worth any amount of on-field production. We are so deep at WR, it might be time to let him go.

Maybe they can tell him they're going to cut him unless he reworks his contract, and they put a clause regarding these arrests. Although, I'm still not sure he would learn. I know we can't cut him because of the trouble with the law... but we could at least require him to check into the Betty Ford clinic... or something to get him away from football, and out of our hair.

I try to avoid over-reacting to news stories I read in the heat of the moment, but this is getting ridiculous.

That is now 3 arrests in one offseason. He's a very talented player, and we're a better team on the field with him there... but we aren't relying on him, and at some point you need to cut your losses. This guy is a distraction and will continue to be one. His claims of growing up and learning from his mistakes are clearly lip-service. I like how much potential he has, and I'm still doubting he gets cut unless he serves jail time... but at some point the off-field baggage isn't worth any amount of on-field production. We are so deep at WR, it might be time to let him go.

Maybe they can tell him they're going to cut him unless he reworks his contract, and they put a clause regarding these arrests. Although, I'm still not sure he would learn.

Is there an NFL record for offseason arrests? If he breaks it, do his mugshots go to Canton?

Seriously, this is something I've never understood: I'm an athlete. Trouble seems to follow me because I'm either unlucky or a "turd." Wouldn't I hire a guy, pay him $50,000 a year, and task him with driving me everywhere I want to go and generally following me and making sure I don't get in trouble? This guy would be in charge of getting rid of my weed, keeping me out of fights, driving me home when I'm trashed/stoned/stupid, keeping charge of my firearms, and talking to the cops.

Maybe all the guys smart enough to do that don't get arrested three times in 6 months in the first place?


Not sure about achohol related incidents, but it would seem to me that this is not in the same category as the weapon and drug charges...

...might just be wishful thinking.




we'll see. im not gonna add my 2 cents until training camp starts...wonder if he'll be there.

he will, but he will be suspended the first couple of games. The NFL's policy now comes into affect.

Henry aint going no where though...only one of the 2 WR's will make the team, and he wont play at all. We neeed Henry, he just needs to mature a little bit, and how it seems, it will take time.

:blink: WTF, you have got to be kidding me...CHenry has been charged with smoking pot while driving, carrying a gun while riding, now being drunk again while driving...it is to wonder how someone is not dead yet while running across CHenry's path...I am in the cut our losses now boat, it is evident that CHenry can't or won't stay out of trouble, so get rid of him, how is it that CPalmer knee injury was much worse that CHenry's and he is praticing and CHenry is still in street clothes, how serious is he about playing football this year anyway if he hasn't been rehabbing...he would rather point a gun at innocent people or smoke or drink in the middle of the night while driving...

If I wasn't a diehard loyal Bengal fan through and through, I think that they would be my least favorite team in the NFL. Think about it--Chad Johnson gets on a lot of people's nerves and is a bit over-the-top, TJ is a great competitor but is kind of a punk, we're fairly soft, and we now have a pretty good rap sheet going. It is a bit embarrassing to be a Bengals fan right now.

Luckily, our AFC North competition is doing a pretty good job of keeping up with us on the arrest count, as difficult as that is.

If I wasn't a diehard loyal Bengal fan through and through, I think that they would be my least favorite team in the NFL. Think about it--Chad Johnson gets on a lot of people's nerves and is a bit over-the-top, TJ is a great competitor but is kind of a punk, we're fairly soft, and we now have a pretty good rap sheet going. It is a bit embarrassing to be a Bengals fan right now.

Luckily, our AFC North competition is doing a pretty good job of keeping up with us on the arrest count, as difficult as that is.

Agree on all points except TJ. I really like his nasty streak - he's tough without being a punk. He doesn't run his mouth for no reason, but he doesn't take crap from anybody and he can play physical as well as anyone.

He's definitely one of my favorite players. Oh, and I think we'll look less soft with Madieu back.


Maybe Henry is secretly taping his own reality show where he breaks a different part of the penal code every few weeks. Perhaps this is part of some masterplan rollout strategy on behalf of the reality show...

Maybe Henry is secretly taping his own reality show where he breaks a different part of the penal code every few weeks. Perhaps this is part of some masterplan rollout strategy on behalf of the reality show...

Yeah, it's called COPS and it's on Fox, already.

So PFT finally got on the ball... "HENRY COMPLETES THE TURD TRIFECTA"

I still like "Asshat trick" as previously mentioned on here (can't remember who came up with it, but nice).

Asshat trick was Hair's, I think.

As for Florio, I told ya the "turd" was on its way! :lol:


Chris Henry is STUPID -- when is he going to learn?

He is a very good player -- but he reminds me of Reggie Rembert -- dumber than a rock and just can't seem to get his act together.

I keep hoping that Henry will see the light and try to stay out of trouble -- but I guess he just can't seem to understand how this trend will lead him to problems or to the Raiders.

Looks like the Raider will be getting another good receiver. (Maybe we can get a 2nd or 3rd round draft pick :lol: )

I really like what Henry brings on the field for the Bengals -- BUT, I can't see Mike or ML taking much more of this crap without a trading this troubled young man to someone who is willing to put up with him.


So PFT finally got on the ball... "HENRY COMPLETES THE TURD TRIFECTA"

I still like "Asshat trick" as previously mentioned on here (can't remember who came up with it, but nice).

Asshat trick was Hair's, I think.

As for Florio, I told ya the "turd" was on its way! :lol:

PFT Rumor Mill word count for "turd" = 16.

New requirement for Bengalszone writers. The word turd must be mentioned at least once in every pargraph. We must break Florio's record!!!

On topic, I wouldn't cut Henry, but he wouldn't get any playing time next season regardless of what the suspension is going to be. He needs some time to go to a doctor to see what's wrong with his brain. There must be some kind of damage.

can you pup/ir him for being a retard?

Isn't thre a rule you can only inactivate (team suspend) a player for 4 games? I would like to call it the "TO" rule.

League rules say you can't cut a player for off-the-field issues...but can mental injuries (Being a retarded dumbass) count as a reason? :lol:


You know, no matter if he stays with the team or gets cut... we are all going to be forced to listen to the Bengal Rap Sheet talk all year long on National TV. It could get ugly at visiting stadiums, too. Especially at the Pound.



Can I not go to my corporate golf outing and just take it easy without missing the STUPIDEST player to ever wear stripes get nabbed for another problem????

What can be said at this point...this guy has negative intelect...it is a wonder his involuntary brain functions actually work...


Time to send a message, Mr. Lewis...loud and clear....no more kid gloves, special handling, league programs, etc. DO it now. CUT HIS ASS.....


Coming soon to a rookie seminar near you....How Not to Get Arrested For DUI, aka Chris Henry 101.

The syllabus:

Lesson #1 Body Fat Is Your Friend (why reed-thin WR's can't drink as much as 300 lb. linemen)

Lesson #2 How Not To Speed (don't pass other cars when you can't read the spedometer)

Lesson #3 Being Inconspicuous (leave the tricked-out SUV's with 22" rims at home...and your jersey, too)

Lesson #4 Late Night Economics (why taxis and hotel rooms are cheaper than fines, lawyers and suspensions)

Education is a good thing.


Okay... I just read Hobson's take on it, and I didn't realize he only registered at .092. That is above the legal limit of .08... but only slightly. He was probably just driving with what he thought was a decent buzz, but didn't think he was drunk. This falls under the "very dumb" category for me. It further shows his stupidity, because if you are driving with any type of buzz, you shouldn't be driving at almost 20 mph over the limit.

The other two arrests prove he's a punk that needs legitimate help, and might be a real distraction to the team. This one wouldn't be as big a deal to us if it had happened to anyone else. Had this been someone like Deltha O'Neil, or Chris Perry, we might be inclined to let it slide as a stupid mistake... but Henry, well, he's worn out his welcome.

I still imagine he stays on the team... but it is definitely time to do something. I don't know exactly what it is... whether it be a required body guard to watch over him, rehab, or just a year off... but it's overdue. If the kid doesn't get help, or soem real consequences, the team will pay. I'm beginning to think a year in jail might do this kid some good.


How Stupid do you have to be?!?!?!?!

How cheap do you have to be?!?!?!

Wouldn't a sane person HIRE A DAMN DRIVER?!?!

You would not have to hire a full time driver just when you are going to be drinking!!!

The person you hire does not have to be sober(hell you are dumb enough to drive drunk so whats the difference except for the fact that you wil not be able to play football if you get caught) JUST LET SOMEONE ELSE DRIVE !!!

Hire an illegal alien they seem to be imune to law in America - if you are drinking or on something JUST LET SOMONE ELSE DRIVE !!--- How hard is that to figure out ???!!!

You are a NFL WR and well paid you cant spare the price of a driver !!!???????

We need a new draft criteria BEFORE we look at 40 time or anything else COMMON SENSE !!!

Cut Henry,Rucker,and Nicholson and give their roster spots to people(non-thugs)who respect their team , fans,society and themselves and save yourself from the problems and distractions and future distractions with sane people who love the game and try to live within the rules of society!!!!!!!


All I can think of is the interview he did last year with Hobs when he arrived at Georgetown. He sounded like the dumbest person in the universe in that interview. Some people said he was "just shy and soft spoken" at that point and not really dumb. Hmmmmm, how 'bout now???


I dont thing the intellectual capacity of Mr. Henry is overflowing..

Im sure the team has had numerous talks with him concerning his behavior patterns.

I dont think its sinking in..

He's a bad image for the team.

His teammates might think there's a doublestandard if nothing is done about his recent woes.

He has potential to be good but so does other wideouts on the team.

I think you have to sit his butt either by suspension or cut him.

The team will survive without Mr. Henry Im sure...

How Stupid do you have to be?!?!?!?!

How cheap do you have to be?!?!?!

Wouldn't a sane person HIRE A DAMN DRIVER?!?!

You would not have to hire a full time driver just when you are going to be drinking!!!

The person you hire does not have to be sober(hell you are dumb enough to drive drunk so whats the difference except for the fact that you wil not be able to play football if you get caught) JUST LET SOMEONE ELSE DRIVE !!!

Hire an illegal alien they seem to be imune to law in America - if you are drinking or on something JUST LET SOMONE ELSE DRIVE !!--- How hard is that to figure out ???!!!

You are a NFL WR and well paid you cant spare the price of a driver !!!???????

We need a new draft criteria BEFORE we look at 40 time or anything else COMMON SENSE !!!

Cut Henry,Rucker,and Nicholson and give their roster spots to people(non-thugs)who respect their team , fans,society and themselves and save yourself from the problems and distractions and future distractions with sane people who love the game and try to live within the rules of society!!!!!!!

I was pretty much with you until that last comment. Tell me again what Rucker has done to deserve your spite? Because Henry's brain stem is now officially disconnected, you have to take that out on somebody about whom nobody has heard a peep since he was drafted? Check your hysteria level -- Henry deserves it, but nobody else was responsible for his actions.

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