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Josh McNown as a possible backup


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I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on picking up Josh McNown or however you spell it to increase the competition at backup. I realize that he isnt a proven QB but he at least has some previous experience as an NFL starter. He may be a bit to mobile but at least he has experience. Just a thought, wondered what the rest of bengaldom had to say about the thought

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He's the one guy I'd really like to see. He has a nice live arm, and had a better winning percentage (by far) than any other QB out there the last few years. I don't know if he's willing to relegate himself to the role of a career backup just yet, but I don't see any teams that are going to be begging him to be their starter.

In short, I'd be really excited to see him as our backup. And by the way, it's McCown, not McNown

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I looked into the McCown possibility a few days ago myself, and think he just might be available at a reasonable price, and he'd be solid as a 2 if as you say he is willing to accept that role.

He probably would also like to play for a winner for a change :-)

I'd still prefer Kitna at a reasonable price for the continuity, but it seems Kitna will take less money to START elsewhere. We'll see when the FA period opens, I guess.

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I would make a run for him, but McCown has a chance to be a starter. His record in Arizona was better than Warner's. For some reason, Dennis Green won't give McCown a chance to be "the guy." With the dearth of starting QB talent available, he'll have the opportunity elsewhere.

I got that same impression about McCown and Green. I mentioned that I'd like to see McCown in stripes, but I wasn't sure if he's willing to be concede himself as a backup just yet. Like you said, it seems that he'd have a chance somewhere to compete for a starting job.

The problem is that we need somebody who is competent to fill in for Palmer, but anybody who is competent enough doesn't want to come to a team that has arguably the best QB in the league for his age. Another problem is that we have so much money locked up in Palmer that we can't afford to have too much money in a backup QB.

I just saw Brad Johnson's name come up. What about him? I know he likes to check down a lot, so he may be a bit Kitna-esque in that regard. Plus, I'm not even sure he's a FA. I just saw his name mentioned.

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I started McCown on my fantasy team for a couple of weeks and he was awesome. He had several 300 yard passing games. But he also had major weapons to throw to and not much of a running game. I dont think he would ever come here because he knows he would be a backup for a long time.

Unless.... ML tells him privately that CP's rehab is not going well and we would need him for the entire 06 season.

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Kerry Collins has the best arm strength out of all the QB's mentioned but Billy Volek is the best one by far. McCown makes the most since, he's still young and trying to prove himself. If he signs a one year deal and plays good in the first 4-6 games, he can work himself into a hefty contract in 2007. What QB wouldn't want to come to Cincy and have a chance to start. We have a great offensive line, good WR group, a punishing RB, one of the best FB(in my opinion), and one of the best catching third down RB's in the league. He could blow-up in six games and make himself one of the most sought after FA in 2007.

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Kerry Collins is nothing like Jon Kitna, what are you talking about? The reason I want him is because our offense is all about getting the ball down the field. Collins easily has the best arm strength out of what will be available, and with good protection and a good running game, he can still play the position very effectively imo. Remember you arent going to get a great qb as a backup, i think Collins is the best of whats available because hes fits what our offense does the best.

Dont forget, the guy was in the super bowl just 4 or 5 years ago.

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The think about McCown is that he has more experience running an offense than just about any other QB we would be ablt to sign as a backup... with the exception of Kitna.

McCown though would do himself major favors long term by coming here. He would have a chance to start up to 6 games for a great offense, make himself look good, and get a payday for another team in '08.

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The think about McCown is that he has more experience running an offense than just about any other QB we would be ablt to sign as a backup... with the exception of Kitna.

if "be able to sign" is defined as "cheap", I don't think McCown will be any more $ than Brooks, who has more experience.

I agree that McCown, or Brooks for that matter, would do well for thier careers by coming here.

Collins has only one thing over kitna...he can launch the ball. But why settle for him, even if he were to leave Oakland, when a guy with better wheels and isn't prone to dropping the ball everywhere will be avaiable? Beyond the arm, Collins is Kitna minus 40 IQ points.

Volek will be a ? come draft day. Should (probably) TN take Young/Lienhart, I bet Volek gets dealt. Maybe before the draft, so TN can stockpile some picks.....I'd rather not give up picks to get Volek. Pass.

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I think players like John Navarre and all of those 7th rounders come into the league expecting to be career backups.

I think if you asked Navarre, or any other QB in the NFL no matter where they were drafted or not drafted, you'd get a different response. They play pro football to start. You find me one that's happy as a backup, and that's one QB I don't want. Not even Jon Kitna truly wants to be a backup.

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I think players like John Navarre and all of those 7th rounders come into the league expecting to be career backups.

I think if you asked Navarre, or any other QB in the NFL no matter where they were drafted or not drafted, you'd get a different response. They play pro football to start. You find me one that's happy as a backup, and that's one QB I don't want. Not even Jon Kitna truly wants to be a backup.

Agreed on the no one wanting to be a backup. Find a QB whose all driving purpose, while being a starting QB in college, is to be a backup at the next level and I'll show you someone who has no business being a QB at this level to begin with. I bet New England is happy Brady didn't think that way !!!


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