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Everything posted by TJJackson

  2. ah, somewhat related item: a twitterer or two has switched from liking the Bills fanbase to loathing them because of some accusations of dirty play by Henderson and Hurst To me, this is just the ravings of a few individuals. There's always going to be a bad apple or two in a barrel - after all, we have Amphar and GregCook right here as classic examples, and DontPushMe a long long time ago So Bills Mafia? I still luv ya guys regardless of this (but sorry, I still want your team to shit the bed this weekend, because it would help my Bengals)
  3. FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FUCKWAD FUCKIN 25 OWNERS FUCK YOU (yeah, Im still furious, in case that wasnt obvious)
  4. FUCK GOD_DELL and the 25 OWNERS
  5. fucking worthless league fucking owners
  6. FUCK YOU 25 OWNERS need to be said twice rarely has anything NFL-related made me more angry than this unlubed butt-fucking the Bengals were voted to take you almost get the feeling that these owners wanted to punish the Bengals for doing the right thing that day
  7. Fucking league and their fucking Bengals-fucking rules adjustments FUCK YOU LEAGUE OWNERS (well, 25 of you)
  8. I do have some affection for the Bills, and have had it since the year Dalton helped them get into the playoffs, but I do want them to lose this weekend so we can get the 2 seed Sorry Bills and Bills Mafia. luv ya, but luv the Bengals more :-)
  9. The only scenario I am comfortable with is the seeds being determined by win percentage rather than win totals, and with the seeds set, everything else proceeds as normal which would means we're likely the three seed with an off chance at the two seed. thats fine. we shoulda coulda beat the Rapistburgers in game 1, but we didn't. Live with the consequences. I dont want any of these half-baked coin-toss-neutral-field bullshit scenarios to proceed They can talk about that in the offseason for 2023 and beyond, but not for 2022
  10. My money (I have some change in my pockets going jing-a-ling-a-ling) is on the seedings and how they work proceeding completely unchanged, with the only difference being that the win percentage will be used instead of total wins to determine who gets what seed. I dont see any of this neutral field and other nonsense taking place in 2022 I could see that changing for 2023, maybe, but like Pumpkin says that is best saved for offseason discussions related aside: I threw up in my mouth a little when I realized I agreed with Pumpkin
  11. Theres been talk that if it becomes Bills vs Bengals it gets played at a neutral site but yeah, thats just talk what would be far more likely is as you say.... if the Bills and Bengals both win, KC gets whoever is left aside from these two and the Bengals and Bills go at it again, this time at Buffalo Lets hope New England beats them this weekend and we take seed 2
  12. Well, I do talk about seedings, but I dont think Ive gone to the extent of bitching about it (not saying you are referring to me, but I think its still ok for folks to wish we would have beaten the Bills and earned the 2 seed outright, with a shot at the 1 seed) we were either a 3 or a 4 last year as best I recall, and we made it to the Big Game Would I have preferred to pick up a higher seed? Absolutely. But in the big picture, its fine. But calling it unfair, yeah, there need be no talk of that. What we shoulda done was take care of business in game 1 against the fucking Rapistburgers. We made our bed in week 1, and shit it in week 2
  13. There are two areas in Northern KY called Beaver Lick and Big Bone Lick
  14. They can, actually, and they probably will have to do so under the circumstances
  15. I dont think they can do a coin flip for a W or a L because if the Bills were to win it, they'd take over the 1 seed from KC and there'd be an eternal shitstorm over it I know God-dell wants to get the game played for the money involved, but I dont see it happening at this point, with the Bills having flown home last night. so it'll be either declared a tie or game simply never played. I cant see it going any other way. I really really hate that KC benefits from all of this, but they did also win 13 games, fair and square. If the Bengals had simply taken care of business in game 1, they'd have the 1 seed already. Bed made, lie in it., and all that
  16. I look forward to the ArmyBengal report but I have to work in the morning so off to bed I go
  17. Here's one of the only things that makes me happy at the moment, aside from the guy being alive solidarity against the common enemy :-) of course both teams beat the Chiefs earlier this year.
  18. *shrug* neither result would surprise me, and as I said earlier, I dont really care whether it is declared a tie or a game not played, regardless of how it affects playoff seedings The one thing I dont want to see is the NFL handing the Bengals a W just because we were up 7-3 in the first quarter. and I suspect some in the NFL will try to make that case, unfortunately I ***DO*** want to see these two teams play each other in the postseason. the teams and the fanbases have much love and respect for each other.....probably the friendliest opponents youll find in the NFL.
  19. much much better than what was feared thank god as for the game......my best guess is they play it tomorrow sometime, or failing that, it simply doesnt get played at all If the guy had died, I would have gone with not played at all
  20. I wonder if Army has his cell phone with him tonight and can give the combat medic report on what he saw If the guy passed, I say the game is not played. I dont really care under the circumstances if its considered a tie or just game not played, regardless of whether that benefits or does not benefit us in the seedings The fact that the Bengals were up 4 is more or less irrelevant The Bills are more or less a brother organization to us since Dalton helped get them into the playoffs, and I am proud our fans have been very respectful of the Bills.....you dont see this from the fans in many other cities
  21. which player is it? Dan and Dave just keep saying he and him
  22. the same would be true for Prince tho, and he was/is more needed, I'd say. Prince wouldve been active, in my estimation, and DAnte his usual healthy scratch
  23. Elevating a player only to make them inactive? very, very strange I am glad they signed George I dont like that Prince isnt elevated and active tonight.....not at fucking all
  24. Im am not worried about winning against the Steelers, should we end up facing them what I worry about is the injuries - their specialty is headhunting and inflicting injuries - that may contribute to a loss in one of the playoff games after that
  25. I just hate playing that headhunting team
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